Caching Strategies Based on Information Density Estimation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

The main objective of this M Tech based Caching Strategies Based on Information Density Estimation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks final year Project is to provide new caching techniques in Wireless ad hoc networks. In this software application we can implement different data items and each data item can be worked as a server. Centralized approximation algorithm and localized distributed algorithm are the suitable algorithms to develop this project.

Download Caching Strategies Based on Information Density Estimation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.

Buffer Sizing for 802.11 Based Networks Project

The main aim of this Buffer Sizing for 802.11 Based Networks is to propose two novel dynamic buffer sizing algorithms. The existing system has lots of disadvantages mainly less security, less performance. To overcome the previous problems and provide new features like low cable cost, more accuracy, easy to maintain, etc.

The modules used in this project are buffer sizing module, MAC module, TCP/IP data packet module, Simulation Module, ALT Module and Traffic mix module. This Java Project has implemented under java Eclipse Tool using Java Swings Programming.

Download Buffer Sizing for 802.11 Based Networks Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.

Analysis on Credit Card Fraud Detection Methods Project

The main aim of this Analysis on Credit Card Fraud Detection Methods Project is works with Fraud Detection using Genetic Algorithm & it was developed with Java Netbeans IDE. This project mainly useful in E Commerce systems. All Previous Credit card Fraud detection systems are works with AI, Genetic Programming, Fuzzy logic algorithms. The main disadvantage of this previous system is not efficient for huge amount of data.

Credit Card Fraud Detection Video:

Download Analysis on Credit Card Fraud Detection Methods Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.

Performance of Content Delivery Under Competition In A Stochastic Unstructured Peer To Peer Network Project

Performance of content delivery unser competition in a stochastic unstructured peer to peer network project is a 2010 project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of the project is to implement a algorithm which can reduce average download time from peers. This paper covers the concept of data downloading competition from different peers and there performance while downloading under stochastic, heterogeneous usntructured P2P settings where there is only single downloding peer for stochastic p2p networks.

In experimenting this appliction  we use wifi networks and different mobile clients downloading video file from and analysis the improvement of data transfering using this new algoritham.

Detailed information of this project is explained in the video file.


 download Performance of content delivery under competition in a stochastic unstructured peer to peer network project base paper, project documentation and 2010 paper.

A Privacy-Preserving Location Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks

The main aim of this A Privacy Preserving Location Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks based Java Project is to solve privacy threats when monitoring personal system locations for WSN. Here resource-aware algorithm and quality-aware algorithm used to develop this software application; the advantage of this algorithm is to reduce communication cost as well as computational cost and provides high quality monitoring.

The important modules used in this system are wireless sensor networks Location Monitoring Module, Aggregate locations Module, Mapped Location monitoring Module, Minimum bounding rectangle module. This Total Final year project was coded with Java JFC Swings using Eclipse tool.

Download A Privacy-Preserving Location Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks Project Abstract, Documentation, Base Paper.

Deriving Concept-Based User Profiles from Search Engine Logs Project

Deriving Concept-Based User Profiles from Search Engine Logs 2010 project is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a improve the quality of search results based on user preferences. If a user is searching on word apple then there are many search results like apple phone, apple farming ….etc but the important factor is to provide accurate result for user on what he is searching for.

So in order to provide user friendly results search engines collect information from users on what they are searching and downloading and create user profile for that ip address and based on that information search engine will provide positive results.

This paper covers detailed explanation of user profile strategies based on user interaction on web. In order to improve accuracy for search results we implement several concept based user profiling methods which looks after positive and negative sides of search query.

Detailed explanation of project excecution is explained in the video.


download Deriving concept based user profiles from search engine logs project base paper and docuentation.

A New Approach for FEC Decoding Based on the BP Algorithm in LTE and WiMAX Systems

A New Approach for FEC Decoding Based on the BP Algorithm in LTE and WiMAX Systems is an M tech based final year Project developed under Java technologies & Microsoft SQL Server. The main aim of this current application is to run with belief propagation algorithm to decode the codes and it can be the universal decoder for decoding different set of codes at a time.

The main advantage of the proposed software system is lower implementation complexity. FEC Encoder Module and FEC Decoder module used to design the architecture of this system.

Download A New Approach for FEC Decoding Based on the BP Algorithm in LTE and WiMAX Systems Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Base Paper.

A Fuzzy Self-Constructing Feature Clustering Algorithm for Text Classification

The main aim of this A Fuzzy Self-Constructing Feature Clustering Algorithm for Text Classification 2012 Java & SQL Based Project is to propose fuzzy similarity-based self-constructing algorithm. The previous system works with Support vector machines (SVMs). This final year Project was developed under Java Eclipse Tool & JDK 1.5 using Java Programming language.

Download A Fuzzy Self-Constructing Feature Clustering Algorithm for Text Classification Project Abstract, Documentation, Base Paper.

A Link-Analysis Extension of Correspondence Analysis for Mining Relational Databases

The main aim of this A Link-Analysis Extension of Correspondence Analysis for Mining Relational Databases 2012 Java & SQL Based Project is to propose two-step procedure for relational databases. This System was developed on Windows 2000 Operating System.

Download A Link-Analysis Extension Of Correspondence Analysis For Mining Relational Databases Project Abstract, Documentation, Base Paper.

A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Disease Treatment Relations in Short Texts

The main aim of this A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Disease-Treatment Relations in Short Texts project is to provide better solution in medical domain.

The main disadvantage of the previous Electronic Health Records (EHR) system is not secure and it will take more time get the data from the database but this Java Project works with NLP and ML methods. This Machine Learning Approach Software application mainly designed for final year CSE students under Project criteria using Java & SQL Server.

Download A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Disease-Treatment Relations in Short Texts, Project Abstract, Documentation, Base Paper.