Conditional Shortest Path Routing In Delay Tolerant Networks Project

Conditional shortest path routing in delay tolerant networks is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to provide shortest path between nodes while transmitting data from source to destination. In present system end to end path connectivity is not stable and estimation of future node connection is not known in these networks this system works only on optimistic forwarding while delivering message.

In this paper we propose conditional inter meeting time metric which works on observation of changes in human mobility based on his connection history. Based on this past contacts best path between nodes is calculated.

We show this project by using 20 node connections and sending information using different combinations and analyze the shortest path which is shown in text file.

download conditional shortest path routing in delay tolerant network project 2010 cse abstract and project documentation.

Supporting Efficient and Scalable Multicasting over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

The main objective of this Supporting Efficient and Scalable Multicasting over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is to provide effective Group communications over the network. In this final year M Tech Java & SQL Project we can introduce a novel Efficient Geographic Multicast Protocol (EGMP). The previous system works with geographic routing protocols and we have found major problems in it. There are six modules developed to implement this software application.

Download Supporting Efficient and Scalable Multicasting over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.


A Distributed Protocol To Serve Dynamic Groups For Peer To Peer Streaming Project

A distributed protocol to serve dynamic groups for peer to peer streaming project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in java project. Main aim of this project is implement Smesh frame work which is called as distributed overlay framework for gorups in peer to peer groups where users can change form one group to other group with out disturbing stability of users. Smesh frame work will create stable mesh system for controlling messaging.

Construing delivery trees is important part in mesh dynamic host system for joing and leaving. Delaunay triangulation protocol is helpful in constuction of efficent mesh low maintance cost.

download A distributed protocol to serve dynamic groups for peer to peer streaming project 2010 cse base paper and project documentation.

Virtual Energy Based Encryption and Keying For Wireless Sensor Network Project

Virtual energy based encryption and keying for wireless sensor network project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in visual C# .Net language. Main aim of this project is to implement secure and cost efficient network protocol for wireless sensor networks. Implementing this system is a challenging task in wireless sensor devices because these devices are resource limited devices.

There are three stages where application is tested initially destination displayer application in executed which consists of file receiver path option and files received by isp displayed and file status information displayer. Then VEBEK application is executed which consists of file transmitter displayer with source and destination ip address selection fields and selecting source path file from system.Data is sent from this GUI and output is anlayzed in destination displayer.

Entire project execution is explained in video file.


download Virtual energy based encryption and keying for wireless sensor network project 2010 CSE base paper and documentation.

The CoQUOS Approach to Continuous Queries in Unstructured Overlays

The main objective of this The CoQUOS Approach to Continuous Queries in Unstructured Overlays is to present a scalable and effective middleware system for overlay based systems. The present application works with continuous query model and Cluster Resilient Random Walk (CRW) to overcome the content discovery problems in previous systems. This Final year project developed with JSP to handle server side account details validation, Java programming for work on different systems and MYSQL open source for storing the data in the back end.

Download The CoQUOS Approach to Continuous Queries in Unstructured Overlays Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.

Rate Adaptation In Congested Wireless Networks Through Real Time Measurements Project

Rate adaptation in congested wireless networks through real time measurements project is a 2010 CSE project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project propose congestion mesaruement techniques which can assist to find out congestion related packets in a wireless networking system. In every wireless communication system rate adaptation is the important factor inside wireless communication in present congested networks algorithms are not efficient for controlling congestion in network.

This application is  implemented by developing receiver, sender and queue models. Using front end GUI we can test process of new system. Initially a file is sent through transmitter module through which we can analyze how packet is transmitted in packets and then in queue module we can find the informaiton of packet and at receiving module we can view received packet information where we can analyze congestion rate,transfer time, total packet size and transfer rate information.


Sketch4match Content Based Image Retrieval System Using Sketches

The main objective of this Sketch4match Content Based Image Retrieval System Using Sketches to Relevance feedback is an interactive process. The k-means algorithm is used to implement this project. Java, SQL & Eclipse tool used to develop this final year project. The previous system works with whenever we want to retrieve the image it is very hard to get it from large amount images and it works with Concept Based Query Expansion algorithm. This software application implemented for final year computer science M Tech students.

Download Sketch4match Content Based Image Retrieval System Using Sketches Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.

Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing

The main objective of this Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing is to develop fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) method. This system has 4 main modules namely framework technique module, fundamental technique module, high level technique module, verifying results module.

The system architecture follows customer can send LP problem to the cloud servers and it can be encrypted, then after cloud server verify decrypt the data and send the answers to the customer. Randomized key generation algorithm used to implement the project. Java server pages (JSP), Tomcat web application server, HTML, Java Script, Java, JDBC connectivity, Java Programming and MYSQL used to develop the entire project.

Download Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.


Scalable and Cost-Effective Interconnection of Data-Center Servers Using Dual Server Ports

The main objective of this Scalable and Cost-Effective Interconnection of Data-Center Servers Using Dual Server Ports is how to incrementally deploy FiConn. The main advantage of this present Java & SQl based final year application is for scalable, interconnect huge number of back end server with low cost and gives more network capacity and bisection width.

Download Scalable and Cost-Effective Interconnection of Data-Center Servers Using Dual Server Ports Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.

Sat a Security Architecture Achieving Anonymity and Traceability in Wireless Mesh Networks

The main objective of this M Tech Final Year Project on Sat a Security Architecture Achieving Anonymity and Traceability in Wireless Mesh Networks is to provide solution in between anonymity and traceability objective conflicts. The main modules of this software system are WMNs module, Blind Signature module, Ticket Issuance module and Fraud Detection module. Software requirements for this project are J2me wireless toolkit 2.5.2, Java Swings, JFC, J2ME, SQL Server.

Download Sat a Security Architecture Achieving Anonymity and Traceability in Wireless Mesh Networks Project Abstract, Complete Documentation, Paper Presentation, Base Paper.