A Dual Framework and Algorithms for Targeted Online Data Delivery

The main aim of developing this A Dual Framework and Algorithms for Targeted Online Data Delivery Java Project is to address the task of targeted data delivery. This Final year Project architecture follows with a user can login with his/her profile and can find notifications.

The execution monitoring module can be done by SUP algorithms module. Before sending the data this system can optimize the script. This software application was developed with Java & SQL server.

Download A Dual Framework and Algorithms for Targeted Online Data Delivery Java Project, Project Abstract, Documentation, base Paper, How to run Video File.

A Unified Approach to Optimizing Performance in Networks Serving Heterogeneous Flows

The main aim of developing this A Unified Approach to Optimizing Performance in Networks Serving Heterogeneous Flows java project is to solving network optimization problem by using load balancing method. We have implemented Joint Congestion Control Algorithm to develop this final year project.

This is the top most projects chosen by all engineering final year students and it was coded and well executed with JFrame Builder tool using Java Swings programming. Modules discovers in this system are Packet Forwarding module, load balancing module, input switch module, Joint Congestion Control module.

Download A Unified Approach to Optimizing Performance in Networks Serving Heterogeneous Flows java Project, Project Abstract, Documentation, base Paper, How to run Video File.

A Competitive Study of Cryptography Techniques over Block Cipher

The main aim and objective of the A Competitive Study of Cryptography Techniques over Block Cipher Java based project is to provide cryptography models, text encryption and decryption in the block cipher. To overcome the encryption key management errors at previous system we have implemented this software application to make encryption level more effective.

This Project was implemented on Java Netbeans IDE tool and java programming language under Windows XP operating System.

Download  A Competitive Study of Cryptography Techniques over Block Cipher java Project, Abstract, Documentation, paper Presentation, base Paper, How to run Video File.

The World in a Nutshell: Concise Range Queries Project

In the present software application we have used Optimal Solution Technique to develop The World in a Nutshell: Concise Range Queries Final year C#.Net Project. This present system works with provided user queries can be divided into sub queries and solving each sub query to get the proper output.

Modules created in this project are providing input data module, single dimension module, more than one dimension module, view output result module. We have used heuristic algorithms for multiple dimensions and simple algorithm for single dimension. The main disadvantage of the previous system is not able to provide large scale queries.

Download The World in a Nutshell: Concise Range Queries Project documentation, Paper Presentation, Base paper, Executable output video file.

Scalable Learning of Collective Behavior Project

The main aim of this Scalable Learning of Collective Behavior Project is to work out collective behavior on social networking sites like face book, yahoo, orkut, hi5 and twitter. By this present work we can handle million of social networking users over a network.

To implement this software application we have used 4 major modules 1) extracting the social dimension module 2) Discriminative learning module 3) chart generation for user module 4) chart generation for group module. This final year project was coded and well implemented by using Microsoft .net & SQL.

Download Scalable Learning of Collective Behavior Project documentation, Seminar topic, Base Paper, Abstract,Video file.

Robust Correlation of Encrypted Attack Traffic through Stepping Stones by Flow Watermarking

The main aim of this Robust Correlation of Encrypted Attack Traffic through Stepping Stones by Flow Watermarking .Net project is to identify the intruders while attackers adding any secret key in water marking and without any data packet loss all original files can be stored. This project is a web based application and users can register their details through main index page.

Apart from all his/her personal details like username, email, mobile number, birth date we are going to provide water mark signature option. After registration users can enter into website using username, password and water mark signature where users can embedded images, preview attached images, embedded watermark signature, etc.

Download Robust Correlation of Encrypted Attack Traffic through Stepping Stones by Flow Watermarking Project Documentation, Base Paper, Video file.

Agent Based Efficient Anomaly Intrusion Detection System in Ad hoc Networks Project

Agent based efficient anomaly intrusion detection system in adhoc networks project is 2010 CSE project which explains about implementing a new method for wireless AD-HOC networks for improving security while transmitting data. In general AD-HOC networks data transmitting between clients are not efficient though they are firewall and encryption techniques used they are not enough to solve this problem. There are many cases in this network where data is hacked by other users and selifh clients this is because there is no centralized administration and standard infrastructure.

In this poject we propose intrusion detection method which works on two methods signature detection and anamoly  detection are the two techniques used for intrusion detection system.

More informational on this project is explained in base paper and project execution is explained in below video.

download Agent based efficient anomaly intrusion detection system in adhoc networks project base paper, documentation.

Publishing Search Logs a Comparative Study of Privacy Guarantees Project

The main objective of this Publishing Search Logs a Comparative Study of Privacy Guarantees C#.net & SQL Server based Project is to analyze search engine algorithms for publishing new keywords, top clicked words of a search log. The future enhancements of the present software application are found out a new algorithm to publish search logs for infrequent keywords.

This software system webpage has a search box for all users to search their logs where patients are also having option to login with their user details and upload proper files to their account. Here doctors can login and check the patient’s details, appointment details, and can publish article about the treatment.

Download Publishing Search Logs a Comparative Study of Privacy Guarantees C#.net & SQL Server based Project total documentation, Base Paper, Execution Video file and seminar topic.

Fault Tolerant Mobile Agent Based Monitoring Mechanism for Highly Dynamic Distributed Networks Project

Fault tolerant mobile agent based monitoring mechanism for highly dynamic distributed networks project is a 2010 project which explains about implemented effective and error free mechanism for mobile agent related monitory mechanism for adapting to different senarious like network topology, removing and adding resources and supporting different network patterns.

In order to implement this appliation user should be familier with basic system settings and knowledge on java programming with sql server database settings.

Detailed information about the project is provided in base paper and project documentation and excecution process is explained in below video file.

download fault tolerant mobile agent based monitoring mechanism for high cynamic ditributed networks project base paper,documentation.

Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering

The main objective of this Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering final year C#.Net & SQL Server Project is knowledge representation over user profiles. The previous software application works under TREC Model, Category Model and Web Model but these models are having some disadvantages.

To overcome this problem we are going to implement local instance repository (LIR). In this system user has multiple options to register over the website using his/her personal information, uploading files, view users, search & download proper files, personalize files, add to local repository.

Download Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering Project total documentation, Base paper, Paper Presentation, Execution video file, and Help document