Anonymous Query Processing In Road Networks Project

Anonymous Query Processing In Road Networks project is a 2010 project which is implemented in ASP.Net platform. Main aim of this project is to provide solution about mapping of routes when we are at unknown location. This application will provide users with source and destination options to trace out list of locations and its distances with optimal value option. User can also trace out best route among the listed routes which is more comfortable for drivers based on factors like road route, optimal value and distance.

Other features provided In this project are routing, control centers and tourism. In control center module user can log in to account and give ratings about the route which will be useful for other travelers.

For more information on this project you can download base paper and overview about the project execution is provided in below video.

download Anonymous query processing In road networks projects base paper, abstract and documentation.

Optimal Service Pricing for a Cloud Cache .Net Project

The main advantage of this Optimal Service Pricing for a Cloud Cache .Net Project is best solution to the pricing related problems. This Software application architecture consists of user, internet coordinators, and database administrators.

This project web page contains different options like user can create an account; existing users can login with their login details, navigation menu, etc. Here users can enter their bank account details like bank name, account number; account type, mobile number, and users can upload and download images.

Download Optimal Service Pricing for a Cloud Cache .Net Project Documentation, Paper Presentation, base paper, execution file.

Monitoring Service Systems from a Language-Action Perspective project

The main aim and objective of this Monitoring Service Systems from a Language-Action Perspective project is to provide new method for monitoring of new service systems.

This Project home page designed with C#.Net, HTML and database has designed with SQL server to store all users details. Main index page providing option to users to register into the website and can provide his/her information. After registering into website the user can see the different product names with available rates. If any user wants loan to buy the product there is an option to apply for loan and he/she can order for the transport and goes to amount transaction. System can send order confirmation mail & mobile SMS to the user.

Download Monitoring Service Systems from a Language-Action Perspective project  Project documentation, Base paper, Execution Video File, Seminar Topic.

One Size Does Not Fit All towards User- and Query-Dependent Ranking for Web Databases

One Size Does Not Fit All towards User- and Query-Dependent Ranking for Web Databases has implemented by using .Net technology with MS SQL Server. This Final year Project architecture follows two users admin and user where admin can login with his/her credentials. In the home page admin can insert product name & price, product performance, product future enhancements, etc there admin can see ranking reports also.

While registering product information webpage contains product id, product name, type of the product, product color, product price, product image, etc. After enter all details he/she can submit to the database. User can has the same feature to register and search the product and can have of the option to send feedback to the admin.

Download One Size Does Not Fit All towards User- and Query-Dependent Ranking for Web Databases Project Report, Base Paper, Well executed Video file.

Jamming-Aware Traffic Allocation for Multiple-Path Routing Using Portfolio Selection

The main advantage of this Jamming-Aware Traffic Allocation for Multiple-Path Routing Using Portfolio Selection Project is to overcome the problems of previous system. The previous system has time consuming process and sometimes it can disturb the wireless networks. In the present scenario every time it can update the route path or it can create a new route path for sending messages.

This project was implemented on C#.Net & SQL Server software technologies and it has 5 major modules namely traffic allocation module, impact of traffic jumping module, jammer mobility module, packet success rate module and finally optimal traffic allocation module.

Download Jamming-Aware Traffic Allocation for Multiple-Path Routing Using Portfolio Selection Project Documentation, Base Paper, How to execute video file and other reference papers.

Integration of Sound Signature in Graphical Password Authentication System

The main objective of this final year Integration of Sound Signature in Graphical Password Authentication System project is to provide the sound signature in graphical system and reduce the chances to forget the password. Cued Click Points (CCP) used to develop this system because of reduces the time limit & increase the system speed and accuracy.

The present system has master & detailed vector profile vectors to implement this application where master profile consists of unique used name, sound signature and detailed vector consists of cued click points and images.

This software application webpage contains new user Registration Process where user can generate unique user name by using this user name he/she can select sound signature, level of tolerance, image selection, and click point selection. Etc.

Download Integration of Sound Signature in Graphical Password Authentication System project Documentation, Base Paper, output video file.

Exploring Application Level Semantics for Data Compression

The main aim of this Exploring Application Level Semantics for Data Compression project is to propose a clustering algorithm. This software has 4 major modules 1) result view module 2) mining technique module 3) data input module 4) apply compression module. This Data Compression system has developed with Microsoft technologies.

Download Exploring Application Level Semantics for Data Compression .Net project documentation, Base Paper, How to run Video file.

Efficient Computation of Range Aggregates against Uncertain Location Based Queries

The main disadvantage of the previous application related to the system is not applicable for the uncertain location queries. In the present Efficient Computation of Range Aggregates against Uncertain Location Based Queries system we can save the civilian objects while damaging using advanced object filtering technique.

The present scenario works with when any user search any queries using target operations it directly goes to the target location and calculates the time & distance where civilian objects and target objects can be involved in this. Filtering Algorithm and Verification Algorithm used to implement this system, Filtering module, verification module, Processing Query module, Results processing module, and Upload Civilian Objects module used in this .Net based project. C#.Net & SQL Server used to develop this software application.

Download Efficient Computation of Range Aggregates against Uncertain Location Based Queries Documentation, How to run video file, Base paper, Paper Presentation, How to run Text file.

Delay Analysis and Optimality of Scheduling Policies for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

The main objective of this Delay Analysis and Optimality of Scheduling Policies for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks project is to fix the delay performance of the packet data transmit from source path to destination path in Wireless Networks. Microsoft C#. Net Coding used to develop this project. The main modules used in this project are client module, source router module, network router module, destination module and queue flow network module using queuing analysis process.

Download Delay Analysis and Optimality of Scheduling Policies for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks Project Document, Seminar Topic, Base paper, How to run MPG Video file.

Data Integrity Proofs In Cloud Storage Project

The main and objective of this Data Integrity Proofs in Cloud Storage is to minimize the storage overhead of the client and overhead of the cloud storage server. The main disadvantage of the previous system is data encryption and high resource utilization for completing the project.

By using present project we can reduce the storage cost, improving the security & keeping data in backup servers every time. In this scenario the user no need to store the data at his local server. The output webpage of this project contains Owner registration option where owner has to provide all his details to register.

Where secret key generator can send secret key to his mail address finally again it sends cryptography encryption key to his mail. To run this project we should have Microsoft visual studio 2010, SQL Server 2005 and Java Development Kit 1.6 for WAP.

Download Data Integrity Proofs In Cloud Storage Project total documentation, Base Paper, How to run video file.