Cab Management System .Net Project

Project Title   :      Cab Management System .Net Project

    Project Description: Cab Management System is a Web application project was developed with ASP.Net can be useful for common people to use can facility and can useful for corporate company to take care of employees traveling for safe travel. The Cab provider Company Provides Cabs to the small scale industry based on Trips and KMs and it hires vehicle from vehicle owners and pay them weekly, monthly depending on the Plan they belongs. The employees of this company were the data entry operators have unique user ids to log in to the application. They enter the logsheets(roasters) and generate bills for vehicle from this application. They use the application to reduce the dummy(duplicate) logsheets and Back to Back sheets, reports  and repeated work for client and vehicle owner. SQL server 2005 is used for creating database to store all cabs details and employee information who is applying for cab.

  • Entering Logsheets And Fueldetails.
  • Generating Bills on Plantype.
  • Issue Finance For Vehicles.
  • Generating Reports.

   Developer Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Involved in frontend Design and coding of all modules.
  • Database design and writing SP’s.                                                        

   Software environment: ASP. Net(3.5),, Windows XP pro, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, VSS, ADO.Net, MS Visual Studio 2008,Ajax.

Computerizing Computer Training Institute Project

This final year mini project is a windows based application developed with C#.Net and SQL Server 2008. In this Computerizing Computer Training Institute Project for day to day transactions we are implementing the following modules:

1) Login module 2) New User Registration module 3) Welcome module 4) Course module 5) Faculty module 6) Student module 7) Details module.

Each and every module in this computer science mini project comprises of respective records which are user accessible. The index page is a web form which consists of the above listed modules.

Server Room Monitoring, Bhel Accounting System, Serial Receive Voucher

6 Months Diploma In Information Technology  Project Management By C-Dac Pune  has done at BHEL and got an opportunity at Informatics Centre (IFX) for Graduate Apprentice Engineering Training in Computer science, The developer has done number of projects in this Government company,  all the projects are based on the computer science programming languages like OOPS concepts, C++, java, Delphi, (, SQL server, Oracle 10g, PL/SQL, Oracle Form Builder with the help of some projects can be done, these projects are like Server Room Monitoring, Bhel Accounting System, Serial Receive Voucher etc.

Distributors Software Billing System Project

  • Project Title                              :  Distributors Software Billing System Project
  • Technology                                : ASP.Net, SQL Server 2005

                   The “Distributors Software Billing System” is developed with ASP.Net & SQL Server 2005, It is the web based software application designed for the distributors who distribute the small scale company Products. The aim of this Project is to supply the wanted products to the customers or users. This project works with different modules; this makes the Distributors to check their daily Stocks details, Sales details, Order details, Invoices details and Ledgers details. Here in this project the suppliers, Distributors, Traders will play the main role. This web base ASP.Net Application was developed to reduce the burden of the users and also to maintain, Updated and accurate reports of the Records. The SQL server database is designed to reduce the redundancy of the data. Other software requirements used in this final year project are, VB.Net, Web logic tool, Microsoft SharePoint.


  • Manual Test cases were created to validate the functionality.
  • Preparation of Test cases.
  • Review the Test cases and analyze with others.
  • Development of the Entry Criteria and Exit criteria.
  • Execution of Test Cases and Generation of Defect Report.
  • Involved in Testing User Interface, Input domain Testing.
  • Performed Regression testing.

Attorney General VB.Net Project

  • Project Title   :  Attorney General VB.Net Project
  • Technologies  :  Vb.Net and Oracle 8.0

Project Description    :  “Attorney General” is a web based VB.Net application tool for advocates to maintain their office records. This final year B Tech project is very easy to operate and light on system to maintain details about clients and organize the client cases. This software application is developed with oracle database and

Human Resource Management .Net and SQL Project

  • Project Title                      : Human Resource Management .Net and SQL Project
  • Software requirements          : .Net technologies, SQL SERVER

Project Description        : Human Resource Management .Net and SQL Project is a Web based project, the main objective of this web based application is to maintaining a tool as one stop tool for client, sub clients, staff and to the company department. This HR tool has some unique features for security measures while hiring employees to the organization, managing staff and sub clients. This application has developed with ASP.Net & SQL.

 Developer Responsibilities:

  • Understand the overall project picture and its main objective.
  • Involved in preparing Test Cases , reviewing test cases & Executing Test Cases
  • Defect Reporting
  • Involved in Peer Review
  • Perform different types of testing like Functional Testing, GUI Testing, retesting , regression testing , database testing etc
  • Database Validation to check the updated data in the database using SQL server
  • Involved in Daily review meetings with the team members and clients to review project status.

Result Processing system VB.Net project

Result Processing system VB.Net project is a Database support and enhancement project, which involves receiving data from different source systems (like SQL db, excel sheet, Access Db). Then here we are taking the data and processing the Results with the help of different tables.

 Ex: Student information table, Subject master table Course(UG,PG,MCA,MBA etc.) wise marks table, Year(I,II and III year) wise result tables. After that mismatch, the data with other data base team. 

                After this process the databases uploading into the online, then involve in the testing for the monitoring accuracy. The reports are taking from this data, like subject wise, course wise student count for pass or fail.


Statistical Techniques for Detecting Traffic Anomalies through Packet Header Data Project

Statistical techniques for detecting traffic anomalies through packet header data project is cse project which is implemented in Visual Studio C#.Net platform.  

In this paper, we detect the traffic anomalies by monitoring the header data. Some attacks like denial of service led to developing the techniques for identifying the network traffic.

If we have the efficient analysis tool we could prevent the network from the traffic before it could get attacked.

Using the information of destination IP address at router we can analyze network traffic. Discrete wavelet is used in data transformation for detecting the traffic anomalies.

This system will provide effective method for finding out anomalies to the source. 

The multidimensional indicator is used to correlate port numbers and the flow of information through this ports and detect anomalies.

Statistical techniques for detecting traffic anomalies through packet header data visual project 2008 base paper, ppt, pdf and source code.

Student Management System Project

Student management system project is implemented in .Net platform. The main aim of this project is to implement a software application which can manage different areas of students information into single application. 

This application is implemented in seven modules where each module has its own functionality.


Screens covered in this document are

  • Admission
  • Student
  • Accounts
  • Employee
  • Reports
  • SMS
  • Exit. 
  • Descriptions of the Forms that will capture the data from/To the Database.
  • Description of sub Forms.

Scope doesn’t include

  • Details corresponding to the Application Administration functionality at the server side.
  • Common components, which have been defined in respective DLD and HLD documents.

Technologies used 

Form: Dot Net Forms.

Data Base:  SQL Server 2000 

Student management system project report. 

Payroll Management System ASP.Net Project with Documentation and Source Code

Payroll management system is the heart of any Human Resource System of an Organization. Efficiently manage employee information with easy to use interfacing and process monthly payroll shortest time frame and keep employees up to date on his statutory obligation.


It consists of following modules such as

  1. Login
  2. Employee
  3. Administrator


In this module the Employee or Administrator enters the system by using different user names. 


Under this we have seven sub titles                                    

  1. New Employee Registration.
  2. Update Employee
  3. Apply Leave
  4. View Salary Report
  5. Check Leave
  6. Work  Sheet
  7. Forget Password. 

New Employee Registration: 

If the Employee is new to the organization then he/she has to register in the new Employee registration form. 

Update Employee: 

If the Employee want to update his profile then he has to update in the update employee form. 

Apply Leave: 

If the Employee wants to apply for a Leave then he will apply in the Apply leave form.

It contains the leave date, apply date, no of days and reason fields. 

View Salary Report: 

If the Employee wants to see his salary report then he can see it in view salary form 

Check Leave: 

In check Leave Employee can see status of the applied leave. 

Work Sheet: 

In work sheet Employee can enter the work of the day 

Forget Password: 

By using this Employee can retrieve the password 


Under this we have five sub titles 

  1. Delete Employee
  2. Time Sheet
  3. Salary Report
  4. Leave Report
  5. Search Work Sheet. 

 Delete Employee:                                     

In this administrator can delete the employee from the organization by using Employee id. 

Time Sheet 

In this administrator generate a time sheet for employee. 

Salary Report: 

In this administrator generate a salary report for the employee. 

Leave Report: 

In this administrator see the leaves applied by employees and he manages the leaves. 

Search work Sheet: 

By using this administrator can see the employee work sheets.

Existing system:

In existing payroll system the services provided by it are payroll checks and reports, tax reporting, timesheet. Ad11ministrator will maintain the employee information and timesheet.

In this system the administrator will issue a specific ID to the employee. The employee duty is to get registered in the system and submit his particulars.

Also See: Employee Payroll Management System Project in vb.Net

Features of system are maintaining employee information records including time sheet management and other features like generating salary report and leave report.

The system itself would update whatever we required. In normal manual system the possibilities for error occurrence is high. But in this computer assisted system gives all the alert messages, warnings, helps etc. whatever we required. 


The application Payroll System developed by us has made the best possible efforts to satisfy the needs of Employee and Administrator.

The details can be accessed and  the salary calculation is done according to the rules and regulations of particular company in shortest time frame and keep Employers up to date on his statutory obligations. 

Efficiently manage employee information with easy to use interfacing and process monthly payroll along with satisfying features like leave reports ,time sheet and work sheet. So that it promotes clear, transparent, accountable and user friendly administration.                 

download  Payroll management system ASP.Net Project with documentation and source code.