System Information System Vb.Net Project

System information system tool project is implemented in visual basic .Net platform. 

This project is a software application for maintaining information of vendor details and system details in the database.

This tool useful in the college library, Small-scale software companies and system providers for rent.

In this project you can find databse tables and entire project source code.

system information system project source code.

Video Library Vb.Net Project Source Code

Video library system project is implemented in project

The main aim of this project is to provide an online system for sharing movies and adding them to the library.

Users can select different movies from the list and even request for movies through this system.

This application is also implemented in java platform. 

You can download video library system java project from this site.

video library project source code.

School Management System .Net Project

School management system is windows based desktop application developed with & SQL Server 2005 under MS visual studio environment. This computer science engineering final year project maintains total information about the schools or colleges.

The main advantage of this application is to manage all the management activities in the school.

The main aim and objective of this .Net project is to maintain Schools, staff, Students information, library management system, Lab management.

School Management System has been divided into 5 major modules.

1) Student Admission module

2) Students information module

3) Staff information module

4) Fee module and

5) Emailing/SMS to students and staff module.

There are projects like institute management system in, hotel management system, travel management system which comes under management category.

This Project comes under Human Resources and Logistics category.

Online Application for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Project

Project Title: Online Application for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Project

Project Description: The main aim of Online Application for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment project is to provide employments to the rural people and it is used to provide the details of the utilization Government, Benefits for people; here all the households are getting the employment .In this web based application project all the processes can be done through online. Online application details can be stored at SQL Server database.

Financial Suit Axis .Net Project

  • Project Title           : Financial Suit Axis .Net Project
  • Front-End Software Technologies:   MicroSoft.Net, C#.Net, ASP.Net, HTML      
  • Back-End Server   :   SQL Server 2005

Project Description: The Financial Suit Axis Project has developed with Microsoft .Net & SQL Server; it is an automated insurance facility for all occupations. The application starts from registration of the customer. This follows with a series of procedures like inspection and other verifications, which ultimately end up with either registration or rejection. This system is enhancing the facilities provided to the customers by converting it into an automated and online system, C#.Net & ASP.Net used to develop this final year web application.

Process Oriented Work Scheduler and Achieve Planning Software

Project Name         :    Process Oriented Work Scheduler and Achieve Planning Software

Project Description           :    The main objective of this Process Oriented Work Scheduler & Achieve Planning Software project is to maintain the employee and their works through the online application. In this final year engineering project entire data is monitoring by the administrator only. This web application is designed for small scale as well as big scale companies. The system will maintain the check-in time and checkout time daily and will allow the users to enter their work log daily and has a provision to enter the yesterday’s work log details also. It works with the swipe in and swipe out details, Process Oriented Work Scheduler & Achieve Planning Software is a powerful modular Internet/Intranet application framework. It features a scheduler, Meetings, Messaging, address book, file upload and download and feedback. Everything is designed to collaborate online. This entire project was developed with Microsoft web technologies.

A project on Organization Automation

The main aim and objective of this a project on Organization Automation final year .net web application is to automate the organization management. This total project contains below 5 modules:

  • Admin module
  • Manager module
  • Employee module
  • Products (Customer Interface) module
  • Careers module

Some of the other final year projects related to this project category are Organization automation project report, Organization automation project vb, placement Organization automation, Organization automation system, Organization automation software, Organization automation system project report

A project on library management system

The main objective of the A project on library management final year project is to automate the library management system. This software application manages the student details, employee details, books details.

This system deals with the books issue, book return operations, and fine calculations. This also takes care for security options. The main modules of this project are:

Books information management system module, issue-return operations module, personal detail management module, book’s supplier module, student detail module, and employee detail management module.

Here you can download the related projects on vb project on library management system, library management system project java, library management system project in c, library management system project in java with source code, library management system project in c sharp, library management system project in vb 6.0 free download, library management system ppt, library management system documentation

A Project on Medical Shop Management

This web application project is mainly developed for medical shop management related to managing the medical stock and transactions of the business.

This A Project on Medical Shop Management solution will help the medical shop owner to automate all important activities. The main modules covered in this project are:

Medicine information module, transactions information module, sales module, purchase module, personal information management module, supplier module, and customer detail information module.

Refer to:

Download the complete project on Medical Shop Management System in Java & Oracle database using AWT and Swing with ODBC

Donor Management System Project

  • Project Title :         Donor Management System Project
  • Project Environment: ASP. Net(3.5), Microsoft SQL Server 2005, ADO.Net, VSS,C #, Windows XP, Visual Studio 2008.

 Project Description  : Donor Management System is a Web application was developed with & C#.Net which allows only society employees.

    This computer science engineering project deals with food providers in different places in the world and they are collecting Donations from donors who wants to go for donations. The employee in this organization can able to add donor details and donor donation details. And he can able to print donor ID-Cards, transactions list and balance sheets etc.

Developer Responsibilities:

  • Involved in coding using c#
  • Development of user interface using ASP.NET