Implementation Of Zoom Fft In Ultrasonic Blood Flow Analysis

This is Implementation Of Zoom Fft In Ultrasonic Blood Flow Analysis short report about Implementation of Zoom FFT in Ultrasonic Blood Flow Analysis. An adequate blood flow supply is necessary for all organs of the body.

Analysis of the blood flow finds its importance in the diagnoses of diseases. Zoom-FFT technique is simple and affordable to detect the blood clots and other diseases.

This is one of the geographic expeditions made for scanning the intra details of some specific objects using ultrasound named SONOGRAPHY, which is used as an alternative to x-ray photography.

In this report, the method to zoom the image or the scanned data-using zoom FFT has been discussed. It also explains the algorithm to get ZOOM FFT and how it can be obtained via simulation.

Blood flow analysis is done by passing a  high  frequency ultrasonic wave in the blood vessels through a transmitter. The reflected signal is passed to a DSP processor to find the frequency spectrum.  Because  of the high frequency of the ultrasonic wave, the resolution of the frequency spectrum  output will not be good.

In Zoom FFT technique a very small frequency change due to the clot formation can be obtained with a good resolution. It can be used to locate the initial presence of a blood clot.

This project report proposes the Study of Bio-medical signal processing, Mixing down the input signal to the baseband frequency using Hilbert Transform, Finding the down sampling using the decimation process, Obtaining the spectrum output using fast Fourier transform, Simulation is done by Mat lab/C, TMS320C5X/6X DSP processor does the real-time implementation.


Currently, the  report has been tested on the simulation basis, the output of the simulations are satisfactory. Real-time experimentation is being done, using the Piezo electric ultrasonic transducer for verification purpose. The frequencies content from the media are obtained and currently, they are being transformed to image as 2D for visual perception.

3 Replies to “Implementation Of Zoom Fft In Ultrasonic Blood Flow Analysis”

  1. hiii sir i’m doing my project in blood flow analysis. can u send me the details of zoom fft and its simulation program…

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