Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Student Seminar

The Final Year Computer Science Engineering Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Student Seminar talks about what Elliptic Curve Cryptography is. Cryptography is the science of coding some information with an intention of securing it. Cryptography is an indispensable tool today in the vast expanding world of information technology. Today there is an information leak at the drop of hat. Sometimes information needs to be saved and protected. It could be very crucial and very personal information which when leaked could create some massive problems. In a era where transaction happen on line, what we call e-transactions- and people use smart cards in order to buy, sell or indulge in activities like withdrawal of amounts the role of cryptography becomes more and more important.

The world of cryptography has evolved since the time it was invented. These days there are three cryptographic keys in vogue. The switch key, the public key and the hash key. All the three run on specific algorithms. Switch key mode uses a single cay for encryption and decryption. Public key mode uses two keys for encryption and decryption and hash key uses an algorithm that permanently encrypts the information and that too irreversibly.

Elliptic curve cryptosystem is a very secure and proven way to encrypt information whose security rests on the discrete logarithm problem over the points on an elliptic curve. ECC can be used to provide both a digital signature scheme and an encryption scheme.

Conclusion: The public key cryptography stands ahead of all the other models. Implementors today are faced with a choice between three types of public key systems: integer factorization systems, discrete logarithm systems, and ECC. Each of these systems is capable of providing confidentiality, authentication, data integrity and non-repudiation. Of the three, however, the ECC proves to be the best owing to its strength –per-bit factor.

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