Project Title: Distributor Management System Java Project with Source Code
Software Requirements: Java, J2EE, Swings, servlets, Enterprise beans, MS Access.
Project Description: The main objective of developing this Distributor Management System final year Java based project is to provide efficient web based tool for sell company products.
This project mainly consists of website administration module, product supplier module, product distributor module, sales manager module, Sales person’s module.
The previous distributor system was not clear and not able to provide correct results, it was very hard to make the transaction with in less time, so it is a time-consuming process and manual resources should be needed for the old system.
The main disadvantage of the old project is it was designed only for the single person like sales manager, here others not able to know the others sales details and it is not GUI based system and new persons don’t know about computer so it will be very hard to operate the old application, to overcome all these problems we have implemented Java based effective web tool, MS Access played major role in designing database related tables.
Distributor Management System J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.
I want to know about Distributed Management System?
How to run this project and what is the use of this project in our life? What is actually DMS?meaning of distributed & management in this project?How many software required & which of this software.
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I need all this information about the Distributed Management System.
Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.
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