The main aim of this A Web Search Engine-Based Approach To Measure Semantic Similarity Between Words .Net Final Year Project is to measure the semantic similarity between words using web search engine technologies like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. by using some automatic technologies. By using this web search engine based project we can propose a lexical extraction algorithm to extract semantic relations. This project mainly consists of four major modules namly Search Results Ranking module, Lexical Extraction Pattern module, Lexical Clustering module, findout Similarity on Semantic words module.
How this Project works:
- First any user register through this project using registration form.
- Using metadata option they can search words.
- Completes the verification processing using system file.
System Processor : Pentium 4 Processor
Ram Size : 2 GB Ram
Hard Disk Size : 160 Gb
Software Technologies : ASP .Net, C#.Net, HTML, DHTML, Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2005
Operating System : Windows XP, Vista, Win 7
Download A Web Search Engine-Based Approach to Measure Semantic Similarity between Words .Net 2011 Project Document, Base Paper, Output Video & Reference Documents.
Can i get this project code for my assignment in the college.
I want to get this project for my final year project at the earliest.Its kind of very urgent.
I shall be very grateful for your favour.
hi…i lik to do tis project…pls help me…it ll b more helpful if u giv me the code….
hi…i lik to do tis project…help me…it ll b more helpful if u giv me the code…
Can i get this project code for my project.I ‘ll be grateful if u help me in this regard.
please send me the source code of this project
Give me the source code, please. If you don’t want send me code i will call Anonymous….
please send me the source code of this project.I want to do this project on my final year. please i want it quickly.
can i get the source code of this project please??
i need it quickly please..send to my
Sir Give me the source code please
can v implement this project wit java programming language.
Please send me the source code of this project