Monitoring Online Tests through Data Visualization Project Final Year Project having the below Modules:
1. Admin Module
2. User Login Module
3. Test (Client) Module
4. Database (Server) Module
5. Analysis Module
6. Data Visualization
Admin Module
In this module, first it Checks whether he is the authorized admin and once authorized, the admin can able to view the number of registered users for the online test. The admin have the right to Add, Delete or Update the questions with the third party.
User Login Module
In this module, it creates the login for the user by getting their personnel details including their Email, Address etc.After the completion of registration process; they are directed to attend the Online Test.
Test Module
The test module includes the test pattern for the user. The questions are selected from the database, based on respective technique. Once the Registered users entered, they are undertaken by the given questions.
Database Module
This module contains the questions with the correct answers. The user selected answers are verified with the correct answer.
Analysis module
The analysis of the user behavior is monitored with the user’s answer, time taken for each individual answers, question type, etc. The mark is given as per the user’s answer.
Data Visualization
Graphs are plotted according to the user’s mark, and their individual performance. This gives the clear representation of the Users performance.
Kindly send the code of this project.