The Library Management System is an application to manage various tasks such as check out and check in of books, adding the borrowers, and fine management of the books.
1. Search Books based on keywords.
2. Select the book and checkout if available.
3. Check in the book.
4. Pay fines for books checked in after the due date.
5. Add borrowers.
To implement the system, various schemas were built which are described below:
1. Book
The book table contains the ISBN, title, and availability of the book. Here, ISBN acts as the primary key of the table.
2. Book Authors
The Book_Authors table contains the Author_id and ISBN number of the book written by the author. Here, Author_id and ISBN act as the primary key.
3. Authors
The Authors table contains the Author_id and name of the author. Here, Author_id is the primary key.
4. Borrower
The Borrower table contains the card_id, SSN, Name, Address, and phone number of the Borrower. Here, card_id is the primary key.
5. Book Loans
The Book_Loans table contains the Loan_id, ISBN, Card_Id, Date_out, Due_date, and Date_in of the book loans. Here, Loan_id is the primary key.
6. Fines
The Fines table contains the Loan_id and Fine_Amount of the book loans. Here, Loan_id is the primary key.
The application is built on MVC (Model View Control) Architecture.
Libraries and Software Used
Software Used: Wamp(Apache, MySQL, PHP)
Database: MySQL
Language: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL
Libraries: Bootstrap
User Manual
There are 4 navigation links on the index/home page. The following are the functionalities of each tab:
1. Search Books
The user can search books from the database by typing the keywords into the search box provided and clicking the search button. If the keyword matches the records in the database, the result is displayed in tabular format. On clicking the row of the table, the user can proceed to checkout if the book is available by providing the card id.
2. Check in Books
First, the user needs to search for the record by providing the keyword in the search box and clicking the search button. After the results are fetched, on selecting the required row, the user can check in the book.
3. Pay Fines
On clicking the refresh button, the user can see the total summed fines of the borrower based on their card id. On clicking the required row, the user can pay the fines.
4. Add Borrower
By filling out the form and clicking on submit button, the user can add a borrower to the database.
Download Library Management System Project Using PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and MySQL.