Online Ticket Booking System Project Asp.Net Source Code and Project Report

Online ticket booking system project Description:

Online ticket booking system project is implemented in platform using C# programming language. This system is a web portal like easy movies..etc sites which provide online ticket booking. Initially different theaters should register with this application for allowing that theater to available on web site. Then users should register with system and select presently running movies form list and search for details of theaters and book ticket through online payment using credit card or visa card.

Here we provide online ticket booking system UML diagrams, SRS, DFD diagrams, Screen shots, data flow diagrams, sequence diagrams, full documentation…etc.

download Online ticket booking system project source code in and project report with ppt.

171 Replies to “Online Ticket Booking System Project Asp.Net Source Code and Project Report”

  1. Hi,
    I have downloaded online movie ticket booking system.
    There is no database in the database folder.
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    Could you please send me the database file so that I can test and learn from it.
    I would appreciate your help and cooperation.
    Email :

  2. I have downloaded online movie ticket booking system.
    There is no database in the database folder.
    Could you please send me the database file

  3. Hello, Thank you for your valuable services and benefits
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  4. I have downloaded online movie ticket booking system.
    There is no database in the database folder.
    Could you please send me the database file…and coding…on my mail

  5. hi…
    i downloaded the code but there is no database in the database folder… can u plz send me the full database folder….its urgent…

  6. plz send me the database file… otherwise i will get hard on my ass.. from my hod.. plz plz plz send me the database file..

  7. Hi,
    Please help me with few details to create a new online movie ticket booking website…
    Send me a mail how can i create…

  8. plz send online movie ticket booking full project with Designing and coding in plz reply fast and fast

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  10. i downloaded the code but there is no database in the database folder… can u plz send me the full database folder….its urgent…

  11. hey guys can u please send me your database connection details. i want to connect this project to one of my own movie database project.
    it would be very helpful if u please forward the database details/files to my e-mail provided.
    i would be thankful.

  12. Hi,
    I have downloaded online movie ticket booking system.
    There is no database in the database folder.
    I got the folder called

    Could you please send me the database file so that I can test and learn from it.
    I would appreciate your help and cooperation.

  13. I have downloaded online movie ticket booking system.
    There is no database in the database folder.

    Could you please send me the database file so that I can test and learn from it.
    I would appreciate your help and cooperation. Thank you!

  14. please send online movie ticket booking system database my mail adress .
    I would appreciate your help and cooperation.
    its urgent…
    Thank you

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