Introduction to Chess Game Algorithm

Similarly some other studies have ways of different approach,  (Quon, 2005) like concentrating mainly on the algorithm and gaming tree but not concentrating on the AI in the program, in the similar study of  this type  (S. Russell, 1995) has developed a game tree by producing a minimax algorithm, russel has produced some moves from certain position by giving the tree evaluation way, and also he suggested to reduce the search whenever it reaches a certain point of limit. The author also evaluated a method called alpha-beta pruning which will remove the branches of the tree so that it will not affect the final result.

At the same time André Pereira (André Pereira, 2009) suggests that pervasive chess game like programs are very helpful for the AI techniques in games and he also proposes a development that has made in chess game using AI techniques has resulted a very success. So in reference for his way  (Levinson) proposed an article about role of chess in artificial intelligence research  which has evaluated that many AI techniques have their evaluation of devopment in the gaming field in way to make the computer to grand master level and gives a perfect outcome.

For example, Hypothesis Model for developing the game, (Lemeire) (Michelle Cowley, 2004) in this Lemeire comes with outcome that will come by the step by step where each step is related with the next one, in the initial step that is ‘Cognitive study’ he checks the design with the current existing algorithms and  assumes whether the desired outcome is expected or not , in the next step that is the ‘Hypothesis Validation’  he makes an evaluation of the current situation whether it is success or not, then in the next step

‘Theoretical Proof’ after verifying the results from the above stages the inputs for the next step are available then the author has different hypothesis levels for getting the desired outcome, observing the theoretical proof the next step is the implementation where the actual hypothesis way starts, which is by hypothesizing the patterns for the outcome by going in an explanation based research  and verification will done so that the expected outcome is delivered

Similarly there is an approach in the model which was given by Michelle Cowley and that approach is a ‘Scoring Confirming and Falsifying hypothesis’ test in this approach at each stage ways the path to the next stage, in the scoring stage the inputs for the confirming stage are produced, then in the confirming stage the inputs from the scoring are tested in the confirmation bias, then in the Falsification stage the actual results will be produced. 

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