Influence of Shape of Directrix on the Cost of RC Cylindrical and Conoidal Shells

This Influence of Shape of Directrix on the Cost of RC Cylindrical and Conoidal Shells Mechanical Engineering project & Seminar Topic is based on the Cylindrical and Conoidal shells. There are few kinds of cylindrical and conoidal shell. They are Circular Directrix, Parabolic Directrix, Inverted catenary Directrix, and Cycloidal Directrix.

 Shells space roofs are made for plane roofs because these roods cover major floor spaces and utilizes construction materials. The curved space roofs need materials of about 25 to 40% rather than plane elements. The shell roofs are major one because cross section is stressed with direct forces and bending effects. Based on this, shells thickness is very less ranging between 75mm to 150mm.

 The shell structures are very costly. Economically, thin shell roofs are competitive with many same units. The form works cost builds shell roofs costly rather than cement and steel. The costs of form work are made based on precasting mobile forms. The benefits of shell roofs are aesthetically superior, material used is very less, form work is deleted in the starting, and high column free areas are covered.

 Cylindrical shells are the shell structures due to span up to 45m with less material need. They are important structures since it is made by arch forms to remove thicknesses and stresses in the transverse way. The conoid surface is created with movement of straight parallel to a rigid plane.


 The project concludes on the shell roofs which are used for sport auditorium, exhibition halls, hangers, industrial buildings and many span structures. The roofs are very costly and utilized for domes by Romans. The advances like the shell structures make use of prefabricated shell elements.

Download This Influence of Shape of Directrix on the Cost of RC Cylindrical and Conoidal Shells Mechanical Engineering Final Year project.

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