Image Capture Automated Toll Gate MicroController Project Abstract

Introduction to Image Capture Automated Toll Gate MicroController Project:


The system has been designed with a motive to maintain a proper channel system for movement of vehicles in and out within an environment and thus ensuring automatic payment system using RFID. 


The design ensures image capturing, vehicle detection and payment completed. RFID card ensures account details and amount that needs to be paid.  The design will ensure secured movement of vehicles with systematic payment to the toll through which vehicles pass by. 

Brief methodology:

The project requires image processing sensor, RFID card, microcontroller, alarm driver with alarm, RFID reader, Lcd, Keypad, Relay. The image of incoming vehicle is captured using an external device. The external device used in this case can be a camera that can monitor the movement of vehicles. From here image processing sensor is used to process the image. Edge detection filter determine the shape of the vehicle. This enables to differentiate between light and heavy vehicle. The first phase of the process is accomplished by using Image processing toolbox and supported by MATLAB software.

The second phase displays the amount to be collected to the owner of the vehicle on Lcd.

The details are stored in RFID card and amount to be collected is stored in the database. In any case of insufficient amount paid by the owner of the vehicle is notified and this results in activation of alarm. The third phase ensures that if the amount paid by the owner of the vehicle then electronically controlled relay is activated. The system is connected in such a manner using relay that the gate is opened.

This system consumes less power and is easy to initialize.    


The microntroller based system enables proper redeployment of vehicles and database ensures that the financial part is transparent.

The system adopted here is secured and involves less risk of failures.

Download  Image Capture Automated Toll Gate MicroController Project Abstract.

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