Analysis of the system and Design of Secure Chat Program in Quantum Key Distribution

Analysis of the system and Design:

The Existing System of Quantum Key Distribution:

  • Mechanisms and time stamps are necessary for escaping from the attacks. So to provide protecting from the attacks these time stamp or mechanisms are applicable to the key distribution protocol where three parties are involved.
  • At least two communication rounds are necessary when the participants are connected with the challenge response mechanism along with the TC. The time stamp approach is sufficient in absorbing the assumptions of synchronization of clocks whereas it is not enough in distributed systems as the potential hostile networks and normal networks has a impulsive behavior which interrupts the distribution of keys.
  • The existence of passive attacks cannot be identified by the Classical cryptography. The common passive attacks are such as the eavesdropping.

Limitations of Existing System:

There are limitations in using these explicit and implicit Quantum key distribution protocols 3AQKDP and 3AQKDPMA separately. And those limitations are:

  • Identification of security threads in session key is not possible.
  •  Identification of security threads in message is possible.
  • Authentication is provided for the message. 

Proposed System of Secure Chat Program:

                         Quantum cryptography uses the Quantum mechanisms to take in the public discussions and sessions keys. Quantum key distribution protocols are also provided by the quantum cryptography. Quantum cryptography also enables verification of accuracy in session keys and also identifies the eavesdroppers in the communications. In public discussions in quantum cryptography, there is a necessity of qubits and additional communication rounds between the sender and receiver of the information. Quantum cryptography offers techniques that are capable of efficient key verification and suitable for authenticating the user. These techniques are also presented by the classical cryptography.

Quantum key Distribution Protocol there are of two types and they are:

  • Proposed 3AQKDP
  • The Proposed 3QKDPMA
    • Proposed 3AQKDP:

           The information of the 3AQKDP is represented by defining the notations and also with the help of the previous section. In the communication using this protocol TC must be distributed to all the participants as the secret key is imagined besides the TC.

  • The Proposed 3QKDPMA

 3QKDPMA has two phases and they are:

  • Setup phase
  • Distribution phase
  • Setup Phase

              In setup phase the secret key is shared previously by the users along with the TC. And in this phase the qubits are divided based on the secret key distribution that is done previously.

  • Distribution Phase

               In the distribution phase the details how “A” and “B” use the help of TC to share the session key is known. This phase also explains the user authentication explicitly.

This Paper is written & submitted by Vamshidhar A.

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