Shift Swap Management System Using VB.Net and ADO.Net.

Consultants in the company they swap the shifts with each other, they used  To do it manually, using this shift management software in which each and every consultant can send in request to their respective team leaders, upon their approval it will be sent to Resource Planning, after that has been processed, a mail will be posted to the consultant and to their team leaders. 

Shift Swap Management System applications main functionality is to look after time management, attendance of employees and work scheduling information. This application will also help employees to look after their work schedule of the week. This application will help organizations to complete work in time with accurate scheduling methods.

Technologies Used: VB.NET Using ADO.NET

Call Coach Management System Using VB.Net and ADO.Net

One of the departments in UCMS required an automated service in which the team leaders are required to coach the consultant to keep the call quality of the consultant and keep track of the team and individual performance. The tool included user authentication, storing the data of all the consultants call coaches, and generating the scores and team statistics and ranking. 

This Call Coach Management System VB.Net and ADO.Net application is part of software development and quality assurance. This application is implemented using VB.Net and ADO.Net technologies. 

Mysql Database is used as back end application which is used for storing data. This system uses database tool to manage database. Data is stored in to the database when the data into the database when a Call Coach is completed. We can generate reports on individual team scores, team statics and team rankings.

Rate Allocation and Network Lifetime problems For Wireless Sensor Networks

Project Title: Rate Allocation and Network Lifetime problems For Wireless Sensor Networks

Project Description: Nowadays Wireless sensor networks containing huge battery-powered nodes that are covered with altitude of sensing modalities including multi-media sensors and scalar data sensors. Although there have been significant changes, improvements and enhancements in micro processor design and computing, advances in battery technology still lag behind, making energy resource considerations the fundamental challenge in wireless sensor networks. This Rate Allocation and Network Lifetime problems For Wireless Sensor Networks Final Year ECE Project can solve the above problem. The sum of rates of all the nodes in the network can lead to a severe bias in rate allocation among the nodes we advocate the use of lexicographical max-min (LMM) rate allocation.

Download Rate Allocation & Network Lifetime Problem for Wireless Sensor Networks .Net Project, Abstract, Synopsis, Documentation, Paper presentation, ppt, SQL Database.

Municipal Administration System

  • Title Of The Project: Municipal Administration System
  • Technologies Used:  ASP.NET, C#.NET, VB.NET and MS-SQL SERVER 2005


      Municipality Administrative System automates the entire process keeping in the view of database integration apporach.The application has rich User Interface and provides access to the internet and provides good security for the user information as data is not available in the client machine.

This project is categorized into 7 modules:

  • Municipality Administrator module.
  • Municipality officer’s module.
  • Citizen module.
  • Web Registration module.
  • Assets and Inventory module.
  • Advertisement Tax module.
  • Authentication module.

       The working employee on municipality is called as municipality officer. They can perform different functionalities on municipality. The employee need to calculate the tax percentage of an advertisement tax belongs to that municipality. Calculating depreciation, sales of assets, purchase of products, purchase returns and wastage of products.

Responsibilities in project:

Information gathering, designing, unit testing and implementation.

Online Examination System Final Year Project Database

Online Examination System Final Year Project developed by VB & MS Access Database, These are the below database tables used in this project.

TABLE NAME: muserinfo

PURPOSE: This table is used to store user details                                  

















TABLE NAME: madmininfo

PURPOSE: This table is used to store administration details                                  







TABLE NAME: mquestions

PURPOSE: This table is used to store questions details                                  























TABLE NAME: msubinfo

PURPOSE: This table is used to store subject details                                  







Download Online Examination System Final Year Project Database

Useful Links:

Online Examination System Project in Java

Flight Booking System VB Final Year Project

External Interface Requirements of Flight Booking System VB Final Year Project
User Interfaces: System will provide the ability for users to access the AW online, view flight schedules, book tickets and make payment.

The user must be required to login in order to book a ticket and make payment, while for other purposes he need not be logged in.

He can view the status and schedule of a flight directly, tabs for which are provided on every page. The administrator will be required to log in at all times. However, they will have limit access via the web-interface only being able to pull predefined reports. 

The administrators will have to log in to a host machine inside the AW in order to build reports and ensure backups are running.

Functional Requirements

Stimulus:  Login :

Click “Login” :

Description: The ‘Login’ function allows the user to input the user name and the password. After verifying username and password,

account holder/user can Book flight or Update the account information.

Input: User name and password.

Source: All inputs are provided by the user.

Outputs: successful login/failure login.

Destination: The outputs are displayed on the webpage.

Requires: User needs to fill in login information inside secure website.

Pre-condition: The user is inside the website and has a Username and Password.

Post-condition: successful login/failure login

Side-effects:  None

Stimulus: Register:

Click “Register”:

Description:  The “register” function allows users to create accounts.  

Inputs: The user name, address, phone number, email (userID) and password.

Source: All inputs are provided by the user.

Outputs: The user name, current address, permanent address, phone number, email (userID) and password.

Destination: The outputs are displayed on the screen (webpage) and store the data into the Database.

Requires: User needs to fill out His/her information inside the website.

Pre-condition: The user is inside the website and not an account holder.

Post-condition: The user is an account holder that has a valid username and password to login with, as well as stored personal

information (inputs) in the Database.

Side-effects:  None

Greyhound Fleet Manager Using Asp.Net and VB.Net

The ‘Greyhound Fleet Manager’ keeps track the information about the Vehicles, Maintenance, Repair, Parts, Employees, Location and Vendors. It also keeps track the maintenance performed for different vehicles which are used for transportation.

The super users of the system are the ‘ADMIN’ and the ‘MANAGERS’ of the different departments allocated by the admin. The admin may be the owner of the transportation organization or the manager of transportation department of a particular manufacturing company.

If any other vehicle is added to the fleet which already exists for the organization/department the details of the vehicle is added. The details includes whether it is a new one or taken any loan/lease. Database will hold details of new and old employees which include address and phone numbers.

The maintenance to be performed can also be scheduled for each type of vehicles. The details of the parts/inventory used for the vehicles are maintained. The reorder level and the reorder quantity are predefined for each particular type of part.

download  Greyhound Fleet Manager Using Asp.Net and VB.Net.

Interactive Correction and Recommendation for Computer Language Learning and Training

Interactive Correction and Recommendation for Computer Language Learning and Training has the below classification modules:

           1. Authentication module

        2. Theoretical study module

        3. Practical implementation module

        4. Visual study module

       5. Recommendation module

1. Authentication module:-

In this module we need to check the authentication weather the concern person is authorized or not. For that purpose we put user id & password to check the validity. We put the authentication related data on to the database when user want to log in it check with database if matching takes place then only the concern person will use the functionality.

2. Theoretical study module

In this module, user needs to study the text document. For that purpose user must be an authenticated one. We have no of documents based on sqlserver. User need to study required documents for implements the ideas as well as to generate some knowledge regarding the database software.

3. Practical implementation module

In this module use need to implement the ideas generated by reading the theory. For that purpose we need the concern software in general. Here itself we programmatically call the concern software so that user can practice & implement the theory.

4. Visual study module

In this module user can visualize some video as well as user can hear some audio file so that he can get some more knowledge regarding sql server.

5. Recommendation module

Here itself some artificial intelligence will added so at the time of practice if some error occur some recommendation comes into picture ,how to rectify that particular mistake.

Hardware Specification:

Processor                  :  PENTIUM IV

Ram  Size                      : 1 GB

Hard disk drive         : 40GB

Software Specification:

Front End                            :

OS            :  Windows Vista

Server                              : Sql Server 2005

Online Banking Management System .Net Final Year Project

The following Online Banking Management System .Net Final Year Project discussion briefs possible risks in the Online Banking Management System process at each step. The different attacks mentioned here will be explained further in the following chapters.

The Problem:

However, the rise in popularity of online banking has not only attracted the consumers but also the fraudsters. Online Banking Management System fraud is usually possible when a criminal gains personal information of users by tricking them to enter their details in a website or an e-mail [BBC, 2010]. Fraudulent bank activity in online banking increased significantly every year while being reduced in case of credit/debit cards.

According to UK Cards Association, card fraud has totaled £440m in 2009 which is 28% less compared to the previous year[Bbc, 2010] .At the same time the number of “phishing” attacks rose by 16%.  The fall in card fraud in UK is mainly with the introduction of “Chip and Pin” technology [Frowen, 2010]. This indicates, in the same way some new security measures must be introduced in online banking to prevent fraudulent activity. (from interim)

The losses incurred due to fraud  in Online Banking Management System is alarming and the introduction of new security measures is required to prevent this. The fraudsters use different ways to attack the user’s pc, systems, networks, servers, websites to obtain the required data for fraudulent activities. The different attacks and threats possible on the e- banking are explained thoroughly in the next chapters.

Download Online Banking Management System .Net Final Year Project

Banking System VB.Net Project

Banking System final year project is a simple Desktop Application which is developed in VB.Net. The process of Banking System is simple and is usually explained to the customers by their banks when they register in it. The following steps enumerate a typical process of Online Banking System:
1.    First, the user opens a browser and types in the URL of bank’s website. The browser opens the website through an internet connection.       
2.    Opens the login page of e-banking.
3.    In login page, the customer requires to provide his username and password to login. These details are sent to the server over the internet and verified. If they are correct, additional login information is required such as part of memorable information or one-time password must be provided to complete the login process.
4.    The additional login details are again encrypted and sent over the internet to the server for verification. Once the additional information is verified the user is authenticated and provided access to his accounts. Now the user can use different online services the bank provides.
5.    While accessing the accounts, if the user has to perform any transactional operations like transferring the funds to other accounts or setting up the payments he should provide his login information again to authorize any transaction.
6.    When the user is finished accessing his account, he logs out or will be automatically logged out if inactive for some time.

Download Banking System VB.Net Final Year Project