External Interface Requirements of Flight Booking System VB Final Year Project
User Interfaces: System will provide the ability for users to access the AW online, view flight schedules, book tickets and make payment.
The user must be required to login in order to book a ticket and make payment, while for other purposes he need not be logged in.
He can view the status and schedule of a flight directly, tabs for which are provided on every page. The administrator will be required to log in at all times. However, they will have limit access via the web-interface only being able to pull predefined reports.
The administrators will have to log in to a host machine inside the AW in order to build reports and ensure backups are running.
Functional Requirements
Stimulus: Login :
Click “Login” :
Description: The ‘Login’ function allows the user to input the user name and the password. After verifying username and password,
account holder/user can Book flight or Update the account information.
Input: User name and password.
Source: All inputs are provided by the user.
Outputs: successful login/failure login.
Destination: The outputs are displayed on the webpage.
Requires: User needs to fill in login information inside secure website.
Pre-condition: The user is inside the website and has a Username and Password.
Post-condition: successful login/failure login
Side-effects: None
Stimulus: Register:
Click “Register”:
Description: The “register” function allows users to create accounts.
Inputs: The user name, address, phone number, email (userID) and password.
Source: All inputs are provided by the user.
Outputs: The user name, current address, permanent address, phone number, email (userID) and password.
Destination: The outputs are displayed on the screen (webpage) and store the data into the Database.
Requires: User needs to fill out His/her information inside the website.
Pre-condition: The user is inside the website and not an account holder.
Post-condition: The user is an account holder that has a valid username and password to login with, as well as stored personal
information (inputs) in the Database.
Side-effects: None