Online Customer Care and Service Center Project

Online customer care and service center project is a web based application which is designed to provide online service for users to get support from computer repair related information. 

Customer Care and Service Center Project

The Present System

In the present system all the activities are carried out either manually or with the help of word processor. While providing services to its customer they keep the record of the products and customers in spreadsheets/word documents or paper register. In which they manages all records illegibly. Resulting is redundancy of data like customer name and address etc. The detail of their account is also kept their. When any customer takes any kind of services, the charge is calculated manually.

Generally problems are faced in allocating duties of employs. In such environment regular and overtime duties are not maintained properly. This lead to improper calculation of employs payroll and if made properly calculation becomes quite complicated for every employee.

Another problem usually faced by the organization is frequent complain by the customers for not getting timely services. This is because improper working schedule of employees and the method for keeping the records. Here owner has to keep a watch on everything all the time. In this case it is nearly impossible to get the details of the services status whenever required. All this makes the owner the key person to handle the whole working system.

In such kind of management there are no facilities to properly handle the Human Recourses, such as staff information, their attendance and monthly salary, customer information and handling its accounts etc.

Calculating average Marks Mini Vb.Net Project

This project titled calculating average marks is a mini project which is developed by students to understand basics of visual basic programming language with simple form design features. Main objective of this application is to calculate four subject’s marks average and display on screen.

Calculating average Marks

Calculating average Marks Project Overview:

For schools and colleges we need this type of application with more features added to it to calculate results of each student. In this project there is only option to calculate 4 subjects marks average.

Future Scope:

Students can use this application as reference and add more features like generate reports, enter each subject marks for each student, maintain database for each student and search option to find student details.

For related projects on student management system or college management students students can search in this site for full source code, project report, documentation and paper presentation.

Online Survey System Project Source Code in Vb.Net

Online Survey System Project is a plugin like application which is specially developed for websites to take surveys on different topics. Users can update topics to website using this poll survey, at present there are many websites which are using survey plugins for taking surveys.

Project Introduction:

                Main objective of this application is to help websites owners to use this plugin for taking surveys without developing their own plugin. At present there are many website which uses their own plugins but with this application we can add our own poll details and update to website.

Forms List:

Add Poll:     We can add new poll to the system using this module.

Chart Poll:  Results are shownin the form of chart called graphical user interface.

Poll Admin:  Admin can manage all poll results using this poll panel.

Bank Management System Project in Vb.Net

The main objective of Bank Management System Project in Vb.Net is to facilitate the bank employees as well as providing facilities to the customer.

In this application we have implemented Withdrawal, Deposit, Fixed Deposit, Loan, Customer information, Account Information, Employee information, reports, Account Enquiry etc. The general objectives of this system are as follows:-

1) To manipulate the Banking transactions with instant confirmation for the Withdrawal, deposit, loan etc.

2) To save time and make better accounting system.

3) To increase efficiency of employees.

4) For faster access of data and information.

5) For smooth and fair running of the organization.

6) To increase the spreaded area of the organization.

Bank Management System Project Overview:

By studying about some Banks in your area, we find that, in the various Banks which has not using any computer application for their Banking transaction. Therefore there is no any better performance in banking transactions. So these Banks are losing more time for the Banking transactions such as withdrawal, deposit, loan, etc. And it’s also taking more time for calculation of various amounts and taking more time for finding any particular data and information of the customers

So we have an idea for making your bank’s work performance very fast than the human being. For that we have developed application software for your bank. In our application there are various facilities for your bank such as withdrawal, deposit, loans etc can be performed faster than the human beings. We developed a Bank’s database application which keeps your all Banks’ data and information of the customers for future use.

Our application can search any records as your requirement very quickly than the human beings, for which your staff take more time. This application increases your work performance than previous work efficiency. And it calculates any calculation very quickly and provides approximately 100% efficient result.

So, it is better to keep your database application for your Bank to make a better works, calculations, finding records, storing records and other many Banking transactions.

Grade Sheet Project in Vb.Net

Grade Sheet System Project is a software application developed in programming language for helping different education institution faculty to automatically generate grades for each subject for each student without any manual calculations.

Grade Sheet Project

Existing and proposed System:

In existing system there are no software used by faculty members of any college to generate grades and calculate percentage. Most of them use manual process to generate report and provide for display. This process is a time taking process.

In this proposed system we have developed a automatic grade generation system where we just need to enter basic information of course, student, subject and calculate grade and show results.

Grade Sheet Project Forms Overview:

There are three main features in grade sheet project

Entering Marks

Generating print reports.


Project Functionality:

When application is launched a form is displayed with file menu option which consists of enter marks sheet and print marks sheet and exit options.

User should select marks sheet options which will display form with student details and grade points obtained features.

You can easily understand what are the options available and select respective options to display results and calculate grade.

If you want to change subject details, program details ..etc modify database table which is available with download file.

IF you want to print obtained grade details of student you can select print record options from file menu option where you will find two forms which some options and print record.

IMP :  For admin and guest passwords for login to system you can find in database login file.

Hotel Management System Project Source Code in Vb.Net

Hotel management System project is a web based application which can automate entire management work of hotels through online like bill management , Payment process, booking rooms, customers information management..etc.

Hotel Management System Project Algorithms are explained Below:

Algorithm for form Load

Step1: Start the application

Step2: Wait until the program loads

Step3: This form automatically closes. 

Algorithm for Login

Step1: Start

Step2:  Select User Name

Step3:  Enter password

Step4:  Click on Login button

If (User ID) and (Password) is Valid then

Unload the user form from memory and

Load and show MDI Main form.


Display the message “Username and Password doesn’t match”

Go to Step2

Step5:  Stop 

Algorithm for Adding New User

Step1:  Start

Step2:  Go to system > manage user

Step3: Enter the administrative password to carry out the operation.

Step4: Click on Add New User and a field appears,

Step5:  Enter new User name, Password, Confirm Password.

Step6:  Click on save button for adding user and cancel button for cancelling operation.

Step7:  If all condition remains true then print message “Username Added”.

Step8: End 

Algorithm for Editing User’s record

Step1: Start

Step2: Go to system > manage user

Step3: Enter the administrative password to carry out the operation

Step4: Click on update user and a field appears,

Step5: Choose the user name you want to edit and Click on save button for adding user and cancel button for cancelling operation

Step6: if the User ID after editing is found on the database then print the message “User already exists”

Else save the record on the database with message

Step7: End

Algorithm for Deleting User’s record 

Step1:  Start

Step2:  Click on the user’s record from the list whom you want to Delete

Step3:  Click on the Delete button then print the message “Do you really want to delete this user”

Step4:  If click on yes the user will be deleted

            If click on no the operation will be cancelled

Step6: End

Algorithm for Adding New Room Reservation 

Step1: Start

Step2: Go to New Room Reservation

Step3: Click on New Button of the form

Step4: Fill all the given fields,

Step5: Click on Save button to save record or Cancel button to cancel the operation

Step6: If clicked Save

Print the message “Record Saved successfully”. And it saves the record to the database

Else program terminates to main form.

Step8:  Stop. 

Algorithm for Delete Record 

Step1: Start

Step2: Go to Customer > New Room Reservation

Step3: Click on Delete Button of the form

Step4: Enter the Reservation Number which you want to delete.

Step5: click on Ok button to delete record or Cancel button to cancel the operation

Step6: If clicked Ok

Print the message “Record Deleted successfully”. And it deletes the record from the database

Else program terminates to main form.

Step7:  Stop. 

Algorithm for Print Record 

Step1: Start

Step2: Click on Report >Print or Open the Room Reservation form and click Print.

Step3: The system calls the print function and starts printing if the printer is installed.

Step4: Stop

Algorithm for Backup 

Step1: Start.

Step2: Open Main form >Tools >Database Backup.

Step3: The form opens and asks the user to give the path.

Step4: Click on Ok to create backup or Cancel to cancel operation.

If Ok button is the program creates a backup in the specified path.

Else the program terminates to the previous form.

Step5: Stop.

College Information System Project in Vb.Net

Providing a complete and comprehensive College Information System Project software package that provides number of services for maintaining data related to day-to-day activities of the organization.

College Information System


Providing accessibility to all users who have a valid userID and password according to the assigned privileges.

 This system also provides the following facilities such as:

1) Managing accounts, transport, hostel, fee, course, building, student masters, allotment of route/bus, hostel…

2) Provides services like fee refunds, regular fees, tc issues, previous dues, permissions, reset password features.

3) Request for making queries regarding fee called, fee discount list, transport details, accommodation details, building details.

4) Support for generating reports regarding student details, fees reports, certificates, Tc issue details, fees analysis reports, loan estimation reports, hostel vacated list, identity cards, birthday greetings.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

CMIS-College Management Information Syste.m


Bees software present in our college.



Entrepreneur, Organizations academicians


 Software Requirements

 Operational Requirements

  • Background information of the project.
  • Target environment.
  • User characteristics – Profile of the intended user ( if applicable)Block diagram / context diagram(DFD Level 0) / Higher levels of DFDs / E-R diagrams/Usecases
    • Assumptions and Dependencies of this Software on other systems. Any assumptions made regarding the basic inputs, concepts, etc. have to be recorded here.

 Functional Requirements

(Please refer to the Guidelines for DFDs and UseCases for more details)

  • For each major function specify the following
Requirement Tag ID CollegeManagementInformationSystem_srs_login_01
Source/Trigger User is validated in login page and if user is valid then he is redirected to menu  page.
Description Input Enter userID and Password of user.
Process It checks validity of UserID and password.
Output Valid user is redirected to menu  page.
Validation Method Checks the UserID and password with the data present in the database

Download College Information System Project in Vb.Net

College Finance Management System Project in Vb.Net

Project Entitled “College Finance management system “is useful for organizations for managing employee salary details and transactions details with loan calculation, interest calculation, saving  …etc.

Project Report overview:

Project report consists of full design details and comparing existing system features to proposed system.

List of contents in project Report:

Project abstract



System study and analysis

Problems with existing system

Feasibility study

System design

Database table deisgn

Sample source code in

Screen shots.

Project Synopsis:

Software companies use human resource management system for handling employees details but there is also need for finance accounting system which can manage employee saving, banking details and provide solution for users to calculate interest , loan , savings, transaction details and analyze reports.

Project Features:

This application will help employees to manage salary in a effective way.  

Data management is easy and secured

Modules Overview:

Admin: Admin can add new employee, delete employee, modify existing records and add new features to application.

Employee Module: Details of each employee with unique user id are updated to database.

Transaction Details:  Employee can view transaction details for every month and day.

Expenditure:  Calculation of monthly expenditure is performed using this module.

Profit loss calculation: Based on transactions and interest, loan details we can calculate profit and loss and view data is reports.

Download College Finance Management System Project in Vb.Net.

Students can download project source code in form below links.

Jewellery Management System Project in Vb.Net

Jewellery management system or jewellery software application is developed in programming language Using MS Access database. This software application is useful for Jewellery showrooms for managing customers information, purchase details, stock details..etc.

Jewellery Management System
Jewellery Management System Project

Introduction to Project Management software:

In present software trend most of the management work is done through management software. Using software will reduce manual work and employees and improve standard of quality of service with easy analysis of sales and business.

Modules Explanation:

Employee management: Employees working in jeweler shop attendance, personal details, address, phone number and salary details are managed using this module.

Customer information: When customer buy any product or gives order then his details are updated to database with contact details and product purchased details.

Supplier Module: Details of stock supplier to jeweler shop are managed using this module. Supplier contact details, stock details, payment details are updated using this module.

Reports generation Module:  For billing and analysis details are shown in report form. Report module consists of bill reports, sales reports, and purchase reports, cash in and out reports.

Youtube video link to view DFD diagrams

Features over view:

This software provides solution for database back up which will help to store old records.

Admin has unique user name and password for using this software. He can change password delete records, add new records.

Easy to analyze sales and transaction details using report generation module . Admin can generate monthly and yearly reports.

Download Jewellery management system Project in Vb.Net

Useful Links:

Jewellery Shop Management System Project Report

Hostel Management System Project in Vb.Net

Hostel management system project software application is useful for computerizing different types of works included in managing students details, payment details, department details..etc.

Hostel Management System
Hostel Management System Project

Project Introduction:

In present software trend most of the work is done by software . From past few years every shop, showroom, hotels, organizations, management departments are using software applications for reducing manual work and improving data security and providing customer service in short time.

This application comes under management software and stand alone application category. List of operations hostel management software can perform

Managing student’s Personal information

Updating vacant rooms and filled rooms

Monthly payment details

Hostel Names

Room Allocation Details

Database Design:

Management software applications store data in database and retrieve when user requests from front end. In this project we used MS Access database.

Youtube video link to view Presentation , DFD, Context Diagram, Sequence Diagram

Tables Over view:

Departments:    This table consists of school and department names. When hostel admissions are taken details of student department are entered in to database

Hostel Name: This table consist of name of hotel, hostel nick name, sex, prefix, capacity , capacity use.

Hostels: List of hotels names are updated to this  table.

Room Allocation: This table consists of room id, number, hostel name. When new room is allotted for students these details are updated.

Also See:

Project Advantages:

Easy to analyze stats about payment, free rooms for different departments

Data is secured and stored in database. Searching records of students will be easy.

Student’s personal details management will improve security for hostels. 

Project Requirements:

Front End Design: Visual Basic

Back End Database: MS Access