A Study on Online Examination System Internship Project Report


The Online Examination System project mainly intends to provide insight into the functionality and behavior of the Online Examination System. This project integrates computer and Internet technologies for the purpose of student assessment. It provides the options of the examinations available on the system according to the user privilege.

Based on the choice of the user, the system provides the questions related to that area. Mostly the questions are in the form of multiple-choice questions, they can also be filling in the blanks, matching, and essay questions. At the end of the questions, the user will be given the option to report or cancel the scores.

When a person enters the online test, a system will ask for a login id and password. If the person is authorized, by simply giving his login id and password he will enter filling the registration field based on the privilege. If the user is new he has to register as a user by filling in the registration details. While filling in the details he has to take care of privilege. If the user is a candidate, he has to take the privilege as “0”, the operator as “1” and admin as “2”. Once these details are filled, the user will be provided with a login id. With this login id, he can enter based on his privilege.

If the user is a candidate, as soon as he submits the login id he enters the area section. There he can select the area depending on which he wants to take the test. As soon as he selects the area he will be ready to take the test.

Depending upon the area selected questions the be displayed with four options and the candidate has to select the correct answer and proceed to the next question till the end of the test. The time is set for the test. The test should be completed within that time period. If he does not complete the test within the given time the test will be lost automatically.

After the test is completed, the candidate has the option to report or cancel his scores. If he wants the hard copy of the score report he can take it.

If the user is an administrator, as soon as he submits the login id he enters into the administration section where he has to handle both operator and candidate functions.

If the user is an operator or administrator, as soon as he submits the login id he enters into the administration section. In this, he can change the information of the candidate, view the candidate result, and status by simply giving the respective login and he can also modify or update questions in any area.

Product goals:

  • The goals of this Online Examination System are:
  • To automate the testing activity. The system will function with centralized control over all the units that are involved in the online test system.
  • Provide data security from unauthorized users.


when the user is an operator or administrator opts for the operator section the process will direct to the above screen. This screen can get the user to user edit, candidate view, current examinees, exam report, and areas report screens on clicking the corresponding link.

The candidate on starting the test comes to this screen; here according to the selected area, the questions are generated automatically from the data basest candidate has to select the correct answer by clicking the radio button corresponding to the question. He can stop the test by clicking the stop button else going to the next question.

The above screen is the start of the test, in which the user should validate his/her login id and password by clicking submit button, after entering their identity. New users can register their information by clicking the register button.

This screen is used when the user is not registered. It is used for registering new users by entering their personal information and then by clicking on the save button.

When a user wants to view candidate details he can get this screen by clicking the link of candidate view in the operator section. This screen gets the information of the status, Name, and login id of the desired candidate.

The current examiner’s screen gets the information of the login id name, status, and date he/she appeared for the test for the specified candidate. On clicking the details the exam report is generated. We can get a copy of the details by clicking the copy.

Based on the privilege of the user, he is directed to the next screen. If he is a candidate the user comes to the above screen. In this, he got to confirm the login id and should select the area where he is intending to take the test. The user can start taking the test by clicking the start button.

This question editor screens enable the user (admin/operator) to create and update the new question in the desired area and specified difficulty level. The user can also create a new question by clicking on the new question button.

This screen is used to display the details of the code and the related areas selected. This screen links the user to questions related to that area. Here the user can also create a new area by clicking the new area button.
This screen is used to create a new area code and name of the area by mentioning them in the specified text boxes and then clicking on the save button.

The candidate on starting the test comes to this screen; here according to the selected area, the questions are generated automatically from the database. The candidate has to select the correct answer by checking the radio button corresponding to the question. On clicking the ok button. The answer he opted for is stored in the data store and the next question is generated. He can stop the test by clicking the stop button. This happens to generate the exam report.

This screen enables the user to answer the numeric ability questions posted to him by clicking on the radio buttons which are given to choose the right answers. The user can also create a new question by clicking on a new question button.

This screen is viewed when the user types either the wrong name or password in the given text box and the button back is used to move back to the login page to re-enter the right login id and password.

The current examinee’s screen gets the information of the login id, name, status, and date he appeared for the test for the specified candidate. . It also tells about the total number of questions and right answers given by the candidate.


The Online Examination System has been successfully completed. The goal of the system is achieved and problems are solved. Final reports are generated as per the specification of the client. The package is developed in a manner that is user-friendly and requires help is provided at different levels.

The Online Examination project can be easily used in the process of decision making.


To modify the Online Examination System project to the .Net platform to take the advantage of geographical remote areas. By shifting the project to the Dot Net platform the project can be made into a Mobile Accessible Application by which the restrictions of the software & hardware requirements can be scaled down, which is not possible using ASP.

we can even apply the unique identity of the user by keeping certain formalities that must be answered by the user while entering the test (like the user need to answer again the questions which he did while registering himself for the test) the questions selected will be in random order from his personal data only (like the mole present on the user, etc …) so that it may confirm that the user itself is writing the test.

we can even use the thumb mark of the users to confirm their identities.

We can even add the photos of the users in this to confirm the user Identity.
Thus by applying these steps we can make sure that the user itself is writing the exam, not the others.

A Project Report on Hospital Management System

This Hospital Management System software is designed and developed to the specific requirements of any hospital to provide better services to patient and also to reduce the manual workload on staff and most important to maintain the case history of patients, their diagnosis process and also for consultation purposes.

This software provides with the following modules:

  • Administration
  • Reception
  • Finance Department / Accounts
  • Stores & Pharmacy
  • Diagnosis
  • Enquiries

The significant features of all the above modules are listed below:


This is a very important module and has to be handled by only the authorized persons.

This module is basically used to maintain all that data which is mostly a one-time entry and based on this data only the total software modules will function.

The important Features of this module are :

It provides the client to

1. Specify the services available with them – like Floors, Wards, Rooms, Beds, ambulance, catering and all such other types of services, which the hospital provides.

2. Specify the different types of Departments / Sections with their respective hierarchy of staff.

3. Recruit staff and also visiting Doctors/ Surgeons, their specialization, and availability. activities relating to payroll.


Handling the Front office / Reception activities like

Patient Registration
Renewal for O.P
Billing for O.P
Doctor/Surgeon Availability


This is a very important module that takes care of patient’s medication details i.e. case history.

The Doctor or the respective hierarchy will enter the diagnosis process and any important note or remark.

All the data that is maintained in the system can be retrieved, as required, from the case history of the patient.

Data pertaining to patient including Scan images, video clips, medication details can be maintained in the system.

Stores & Pharmacy:

This module takes care of the stock of medicines to be maintained in the hospital.

It checks the re-order level of the stock and informs the respective personnel about the status of the stock.

It ensures that there is always availability of medicine in the stores.

Keeps track of the information of distributors area wise and also provides with a report from whom the medicine is mostly purchased.

The pharmacy plays a very important role in the hospital. Through this the medicines to the patients are given. The bill is automatically updated in the patient’s account. The out- patient bill is given to the patient and the amount will be collected at the Pharmacy. In-patient bill will be collected by the Finance Dept, which in turn comes from the Pharmacy.

The indent placed from the pharmacy is given to the stores dept immediately and based on that they can take a decision for purchase of the medicines.


This module maintains the total information relating to the bill and receipts maintained within the hospital.

The salary for the staff is handled by the Accounts Dept.

The bills produced from the pharmacy and all other sections maintained here.

Some important registers maintained are as follows.

Registers Maintained:

Daily Collection Register
Purchase Register
Receipts & Payments Register
Cash Register
Bank Register
Patient Register
Services Register

Different reports based on the queries are being generated to assist the management in getting qualitative reports.


This is very helpful at the reception to find out the details available in the hospital.

Through this module the information relating to patients, services available, doctors / surgeons availability, cost of different tests conducted in the hospital etc.


This module supports for 2 users to work. One is Administrator (for Pharmacy) and the other is a normal Pharmacy User. The menu options given for both user logins are listed below.

Pharmacy Administrator User:

• Pharmacy

• Distributor

• Stock Master

• Transactions
a) Purchases
– Order Form
– Delivery Challan

• Reports
a) Medicines
– Medicine wise Stock Details
– Required Medicines
– Expiry Medicines

b) Distributor
– Medicine wise Distributor Details
– Distributor wise DC Details
– Distributor wise Order Details

c) Stock
– Dead Stock
– Less Stock
– Re-Order

• Transaction Based
a) Purchases Report
– Monthly
– Weekly
– Daily

b) Sales Report
– Monthly
– Weekly
– Daily

Pharmacy User:

• Sales
– to Patients
– to Outsiders

• Medicine Details
–  Medicines Required
–  Less Stock (than ROL)

• Enquiries
a) Stock
– Available
– Required

b) Patients
– Prescribed Medicines

Collection Center:

This is the place where the patient pays any type of bill in the hospital and also it is this place where all the information of patients, their bills etc.. are maintained.
Menu for this login is listed below.

• Patient Details
a) Bill Details
– OP Registration
– OP Renewal
– Pharmacy
– Tests Conducted
b) Discharge Certificate

• Distributor Details
a) Bill Details
b) DC
c) Invoice

• View
a) Patient Details
b) Visit Details
c) Tests conducted
d) Bill Details
e) Discharge Details

f) Fee Details
g) OP Registration & Renewal
– OP General
– OP Renewal
– OP company
h) Test Fees

i) Company Details

j) Distributor Details
k) Bill Details
– Invoice Details
– DC Details
l) Address Details

Doctor User:

• Diagnosis
– Preliminary Tests
– Prescription
– Case History
– Direct to Specialist
– Direct to Collection Centre

• View
a) Patient Details
– Registration Details
– Case History
– Prescription Details

b) Test Details

c) Specialist Details

Font Applied For The Project :

Font Name: Times New Roman
For Titles:
Size: 12, Italic
Size: 10, Bold

System Requirements:

RAM : 2 GB (minimum)
Operating System : Windows
RDBMS : Oracle
Software : Microsoft ODBC for Oracle installed

RAM : 2 GB (minimum)
Operating System : Windows
RDBMS : Oracle – Client
Software : Microsoft ODBC for Oracle installed

Student Social Networking Site Synopsis

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This Web Page defines the requirements for the Student Social Networking Site. The College Student seeks to develop a web portal, to be able to link the students with the colleges / universities. The Student portal will be a platform for students to submit their details and for colleges around the world to be able to view the profiles. This would also help students to network and interact to be able to make their choices. The Student portal may provide useful information on programs offered by Universities globally and help Universities seek the right students. Also include list of training programs through distance learning & also vocational training programs. Target Audience would be Students, Executives, working men, colleges and Universities.

1.2 Document Conventions

The document is to have georgia fonts and should be in size 11 and have to be maintained in the Project repository in the doc’s folder in branches.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The audience for the Project is the system architects, designers, project manager, coding and testing team.

1.4 Project Scope

The Student Social Networking Project has to be completed in 4 phases:

The milestones for development will be as under:

  1. Completion of the Initial framework, with working prototype: The prototype runs on LAMP platform. It should be a completely working module with all functionalities as defined in the Business Requirements document. All code and documents to be maintained in a Project Code repository on a server as per the Config management document.
  2. Completion of the user interface with all pages: The content shall be provided and the User interface design as well as the pages needs to be done.
  3. Integration and testing followed by Load, Performance & Security Test results: The testing needs to be done and Documentation to be created and full source code has to be transferred to Godaddy Web Server.
  4. User Acceptance Testing and changes and making changes as per review: UAT and all tests to be done from clients end and all documentation including admin & user docs like Help docs has to be created. Any changes as part of UAT to be completed.

1.5 References

The Student Networking Site shall have resume management, networking, forums, skill development, video conferencing, personal space and so on.

1. http://www.monster.com
2. http://www.shiksha.com

2. Overall Description

2.1 Portal Perspective

The Student Social Networking Portal will help the students submit their profile and search for the right programs.

2.2 Features

The features shall be as per the site map described.

2.3 Operating Environment

The server hardware would be IBM and OS would be Linux based.

2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints

The key constraint here is training of the administrators. The interface should be completely user friendly that’s self administrable.

2.5 User Documentation

The deliverables shall include a Admin manual for the CMS and a Help section for the Users.

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies

One of the key assumptions is that all the students will be checking the College / University sites and we have to see if they can browse and come back to this site.

3. System Features

The portal should have generic features like:

1. Dynamic
2. Robust Security Feature
3. video resumes
4. Upload and downloading of applications & other docs
5. Forums.
6. Registration for newsletter to get updates from colleges
7. Facility for users to submit research papers
8. Reports publication on the web
9. Online survey on colleges
10. Smart logic to calculate result and display
11. Calendar with upcoming events with details
12. Online registration for events and for each university/college
13. Each user will have his own space
14. Uploading, approving and display of testimonials by students
15. Offer testing & assessment platform to the colleges
16. Communication module for interaction
17. Registration of user and signing up for newsletters, training and international seminars from the portal on approval
18. Faq available to address to common question
19. Site map will be available for quick navigation to the required information
20. Multi lingual support will be available throughout the site – babel fish
21. Terms and conditions of using the site would be available
22. Flexible admin control paned for creation content and maintenance by the colleges
23. User friendly design for better look and fill.
24. Custom validation for correct data entry.
25. Training Module
26. Managing Ads Module for Super Admin
27. Workflow management
28. Application Management
29. Communication Module

4. Interface Requirements

4.1 User Interfaces

The home page will be along the looks of facebook.com, with a similar navigation.

4.2 Software Interfaces

The Student Social Networking Site would be on Single-sign on.

4.3 Communications Interfaces

There will be a conferencing interface wherein a Video conferencing needs to be implemented. This will have a link on the portal and this would run on a Red 5 server. The SMS API’s shall be provided.

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

The Student Social Networking Site has to be built taking 100,000 (Hundred thousand concurrent users).

5.2 Safety Requirements

The Student Social Networking Site shall have to be secure as personal data of the members should not be accessible. A Penetration testing needs to be done after the site is completed.

5.3 Software Quality Attributes

The Student Social Networking Site has to be adaptable, scalable, searchable, maintainable, portable, reliable, reusable, robust, testable, and have ease of use.

6. Other Requirements

The Student Social Networking Site should have a counseling module for Chat support based discussions.

Bayesian Networks for Medical Decision Support Project

Bayesian Networks for Medical Decision Support Project Abstract:

The treatment of a wide range of medical conditions requires clinicians to recommend appropriate treatment pathways for patients. The selection of which treatment to recommend involves the consideration of patient history and symptoms, test results and quality-of-life issues.

This is a complex task for a number of reasons. Medical data is often imprecise or incomplete due to difficulty of measurement. Medical conditions are multi-factorial with significant and subtle interactions. Data is a mixture of qualitative and quantitative factors. There is often marked variability in the response to treatment from patient to patient for genetic or environmental reasons that may be difficult to identify.

Bayesian Networks (BN) are probabilistic models useful for reasoning with, or representing knowledge under uncertainty. Essentially a BN consists of a Directed Acyclic Graph with nodes representing random variables connected by directed edges representing their (causal) dependencies. The BN gives a factorization of the joint probability distribution (j.p.d.) of the variables. This can be used to support decision making by allowing exploration of the probabilities associated with particular decision paths.

An Agent Based Mars Explorer Project

An Agent Based Mars Explorer Project Abstract:

Sending robots to planets has been proved a cost-effective and safe method of space exploration. However, the missions so far have involved only one single robot. With the fixed cost of traveling to a planet, it will be more cost-effective if multiple robots are deployed in a single mission.

This will allow the mission to continue even if some robots fail and also speed up the exploration by doing it in parallel. Having a team of exploring robots requires the communication of knowledge and the coordination of teamwork. For example, a robot that discovered a hazard, may warn the team to avoid a certain area and thus changing the way, that other robots behave.

This problem of distributed coordinating robots is can be modeled by intelligent agents. Each robot can be viewed as an autonomous agent, which has the ability to respond to external stimuli and communicate with other agents. These agents may exchange knowledge that they have acquired during the mission and request assistance from the others.

Download related robotics projects from below related projects.

Case Based FAQ System Project in Asp.Net

Students and staff in the School of Computing would benefit from having a system of Case Based FAQ System Project (FAQs) that was interactive and for which it was easy to add FAQs. Similar questions are asked frequently at similar times of year and so can be reused many times each year and also in subsequent years.

FAQ systems normally contain textual FAQs and it would be good if the interaction with the FAQ system could be in natural language. By indexing the FAQs with keywords and doing matching between words in the query and the keywords and text in the FAQ, it is possible to retrieve FAQs that are similar to the query.

A simple use of synonyms or background knowledge of some concepts in these FAQs will enable a useful interaction with the FAQs. The underlying methodology of the FAQ system will be Case-Based Reasoning (CBR).

CBR systems solve new problems by retrieving similar cases from a database of previously solved problems (i.e. FAQs). The project will focus on the content and keyword labelling of FAQs so that FAQ cases are easy to acquire and are retrieved for relevant queries.

Enterprise Employee Work Monitor System Project

Enterprise Employee Work Monitor System Project is the module in which will have a spy work on the employee works. It will record every detail about the work that an employee doing from time to time. This system is implemented in enterprise to monitor the work activities of the employee. 

This system is implemented for a Super market Management system to identify the work done by the employees. The typical results would be the no of entries the employee did, the time the employee logged in, A Link to the entries the employee done.

Existing System:

In existing system there are no perfect methods to track employees work for every day.  Management use to look after time sheets and take decisions. In this process we can accurately judge employee working status.