Invoice Billing System C# .Net Project

Description for Invoice Billing System Project:  

Invoice billing system project is one of the important software application for many communication and online industries. 

This is useful for companies to provide effective and accurate billing system for users and to analyze revenue of the organization.

Information of every user billings will be updated to call detail record on daily basis.

This system includes billing of every detail on daily, monthly and usage basis and store the records into the database and aggregating these records periodically to calculate invoice and sending invoices to the users on monthly basis and collect payments from every user and update details into the database.

This application is implemented in C# .Net language and SQL as database. This system consists of five modules where each module has its own functionality.

1)   Order Creation

2)   List Of Items

3)   Connection  (Add/Update/View)

4)   Purchase Details

5)   Report Generation

download Invoice Billing System C# .Net Project report and source code.

Hospital Management System Project in VB.Net

Project Title: Hospital Management System Project in VB.Net

Project Location:  National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI),Hyd.

Environment: Vb.Net as frontend & MsAccess as backend.

Project Duration: 3 months

Project Members: 3

Description of the project:

                                         National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) is a government of India undertaking research institute situated at Hyderabad. It has a separate hospital in its township to serve nearly 5000 employees and their families. This has a different units like dispensary, pharmacy, pathology etc functioning independently.

Managing the medical records of the patients of the huge organization manually is a tough task and laborious, maintaining the same patient record in different units may lead to data inconsistency. This Hospital Management System Project in VB.Net will enable to integrate all the units to improve the efficiency of the system .This will boost the performance and the efficiency.  It prevents the mishandling of the pharmacy system and makes it foolproof. This Project was developed in VB.Net and MS Access.

HR Management System Project ASP.Net & VB.Net

Project Name: HR Management System Project ASP.Net & VB.Net

Project Environment:  ASP. Net, VB. Net, SQL Server 2005, HTML, Java Script.

Project  Description: To handle recruitment’s by staffing companies and companies recruiting for their own requirement. To enable job seekers to register their resume in the site so that interested companies can view and contact the job seekers. This HR Management System Project was developed in ASP.Net & VB.Net using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. This Project has mainly Two functions named Admin Section and user section.

Developer Roles & Responsibilities:  

1) Involved in designing and implementing ASP.NET Web forms

2) Involved in development of the resume registration, job agents.

Human Value Management System in & VB.Net

Project Name: Human Value Management System in & VB.Net

Environment: ASP. Net, VB. Net, SQL Server 2000

Project Description: Human Value Management System provides a series of modules designed to address a company’s HR needs. The web-based ASP.Net application is made up of a series of modules that manage all data related to Human Value Management System. This Final Year Project was coded under ASP.Net & VB.Net with SQL Server 2000 database.

Developer Roles:  

1) Involved in development of Adminstration module, Personal management module.

2)      Connecting the ASP.Net front end to the SQL Server back-end using ADO.NET Connectivity and developed some Stored Procedures.

3)      Client side validation is done using JavaScript.

4)      Server Side Validation is done using ASP.

Pratibha High School System project in ASP.Net & VB.Net

Project Title: Pratibha High School System project in ASP.Net & VB.Net.

Environment:  ASP.Net, VB.Net, SQL Server 2000.

Project Description: Pratibha High School System project in ASP.Net & VB.Net is a web-based Final Year information technology school project, which provides complete information about a school like a school name, teacher’s details, student’s details, library information, syllabus & results in information. 

Mainly this project has 3 modules which give details about all departments in a school like a library, laboratory, computer lab, admissions, fee particulars, syllabus, and results.

This project was developed in ASP.Net & VB.Net programming Language using Microsoft Visual Studio and SQL Server used for store the school information.

Developer Role:

1) Architected, designed and developed a three-tier structure for this website

2) Involved in development of the admissions, performance modules.

         SQL Server DataBase Tables  

             Field names  for  “adexam” table

Column name

Data type


Description Varchar 500
Examname Varchar 500
Class Varchar 500
Subject Varchar 50
[date] Varchar 500
[time] Varchar 500

              Field names for “adclassteacher” table

Column name Data type Size
Description Varchar 500
Class Varchar 15
[section] Varchar 2
Teachername Varchar 50
Steacher Varchar 50
Qualification Varchar 15
Subject Varchar 15
Phone Varchar 20

             Field names for “adcomputer” table

Column name Data type Size
Description Varchar 800
Totalsys Varchar 4
Processor Varchar 50
Harddisk Varchar 30
Ram Varchar 50
Os Varchar 50
Clockspeed Varchar 10
Monitor Varchar 50
Software Varchar 50
Fa1 Varchar 50
Fa2 Varchar 50
Fa3 Varchar 50
Fa4 Varchar 50

              Field names for “adcontact” table

Column name

Data type Size
Post Varchar 50
Phone Varchar 30
Email Varchar 35





Field names for “adfee”table

Column name Data type Size
Description Varchar 80
Feedate Varchar 20
Class Varchar 20
Section1 Varchar 2
Name Varchar 50
Adnumber Varchar 10
Generalfee Varchar 5
Maintainancefee Varchar 5
Admissionfee Varchar 5
Due varchar 5

             Field names for “adfeedetails” table

Column name
Data type Size
Nursery Varchar 8
Lkg Varchar 8
Ukg Varchar 8
Fclass Varchar 8
Sclass Varchar 8
Tclass Varchar 8
Foclass Varchar 8
Ficlass Varchar 8
Siclass Varchar 8
Seclass Varchar 8
Eiclass Varchar 8
Niclass Varchar 8
Tenclass Varchar 8
Mnursery Varchar 8
Mlkg Varchar 8
Mukg Varchar 8
M1class Varchar 8
M2class Varchar 8
M3class Varchar 8
M4class Varchar 8
M5class Varchar 8
M6class Varchar 8
M7class Varchar 8
M8class Varchar 8
M9class Varchar 8
M10class Varchar 8
Af1 Varchar 8
Af2 Varchar 8
Af3 Varchar 8
Af4 Varchar 8
Af5 Varchar 8
Af6 Varchar 8
Af7 Varchar 8
Af8 Varchar 8
Af9 Varchar 8
Af10 Varchar 8
Af11 Varchar 8
Af12 Varchar 8
Af13 Varchar 8

            Field names for “adholi” table

Column name
Data type Size
[year] Varchar 5
[month] Varchar 15
[date] Char 4
[day] Varchar 10
Holidays Varchar 200
Totalno Varchar 5

            Field names for “adlib” table

Column name
Data type Size
Class Varchar 15
Subject Varchar 15
Bookname Varchar 50
Bookav Varchar 5

            Field names for “adlibrary” table

Column name
Data type Size
Des Varchar 500
Total Varchar 5
Eng1 Varchar 20
Eng2 Varchar 20
Eng3 Varchar 20
Eng4 Varchar 20
Tel1 Varchar 20
Tel2 Varchar 20
Tel3 Varchar 20
Tel4 Varchar 20
J1 Varchar 30
J2 Varchar 30
J3 Varchar 30
J4 Varchar 30
Class Varchar 20
Subject Varchar 15
Booksav Varchar 5
Bookname Varchar 50

             Field names for “admission” table

Column name
Data type size
Admissionno Varchar 10
Registationno Varchar 10
[section] Varchar 3
Date1 Varchar 20
Name Varchar 50
Gender Varchar 8
Date2 Varchar 20
Placeofbirth Varchar 15
Mothertongue Varchar 10
Nationality Varchar 8
Religion Varchar 10
[cast] Varchar 6
Castcertificate Varchar 3
Classjoined Varchar 10
Firstlang Varchar 10
Secondlang Varchar 10
Previousschool Varchar 20
Previousclass Varchar 10
Promoted Varchar 3
Reason Varchar 200
Tcrsno Varchar 10
Mole1 Varchar 35
Mole2 Varchar 35
Sports Varchar 2
Ncc Varchar 2
Nss Varchar 2
Cap Varchar 2
Otheractivity Varchar 2
Fgname Varchar 25
Relation Varchar 10
Mother Varchar 25
Fatherquali Varchar 10
Motherquali Varchar 10
Caddress Varchar 100
Paddress Varchar 100
Residence Varchar 20
Cell Varchar 20
Email Varchar 20
Income Varchar 20
[date] Varchar 20

              Field names for “adprogress” table

Column name
Data type Size
Name Varchar 50
Adno Varchar 10
Class Varchar 20
[section] Varchar 2
[1first] Varchar 5
[1second] Varchar 5
[1eng] Varchar 5
[1maths] Varchar 5
[1science] Varchar 5
[1social] Varchar 5
[1comp] Varchar 5
[1gt] Varchar 5
[2first] Varchar 5
[2second] Varchar 5
[2eng] Varchar 5
[2maths] Varchar 5
[2science] Varchar 5
[2social] Varchar 5
[2comp] Varchar 5
[2gt] Varchar 5
Qfirst Varchar 5
Qsecond Varchar 5
Qeng Varchar 5
Qmaths Varchar 5
Qscience Varchar 5
Qsocial  Varchar 5
Qcomp Varchar 5
Qgt Varchar 5
[3first] Varchar 5
[3second] Varchar 5
[3eng] Varchar 5
[3maths] Varchar 5
[3science]  Varchar 5
[3social] Varchar 5
[3comp] Varchar 5
[3gt] Varchar 5
Hfirst Varchar 5
Hsecond Varchar 5
Heng Varchar 5
Hmaths Varchar 5
Hscience Varchar 5
Hsocial Varchar 5
Hcomp Varchar 5
Hgt Varchar 5
[4first] Varchar 5
[4second] Varchar 5
[4eng] Varchar 5
[4maths] Varchar 5
[4science] Varchar 5
[4social] Varchar 5
[4comp] Varchar 5
[4gt] Varchar 5
Afirst Varchar 5
Asecond Varchar 5
Aeng Varchar 5
Amaths Varchar 5
Ascience Varchar 5
Asocial Varchar 5
Acomp Varchar 5
Agt Varchar 5
Workingdays Varchar 5
Daysattended Varchar 5
Perattended Varchar 5
Grade Varchar 5
Rank Varchar 3
Percentage Varchar 8

              Field names for “adresult” table

Column name
Data type Size
Admno Varchar 10
Name Varchar 50
Class Varchar 20
[section] Varchar 10
Strength Varchar 5
Atelugu Varchar 5
Telugu Varchar 5
Antelugu Varchar 5
Ahindi Varchar 5
Hindi Varchar 5
Anhindi Varchar 5
Aenglish Varchar 5
English Varchar 5
Anenglish Varchar 5
Amaths Varchar 5
Maths Varchar 5
Anmaths Varchar 5
Agen Varchar 5
Gen Varchar 5
Angen Varchar 5
Asocial Varchar 5
Social Varchar 5
Ansocial Varchar 5
Com Varchar 5
Acom Varchar 5
Ancom Varchar 5
Rank Varchar 5
Grade Varchar 5
Percentage Varchar 5
Classhighest Varchar 5
Working Varchar 5
Attended Varchar 5
Apercentage Varchar 5

              Field names for “adsports” table

Column name
Data type Size
A1 Varchar 25
A2 Varchar 25
A3 Varchar 25
A4 Varchar 25
Genscience Varchar 50
Gentotal Varchar 50
Asocial Varchar 3
Social Varchar 3
Socialtotal Varchar 50
Acomputer Varchar 3
Computer Varchar 3
Comtotal Varchar 3
Gtotal Varchar 3
Rank Varchar 3
Grade Varchar 3
Percentage Varchar 3
Classhighest Varchar 3
Working Varchar 50
Attended Varchar 50
Apercentage Varchar 50

  Field names for “query” table

Column name
Data type Size
Name Varchar 30
Email Varchar 50
Phone Varchar 20
Adress Varchar 150
[date] Varchar 20
Query Varchar 200

              Field names for “syllabus” table

Column name
Data type Size
Class Varchar 15
Telugu Varchar 800
Hindi Varchar 800
English Varchar 800
Maths Varchar 800
Biology Varchar 800
Physics Varchar 800
Chemistry Varchar 800
Social Varchar 800
Computer Varchar 800
Moralscience Varchar 800

Download Pratibha High School System Final Year project in ASP.Net & VB.Net

Win Sock Emulator .Net Project

Win Sock Emulator Project Abstract

Win Sock Emulator project is a .Net Project which is used to provide communication between win32 application and winsock . IPv6 is a advanced version of IPV4 protocol where many new features are added are increased speed of the packet transmission. IPV6 protocol is used for transferring packets over the web by assigning addresses for every device which is connected to internet.

IPv6 is important because IPv4 addresses are estimated to run out in 2010. IPv6 also provides a 20% increase in the speed of routing packets because routing tables and translations can be simplified.

This application is developed in .Net Platform which is one of the best available micro soft tools available in the market.


Human Resource Information System Final Year project

 Minor Project Title : Human Resource Information System

  • Technology:  VB.NET, SQL Server 2005.
  • Editor:  Visual Studio 2005.
  • Team Size:   1
  • Module:  Employee Information, Payroll System, Unique Id creation For Employees.  

This is a Human Resource Information System Final Year project for an organisation who can encapsulate whole department of Organisation like Payroll system, Employee Information System, Account department in a single software etc. This project was developed using VB.Net Programming under Visual Studio 2005 tool. SQL Server 2005 used as a database server to store all employee details. This Computer Science & Engineering Final year mini project has 4 major modules Employee information module, payroll system module, and unique id creation module for employees. Employee information module contains the all employee details like personal details, professional details. Payroll System module contains salary related & income tax related details. Unique Id creation module has a feature to all users/employees to create their unique user id.

Online Polling System Project

The main  objective  of  “ Online  Polling System”  is to cast vote online when they are not present in home town during election time. It is very useful to increase the voting  percentage across country. The disadavantages of present polling  can  be  eliminated  by introducing  above system. Because of this, the voting percentage across the country increase.

This application works as web application where users can interact remotely. This application is divided in to three modules admin module, Officers module and Voters module. In order to maintain this system admin module will look after security issues system resources and polls information and there will be single admin for this application where as there are multiple officers and multiple voters. Officers will look after polls arranged by admin where as voters will submit votes using this application.

E-Bus Pass Registration And Renewal System Project

E-Buspass Registration And Renewal System Project is a real time project which is useful for the students who  Are facing problems with the current manual work of bus pass   Registration and renewal. It also increases the validity period,   frequently Warns to the student before completion of his validity period by sending sms or mails. His / Her Renewal or Registration can be done using a voucher or even by a credit card.                                         

This online bus pass registration application will help students save their time and renewal bus passes without standing in a line for hours near counters. Intially students need to register with the application by submitting details of photo, address proof, and required details and submit through online. They will verify your details and if they are satisfied they will approve bus pass. You can even renewal using credit card or other wire transfer methods.


Data Leakage Detection Project Using ASP.Net

Data leakage Detection Project is a networking project developed using java as front end and MS – Access as back end. 

The aim of this project is to detect the agents who have leaked the data of an organization to some other party.

Existing system: In this system, it is possible to detect hackers but the information we get from cookies is less for taking any serious action against hackers who are involved in data leakage. 

There is need to improve the existing system to implement a secure data leakage detection application.

Proposed System:

This system will provide more amounts of hackers who are part of data leakage and take serious action against them.

In this proposed system we use different methods to find out the hackers for example by generating fake objects, encryption of data and watermarking techniques.

download data leakage detection project paper presentation.