Quality Controller Management Project Report with Source Code

Quality controller management project Abstract:

Quality controller management project is implemented in asp.net C# programming language as front end and MS-SQL as backend platform. This project is useful in industries, software companies, mechanical companies..etc where there is a product delivery. Using this project company can manage work process as per the ISO 9000 certificate issue agency.  Using this application organization can mange various activities like quotations, financial information with monthly and weekly auditor reports, organization data, certification information and surveillance information.

In this paper we will explain how this application can be implemented in six modules and functionality of each module in detail. This system developed under N-Tire architecture and waterfall model SDLC methodologies.

Here we provide coding, database, database of quality, quality control doc, quality tracket..etc.

download quality controller management project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

URI tracker and crawler project report and source code

URI tracker and crawler project Abstract:

URI tracker and crawler project is a web based multithreaded windows application which woks similar to Google crawlers for fetching website URL based on related search. Every search engine works on multithreaded functionality because of large search queries and provide fast data by fetching form database. Initially crawlers will retrieve all the URL of websites in queue based on priority.  This process will continue until crawler decides to stop. Data is queue are further used by web search engines or a web cache.

As the size of data is growing on web and search engines need to fetch lot of data from web so multithreaded processers run at a time for allowing search engines to be fast.

Here we provide URL tracker source code, url tracker documents and paper presentation.

Download URI tracker and crawler project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Finance Management System Project Report With Source Code

Finance management system project Abstract:

Finance management system project is implemented in asp.net platform using C# programming language. This project is useful in banking sector for providing a user friendly and easily accessible interface for performing banking transactions. This application comes with basic banking functionalities like creating new accounts, customer care service, deposits, withdraws , requesting for new check books, block payments, account transferring and online balance enquiry.

Here we provide code finance corporation controller, database fincorp, documents.

download finance management system project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Project Management System Project Report And Source Code

Project management system abstract:

Project management system along with employee, work, task are managed through this application. In present scenario every software company works on multiple projects simultaneously so there is need to manage all these projects efficiently in term of employee management, project design.

This system provides user registration for log in to application. Three modules in this application are task list, add task and administration. We can set priority of project and users who are online and project assigned and status of project through this application.

Development Platform:

Project management system or web based project management system project can be developed in java, asp.net and php. Here we provide source code in asp.net.

Here you can download activity diagrams, class diagrams, DFD’s, ER diagrams, screen shots, sequence diagrams, database tables…etc.

download project management system project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Health Care Management System Project Source Code With Project Report

Health care management system project abstract:

Health center system project is developed in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a online software application for maintaining drugs information, patients information, nurse information and doctors information in a single application. This system will reduce manual work for maintaining records in files. Using this system data is maintained in database and data retrieving and updating is easy process and old data can be easily retrieved.  Doctors and patients can view this data from anywhere which will save time. This application is also useful for pharmacist to inquire about the drugs and update information about drugs to database.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report and reference documents.

download Health center management system project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Active Source Routing Protocol For Mobile Networks Project Source Code And Project Report

Active Source Routing Protocol For Mobile Networks project Abstract:

Active Source Routing Protocol For Mobile Networks project is a cse networking project which is implemented in java platform. Here we provide entire project source code with execution procedure provided in how to run file and project documentation along with paper presentation.  Main objective of this project is to provide a solution for different types of attacks that basically occurs in mobile ad hoc networks.

Mobile ad hoc networks works on different nodes connected with each other inside the network and these nodes changes as per the requirement. LAR protocol is one of the mostly used protocols for this communication. In this paper we discuss different areas where attacks are caused in network and security issues in present network.

download Active source routing protocol for mobile networks project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Online Defect Tracking System Project Source Code And Project Report

Online defect tracking system project Abstract:

Online defect tracking system project is useful in organizations as intranet application which is used to logging in defects by programmers and testers in to system which can be viewed by other project mates and project managers and allot them to employees for fixing this problem.

This method will reduce work load which is included in manual paper work process. This system is entirely automated so it will be easy to look after previous works without any delay.

Online Defect Tracking System Project

For further improvement in this system we integrate Customer relationship management system in to existing application which will make this system more powerful.

download Online defect tracking system project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Congestion Control Using Network Based Protocol Project Source Code And Project Report

Congestion Control Using NETWORK BASED PROTOCOL project Abstract:

Congestion Control Using NETWORK BASED PROTOCOL project is a cse networking project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a new model called congestion avoidance mechanism called CRF for controlling congestion in network and improve efficiency of communication without any time delay.

In present network congestion is important factor where researches are working to reduce congestion and increase scalability and robustness in network communication.  CRF will control and restrict unwanted traffic before they enter the network and communicate with routers which are located at borders and restrict unwanted traffic.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report and paper presentation.

download Congestion Control Using NETWORK BASED PROTOCOL project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Data Transmission Using Multi-Tasking-Socket Project Source Code And Project Report

Data Transmission Using Multi-Tasking-Socket project Abstract:

Data Transmission Using Multi-Tasking-Socket project is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to explain importance of multitasking socket programming in network communication when dealing with large amount of data from different sources. In this paper we propose a new model in which feedback system is created. When there is any break in socket connection users is informed with connection loss information and similarly packet delay and packet loss information is send to user in the form of feedback message. This method is not avialble in regular methods which is developed in this project.

Detailed explanation about this project is provide in how to run file and installation procedure is provided in the file.

download Data transmission using multi tasking socket project source code in java and project report with ppt.


Call Center Executive Asp.Net Project Source Code With Project Report

Call center executer project Abstract:

Call center executer project is implemented in asp.net platform using C# programming language. Main aim of this project is to implement a software application for BPO company executive for effectively manage his work and provide best customer support for clients in limited time. Using this application client information can be stored in to database and employee communication with clients are recorded for further assistance. This project is mostly used in call center companies where customer support is key.

Detailed explanation about call center executor project is provided in how to run file.

download Call center executer project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.