Face Descry System

Project Title: Face Descry System

Project Description: The objective of the Face Descry System project is to use our face as a password instead of using any word in ATM’s and in many other fields.

This final year computer science project is used in places where more security is needed than the existing.

For example in ATM’s at present the security system using is password based which can be used by any person who knows the password, but using this Face Descry System out face will be the password and no other person can use our ATM.

Some of the banks are taking this project to the future generation to solve the security related problems.

The Secure Hash Algorithm Mat Lab Project Abstract

The Secure Hash Algorithm is one of a number of cryptographic hash functions for protecting the authenticity of information between two parties. The following algorithms are treated as secure hash algorithms. SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 & SHA-512. These algorithms provide IP security, pretty good privacy and digital signature.

As the usage of wired and wireless communication is improving there need to be advanced hash algorithms for providing security of data. So in this project we implement hash algorithm.

download Implementing secure Hash Algorithms project reference documents.

Modelling of Performance of Three Phase Induction Motor Using Mat lab Project Abstract

In this project,Modelling Of Performance Of Three Phase Induction by using mat lab we will analysis different parameters of three phase induction motors. By analyzing various parameters for example torque, efficiency, power factor, iron loss it would be helpful to select the suitable motor for a particular application.

This analysis also helps in checking whether the motor is been successfully manufactured or not, any short comings can be modified by the manufacturers later. This type of analysis is also needed for research and development wing of manufacturing unit to develop new varieties of motors.

download Modelling Of Performance Of Three Phase Induction mat lab project reference documents.

Non Uniform De Blurring for Shaken Images Mat lab Project

Non Uniform De Blurring For Shaken Images paper explains about proposed new algorithms which can convert blurred images in to normal high quality images. There are two reasons for image blurring firstly due to 3D movement of the camera while taking a moving picture and second one is due to noise inside image. Images that are cause blurring effect due to camera are non uniform across the image. In present de blurring methods only uniform blur kernel are converted . In this paper we are proposing new methods for non uniform blurred images.

This new par materialized geometric model we calculate rotational velocity of the camera at the movement of image capture and apply these calculations to our algorithm.

In this project we analyze the output of camera blurred image and regular noise related blurred image from newly implemented algorithm and compare with the existing algorithm. Result shows new method is more efficient

download reference documents and sample mat lab code for reference.

Train Collision Using MIWI Communication.

Description: In this project we are going to prevent the train collision using MIWI communication. In this project we use sensors and micro controller and p2p protocol for communication. Code is written in C language and updated to micro controller which is the heart of the system for taking decisions.

 Hardware and software requirements:

Programing Languages            :   C, MASM, VHDL, MATLAB

Operating system                      :  WINDOWS XP

download Train Collision Using MIWI communication.

Text Extraction System ECE Seminar Topic

Like PC, compress electronic, storage medium, and great accuracy communication talent are improved severely and the digital video is evolved into the essential components under several applications like games, studies, and news. Multimedia information is even become greater than before. To obtain and explore the essential data from the great quantity of video information then we should get the text information from video.

 Apparently, the Text is the essential component under video, hence to get the text displayed like the key option to comprehend the data of video. The identification and recognition of videotext is seen like the important element for the extraction and examining system of the video. The detection of video is utilized under several applications like summarization, semantic video indexing, security, video surveillance, and multilingual video data access and so on.

 Videotext is divided into two major classes. They are graphic text and scene text. Graphic text is also known as text overlay which is the videotext included over the video editors. Scene texts are implanted videotexts under the real-world objects.

This Text Extraction System ECE Seminar Topic focuses on the issue to correctly identify and get the graph for videotext identification. Even though, the graphic is included within the video, the examinations are displayed to obtain the video entities like people, face etc. It is because of several graphic texts available under the cluttered background. There is no constant color spread for texts in distinct videos.


It is concluded that the edge detection is utilized to get the text and it is executed with the help of Matlab. The two critical angles are mentioned and the text is obtained and identified by the edges of the picture. The two angles that are utilized are 90 degree and 180 degree.

Download Text Extraction System ECE Seminar Topic.

Sensor less Vector Control of Induction Motor EEE Project

  • Project Name: Sensor less Vector Control of Induction Motor

  •  Environment:  MATLAB/SIMULINK

 Project Description:

     This Sensor less Vector Control of Induction Motor EEE Project is on Induction motor to control the speed in both directions by eliminating the use of sensor and to estimate the speed and torque of an Induction motor their by reducing the size, complexity and overall cost.

Design of 7 TAP FIR Filter Using HDL and Analysis Using MATLAB

Design Of 7 TAP FIR Filter Using HDL And Analysis Using MATLAB project explains about a new design of FIR filter to determine control circuits in DSP architectures.  This project can be useful in DSP architecture where different operations using algorithms are time multiplexed in to single functional unit. In order to reduce space in the circuit we need to use multiplexing in algorithms so here in order to reduce space we are running total functional units in a single execution.

In order to check the result of the system Xilinx’s software is used as simulator which is used for simulating VHDL codes.  Inputs given to this simulator are co-efficient of the FIR filter generated by MATLAB.

download  Project on Design Of 7 TAP FIR Filter Using HDL And Analysis Using MATLAB  project.

Design and Implementation of Butter worth Filter Using VHDL AMS

Design and Implementation of Butter worth Filter Using VHDL AMS projects main idea is to develop a system which can be used for easy designing and performance. Using this system it will be easy to simulate entire circuit at each transistor lever before design is conformed. This project helps companies to submit their work in time without and delay.

In order to understand entire process of the transistor-level behavior and variations in between its design and its top level functionality model should be closely absorbed.

download  Project on Design and Implementation of Butter worth Filter Using VHDL AMS  project.

Implementation OF CDMA Signaling Technique Using Mat lab

Implementation OF CDMA Signaling Technique Using MatLab Projects main idea is to provide solution for GSM networks for increasing scope of coverage to rural areas. In present telecommunication industry many networks are not providing services to the rural areas because of few customers and high installment cost.

In order to solve this problem we propose a method called wireless radio network. But there are few draw backs with system by considering Present multiplexing techniques like TDMA. In wireless radio network each area need to devided in to large cells. In this case there will be signal loss and delays by using TDMA.

In order to solve this problem,  CDMA and Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing techniques are used as alternative to TDMA. In time division multiplexing there is high symbol rate which is leading to problems in multi path causing inter symbol interference.

download  Project on Implementation OF CDMA Signaling Technique Using MatLab  project

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