Implementation of Fuzzy Temperature Control Using Microprocessor

Fuzzy Temperature Control Using Microprocessor project is designed as a system which can control the temperature of the devices using the basic fuzzy logic, this application checks the current temperature and checks weather it exceeds the desired limit, if then the application informs the user about the limit has been exceeded using an message send via SMS. This report discusses about the various components used and how they are been designed in a PCB.

Fuzzy logic controls are based on the theory of fuzzy set. Since the increased use of embedded system and microcontroller fuzzy logic has become more popular. Fuzzy logic is classified as a high level programming paradigm. Which is more appropriate for the embedded system when digital information processing is been used in case of microcontrollers. The main characteristic of fuzzy logic is that it transforms the binary world of computing into a computation basedon continues intervals of time. These property is been used by the embedded system.

The coprocessor design can be more costly than a software solution on a standard microcontroller. Another technique implemented in fuzzy logic is resolution analysis. The major reason for the fast execution of fuzzy logic in microcontroller is that it lies in identification of intelligent shortcuts during the compilation time itself in the PC. Some of the main advantages of fuzzy logic control are: High level linguistic variablebased control task description; it can beused for linear and nonlinear control, suitable for microcontrollerbased systems, Easy to implement multiinputmultioutput control system. Some of the main devices used in this project are LCD, program counters, Memory control unit, keypad, isolation circuits, power amplifier, ADC (analog to digital converter), buzzer, and LM35 microcontroller.

This paper also discuss about the whole device  with their pin diagram such as ADC 0809 controller IC and their working related to the project. Global system for mobile communication (GSM) are also been related to this project since the report are to be send to the user through the SMS service provided by the GSM architecture. 

Download Implementation of Fuzzy Temperature Control Using Microprocessor.

Electronic Stethoscope Project Abstract


The project aims at designing a electronic stethoscope. We will design a circuit which same as a conventional stethoscope. The circuit is designed on a veroboard. The entire circuit runs on a 9V battery source. By using low cost electronic components like resistors, capacitors and opamps the required design is achieved.

Circuit description:

The heart beat sounds are generated will be in low frequency range of 20 t0 30 khz. So it equipment must be designed to detect these low frequency range. The opamp is made to operate low frequency ranges so the gain of the opamp will be in the range of 3.9. The high output impedance of the fet makes the resistor to operate at 12 khz, by which the capacitor allows only low frequency signals. A Butter worth low pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 103hz is produced due to gain of the resistors and by making it to pass through capacitors a sharp butterwoth response is produced. By reducing the capacitor gain values the cut off frequency gets increased to 1khz and this frequency range is used for detecting respiratory sounds.


The entire circuit is placed on a veroboad and the microphone is connected by using a shielded cable. The microphone is connected to the stethoscope by using a isolated rubber sleeve. The stethoscope head can be designed by using thick jar. The microphone must be sealed properly to avoid acoustical noise. To avoid fiction noises the microphone head must be moved while listening heart beats. Thus the stethoscope can be designed by using electronic components.

Download Electronic Stethoscope Project Abstract.

Electronic House Project Abstract

Introduction to electronic house:

The main aim of this project is to save the power in a house hold environment. We will employ certain techniques to reduce the usage of power. In this we are six major equipments which are use monitor all the devices present. By using this model we can have a monitor control over the devices.  All the monitoring equipments are controlled using a remote controller. The six equipments are

Remote operated gate control;

This is used for opening and closing of the gates, it has a sensor placed in front of the gate which gives us the signal on the remote so that we can operate the gate. By using this we can provide safety to the house.

Auto adjustable timer unit:

By using this timer unit we can set the time control for the working of the devices , after the completion of the time the devices gets off. This is used to set time control for devices like water sprinkler in garden, and bed lights etc.

Remote operated appliances:

This is used for controlling the devices like fan, ac, tv ,washing machines etc. All these appliances made on or off by using the remote control.

Touch sensitive burglar alarm for internal security:

This is used for providing internal security to lockers and some cupboards. The sensor placed for these things gives an alarm when touched by a un identity.

Automatic gate light and bell system:

This device is to give  a bell and puts on lights when the person is entering. By this we can the power by reducing the unnecessary use of gate lights. From the automatic bell we can know when any one is coming.

Water level indicator and controller:

By  using this we can know the level of water in the tank and it automatically puts off the pump when the tank gets full. By using these equipments we can save the power.

Download Electronic House Project Abstract.

Electronic Wastage’s A Poisonous Soup of 21st Century Seminar Report

Introduction to E-wastage:

This paper mainly elaborates about wastage and harmful effects on environment E-Wastage occurs due to useless electronic equipment’s which are dumped into the soil or thrown into oceans. Some of developed countries make use of undeveloped countries for dumping their E-wastage contains led and plastic which harm the nature. so we mainly stress on the aspects to reduce E-Wastage and recycling methods  to be followed

Briefly into the E-Wastage effects and recycling methods:

All the electronic components contain led in certain percentage levels mainly the batteries contains 50% of led ,monitors contain 29% of led and other product  has the less composition of led. America has been dumping its 80% of the E-Wastege in asia. In order to control this E-Wastage company’s hare to process recyclable products .the use of led and other tonic materials are to reduced and they are to replaced by metals or recyclable materials. The alloys systems have to use for replacement of led, these alloys are to be brought in to extensive use. The availability of these alloys should be more and cost effective so that the companies prefer to use these alloy materials instead of led. the CFA project will work efficient to meet the temperature requirement of the metals because the melting point of metals is more compared to that of led.

Effects of E-Wastage:

Due to continuous dumping of E-Wastage in soil, in that soil area gets effected .in such areas the water gets polluted and that soil cannot be used for agriculture purpose if the people think of that polluted water affected with dreadful diseases .after the recycling process the left out material like plastic board and microchips and other elements are burnt due to which air gets polluted .the cycle workers the point brass has for extracting small remains of toner due to which toner clouds gets formed in such areas. It has a serious effect on the respiratory system of the human beings. Many electronic ports are compromised of tiny amount of gold which is extracted by process called acidic stripping while performing this process several tonic gases are released into environment .the remaining wastage obtained after this process are thrown into rivers affect the aquatic life and humans who use the water for various purpose .thus we can conclude that E-Wastage is serious growing problem which is to reduced by taking preventing measures.

Download Electronic Wastage’s A Poisonous Soup of 21st Century Seminar Report.

Eight Bit Manipulation

Introduction to Eight Bit Manipulation:

The project aims at performing multiplication of two eight bit numbers  by using Spartan 3E kit. For this multiplication a verilog program has to be written. The program is written and compiled using xlinx ise 9.2i software. This software runs on a windows operating system. The Spartan 3E kit is designed by using FPGA. The gates present on the kits perform the logical operation.

Theory and Algorithm:

In the provide xlinx software we need to create a verilog file and the port names have to be assigned. We have to code the verilog program and compile it to check the syntax errors. If the program is not coded properly we may not get the required output. we need to the assign the package pins by creating the ucf file. By using the jtag port we can connect Spartan 3e kit and configure the device. In the program the registers are to assigned properly otherwise the error occurs while performing the logical operation.

Logical operation:

Depending upon the given eight bit numbers the logical operations are performed as follows. After downloading the FPGA program we have to check whether the multiplicand and multiplier are positive, otherwise the successive addition cannot be performed. If any of the multiplicand is not positive then the successive addition is performed by replacing the msb value with 1 instead of zero. If both the multiplicands are negative then the successive addition is performed by using 2s complementation. If the multiplicand is negative and the multiplier is positive then the 2s complement of the multiplicand is taken and given to the multiplier for performing the successive addition.

Download Eight Bit Manipulation Project Report.

Printed Circuit Boards and Coil Windings Project Report


In this paper we are going to see the construction and working and available printed circuit boards and coil windings and cables which are used in designing electronic circuits. The printed circuit boards are used for arranging of components and the coil windings are used for designing components and cables are used for transmission. We will also look into the types of soldering process available for fixing components on board.


Cables are used for transmission purpose which are prepare by using two or more wires put together or by bonding them or by twisting them depending upon the required output for the transmission purpose. Cables are mainly used to connect computer peripherals like printer, scanner and other hardware devices. There are five types of cables which serve different purpose. The mechanical cables which are also called probes which are used for handling force through tension. The electrical cables are used in power supply lines for flow of current through them. The optical fiber cables are made of protective layers which carry light through them. There are power cables which serve the same purpose of electric cables but its usage is different.

Coil windings:

The coil windings are designed by making the copper wire turns in specified lengths. These windings generate electric or magnetic flux when provided with external power supply. The higher the no of turns the higher the flux generated. The coil windings are prepared on machines which are programmed so the wound the coils accordingly. We can specify the no of turns and the direction of turns for winding of coils. Janatic coils available for which the construction process is same and they are available 30 and 60 watt variants.

Printed circuit boards:

It is made of non conductive material which provides mechanical supports for the electrical components. Here the insulated layers are laminated with proxy resign. The boards are coated with green color and they are also available with blue and green color. To separate the copper areas from substrate photo engraving process is used. Wave soldering process is the commonly used for soldering of electronic components.

Download Printed Circuit Boards and Coil Winding’s Project Report.

PIC Micro controller Data Acquisition System Project Report


The debugging of an electrical circuit can be done by knowing the voltage , temperature and current information. By providing the data acquisition system in the power supply  we can know these values . this paper concentrates on developing a data acquition system which measures the voltage from 0 to 50v, current values up to 50 amps and finds temperature on the ambient and load.

Construction of data acquition system:

The current voltage and temperature sensors are used which gives the sensed information during the working of the circuit the sensed information from the sensors is fed to analog to digital converter, which is a 14 pin package. For monitoring the process a pic micro controller is used. From the available pic microcontroller’s we need to select the required one which has a 4adc channels and counter timer and quart. For the pic microcontroller to operate accordingly we have to provide it with the data. The internal oscillator frequency is set to 4mhz for its working. The baud rate at which the data is transmitted is 9 bits in which one bit  is used for stat or stop information and the other 8 bits are used for data information. To control the sampling rate timer is used and by polling the overflow bit are controlled. The micro chip on the pic microcontroller provides environment for compiling coding setting up and controlling programs. The flash memory of the pic can be reprogrammed by using the interface ide of usb. By using RS232 and max232 the transfer of digital data is possible in between the pc and thru registers of the microcontroller.

 Conclusions’ and Future scope:

Here the complexity of the project increases due to selection of the pic microcontroller other than a normal microcontroller. The data acquisition system can be further developed by the use of high resolution ADC converters. Here the chances of crashing occurs when the captured data is plotted on a excel sheet, which can be overcome by use of high integrated capture display programs.

Download PIC Micro controller Data Acquisition System Project Report.

Naval Technologies Innovations of World War II Seminar Report

Introduction to New Naval Technologies:

For today’s technological warfare the idea was put forward from the second world war. Many innovative ideas of the scientists of that period laid down a path for todays technological warfare. Many discoveries were made in very low frequency and high frequencies and ultrasonic’s which are used for finding the accelerated path of the ships. The vacuum tube which was invented in 1960s and was replaced by spark transmitters by the time of World War II. The technological development was the path of victory during world war. The most powerful very low frequencies are designed during time of Second World War, which is capable of producing 1000-2000 kwatts used for transmission of signals to submarines. Due to usage steel the system produced an output efficiency of 50%.

Brief into technological developments:

During the time of world war , many ideas are brought up and discoveries were brought up which are being developed in the coming years. There areas were the technological developments are made

Future Naval technology:

Many technological developments are made in naval warfare in the early part of the 20th century. Many inventions made done like ship board radio communication system and vacuum tube radio communication and development of aircraft receivers.

Radio communication:

US navy during 19th century recognized the need of communication, which laid a path for the development of radio communication. They are firs persons to bring the practical usage of radio communication between the ships. They made the invention of surveillance system.

High frequency direction finders:

It consists of two opposed vertical dipole antennas with a receiver in between isolated from the metallic objects. This was used during world war for finding the positions of the enemies up to 200 miles. This was helpful for surprise attack of war ships during the world war.

Download Naval Technologies Innovations of World War II Seminar Report.

E-coupled Wireless Technology Seminar Topic

Introduction to e-coupled technology:

E-coupled technology is the process by which the power gets transmitted to the electrical devices virtually without the use of chords. In this the control unit monitors the flow of power. A single power source is used for the transmission of power. By using the concept of resonance the power gets transmitted which has efficiencies greater than 98%. The power is transmitted to the devices by the authentication process.

Brief into e-coupled technology:

The dynamic control and inter operability is employed so that the power gets according to the device range, thereby reducing wastage and providing device safety. A protocol system is employed to communicate with the devices. The devices have to detect and to undergo authentication so that they can receive power according to their specified range. A parasitic metal detection is used so that the power source can run over the specified and shut down when the device do not need power. By this the power source can maintain the devices within the range and provide a higher efficiency.


 By using e-coupled technology the risk of shorting arcing are overcome. The usage of the interconnection system for the power transmission gets reduced. E-coupled technology allows simultaneous transmission of power to multiple users at a time. E-coupled technology is an echo friendly technology which does not cause any pollution. This technology is being successfully used in espring water purifier systems. E-coupled technology can completely eliminate the connector losses which in turn increases the efficiency.

Download E-coupled Wireless Technology Seminar Topic.

Embedded System for Terrorism Prevention Report


The main objective of this embedded design is to detect the liquid explosives so as prevent the terrorist activities. At present there are many available detectors for detecting metal explosives but there are no efficient detectors for detecting liquid explosives. This system can be used in airports, railway stations and bus stations etc , which detects the explosives in the luggage’s and at the same it checks the data base whether the person is having any crime record. Here the system is connected with the main system which maintains the database.

Brief into working process:

The entire design is prepare by using the concepts of embedded systems Glyceryl trinitrate, ammonium nitrate and nitroglycerin are the commonly used liquid explosives which contains –NO2, -CO and –CH bonds. These bonds show certain characteristics when exposed to UV radiation. To scan the bags a uv spectrometer is used when exposed to these explosives the reflected rays carry certain characteristics and the spectrometer output is fed is band pass filter. The band pass filter processes the reflected waves and sends the signals to a ADC converter and we can see the detected information on the PC. When such explosive materials are detected it gives a alert message. At the same the person’s identity is checked in database present to the main server.


Due to serious terrorist’s activities going on, these devices can be very useful to monitor such activities. By use this device we can control terrorist’s activities to an extent. Thus we can conclude that by using these devices we can provide safety to the people.

Download Embedded System for Terrorism Prevention Report.