Corporate Recruitment System J2EE Project with Source Code

  • Project Title: Corporate Recruitment System J2EE Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  J2EE, JSP, SQL, Java Script, HTML.

Project Description:  The main purpose of creating this Corporate Recruitment System CRS Java Based web application is to provide good fresher recruitment website for corporate companies.

This system provides online tests for students who are having eligibility to write the exam like SSC, Intermediate, Engineering marks, and this system makes online tests on aptitude, reasoning, technical, HR management.

The selected candidates can get offer letters an appointment letter directly to their mail address. This web application was developed with Java Server pages and back end developed with SQL Server.

Corporate Recruitment System J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.

Client Provisioning J2EE Project with Source Code

  • Project Title: Client Provisioning J2EE Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  J2EE, MS Access.

Project Description:  The main objective of developing Client Provisioning J2EE Project is to provide effective banking client provisioning tool for all banking customers.

This java project works with users can log in with main page registration form where they can find bank details as well as retrieve details, on the top of the window users can see menu bar for different operations in banking sector like deposit money, withdraw money, delete created one, find banking information, transform currency, find their own account details, payments for their credit cards, etc. Banking sector module provides information about bank name; bank established, bank location, number of branches, number of employees, Bank Main head quarters.

The remaining deposit and withdrawal operations need customer pin number as well as a 3d secure pin.

Client Provisioning J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.

Distributed Metadata Management For Large Cluster Based Storage Systems Project

Distributed metadata management for large cluster based storage systems project Description:

Distributed metadata management for large cluster based storage systems project is a 2008 project which is implemented in visual studio platform. This project explains about improvements that are needed in salable computing systems in communication network.

Because of high improvements in network usage bandwidth usage had increase rapidly in large magnitude so in order to fill gap between dedicated networks and commercial storage systems we need to implement new methods for filling the demand. In this paper we propose a Hierarchical bloom filter arrays for managing meta data and requested data effectively.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report with module diagrams, UML diagrams and class diagrams.

Customer Relationship Management .Net Project with Source Code

  • Project Title: Customer Relationship Management .Net Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  Microsoft .Net programming, Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

Project Description:  The main use of designing this project Customer Relationship Management is to provide better customer relation in product based companies.

The main modules covered in this web application are admin module, customer module, employee module and Operation MGR module.

The admin module works with providing employee information, employee payrolls, generating crystal reports, and etc. The customer module works with the customer login details, customer inquiries, customer queries, and requests.

The employee module works with the employee personal details, employee payroll information, view questions and employee crystal reports.

This project can provide efficient customer satisfaction and relationship between the company management, employees, and customers.

Customer Relationship Management ASP.Net & SQL project abstract, Project Report, project documentation, project source code, database File, project ppt.

Bandwidth Efficient Video Multicasting in Multiracial Muilticellular Wireless Networks Project Source Code

Bandwidth Efficient Video Multicasting in Multiracial Muilticellular Wireless Networks project description:

Bandwidth Efficient Video Multicasting in Multiracial Muilticellular Wireless Networks project is a 2008 cse project which is implemented in java platform. This project explains about implementing a new method for dealing with layered video encoding in a multicast heterogonous networks. In this method each mobile node can select different cell area and different network for subscribing each layer in video stream, in order to reduce bandwidth consumption each cell can only deliver single subset of layers of video streaming.

Here we provide entire project source code and project base paper for free download.

download Bandwidth Efficient Video Multicasting in Multiracial multi cellular Wireless Networks project base paper pdf and source code in java.

Repository and Search Engine for Alumni of College .Net Project with Source Code

  • Name of the Project: Repository and Search Engine for Alumni of College .Net Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  Microsoft .Net programming, Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

Project Description:  This web based project was coded and developed with ASP.Net web programming language and can be useful for all students who completed their study and student life.

Here this Repository and Search Engine for Alumni of College .Net project works with college administrator and students all over the world. Students can search friends and colleges in this and add friends.

The main advantage of this system is to make get together functions, attend marriage parties, create events, discuss their college memories, and much more.

Repository and Search Engine for Alumni of College ASP.Net & C#.Net project abstract, Project Report, project documentation, project source code, database File, project ppt.

Dual Link Failure Resiliency Through Backup Link Mutual Exclusion Project Source Code

Dual link failure resiliency through backup link mutual exclusion project Description:

Dual link failure resiliency through backup link mutual exclusion project is a 2008 cse project which is implemented is java platform.  This project explains about different issues that occur in link failure which are called as BLME problem  and methods used to prevent link failure using link back up methods called as BLME.

In this paper we propose two different methods for BLME problem first one is formulating the backup path selection as an integer liner program and second one is Developing a least cost path routing using polynomial time heuristic.

Here we provide entire project source code with project documentation and reference documents.

download Dual link failure resiliency through backup link mutual exclusion project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with PPT.

Online Index Recommendations For High Dimensional Database Using Query Workloads Project Source Code

Online index recommendations for high dimensional database using query workloads project Description:

Online index recommendations for high dimensional database using query workloads project is a 2008 cse project which is developed in java as front end and MS SQL as back end. Database utilization is important in every software application starting form business data warehouses and scientific data which depends on high dimensional data sets. As the size of data sets increases retrieving data from database though specified query is important to effectively use the database. In this case where large sized data sets are used reteriving data using indexing is important for effectively improving database performance this is done by prune out significant portions of data set.

Adding other features like multidimensional indexing, dimensionality reduction and RDMS will help in indexing.

Here we provide entire project source code and project documentation for free download.

download Online index recommendations for high dimensional database using query workloads project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Protection Of Database Security Via Collaborative Inference Detection Project Source Code

Protection of database security via collaborative inference detection project Description:

Protection of database security via collaborative inference detection project is a 2008 cse project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a semantic interface model(SIM) for reducing attacks form malicious users on innocuous data accesses. In this paper we propose inference violation detection system for improving security of sensitive data content. This method will work on data dependency, every schema of database and semantic knowledge. SIM method is instantiated with SIG for solving query time inference and its violating detection.

Here we provide entire project source code in java and project documentation and database.

download Protection of database security via collaborative inference detection project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Two Techniques For Fast Computation Of Constrained Shortest Paths Project Source Code

          Two Techniques for Fast Computation of Constrained Shortest Paths project Description:

Two Techniques for Fast Computation of Constrained Shortest Paths project is a 2008 cse project which his implemented in java platform. Finding shortest path in network is most important factor for fast transmission of data so there are many available methods like Dijkstra’s algorithm for finding the shortest path.  In this paper we propose a new method which is alternative to existing algorithm which works on time stamp.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in base paper and project report. Here we provide entire project source code in java.

download Two Techniques for Fast Computation of Constrained Shortest Paths project source code in java and base paper pdf, and project report with ppt.