Personal Authentication Using 3-D Finger Geometry Project Source Code

Personal Authentication Using 3-D Finger Geometry project Description:

Personal Authentication Using 3-D Finger Geometry project is a cse project which is implemented in java platform. This project explains bout implementing a new method for personal verification and identification humans. In present scenario there are lot of researches going on this area, this project is part of it.  

In this paper we propose biometrics-based authentication model which deals with physiological and behavioral variations of humans which will also consider finger prints, voice, signature, had gestures and face recognition. This application uses software for analyzing the result. As usage of technology is increasing and there are new electronics and electrical devices available in the market this project can be implemented with in low cost.

download Personal Authentication Using 3-D Finger Geometry project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Mobile Banking System Java Project with Source Code

Project Title: Mobile Banking System Java Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  Java, Nokia 5100 SDK, Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit (NMIT), WAP protocol,  MS Access.

Project Description:  The main objective of developing this Mobile Banking System is to provide banking services through the mobile phone.

Now a day’s banking customers are increasing rapidly and it’s very hard to make transactions, withdrawals, check deposits in banks manually. Mobile banking facility is very useful for all banking customers to make online transactions instantly.

This project works with the Nokia software (Nokia 5100 SDK) and the advantage is a customer can pay the electricity bills, water bills, phone bills.

Mobile Banking System J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.

E – Space Management System Java Project with Source Code

Project Title: E – Space Management System Java Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  JSP, SQL Server, Java Script, HTML, CSS.

Project Description:  The main objective of developing this E – Space Management System is to maintain and monitor the web servers. 

The architecture of the project consists of web server related details, transaction details, product customer details, and much more.

This project can be very useful with online transactions. This web application mainly developed for CSE students and coded with JSP using SQL and other web designing languages used are HTML, Java Script.

E – Space Management System J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.

Distributor Management System Java Project with Source Code

Project Title: Distributor Management System Java Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  Java, J2EE, Swings, servlets, Enterprise beans, MS Access.

Project Description:  The main objective of developing this Distributor Management System final year Java based project is to provide efficient web based tool for sell company products. 

This project mainly consists of website administration module, product supplier module, product distributor module, sales manager module, Sales person’s module.

The previous distributor system was not clear and not able to provide correct results, it was very hard to make the transaction with in less time, so it is a time-consuming process and manual resources should be needed for the old system.

The main disadvantage of the old project is it was designed only for the single person like sales manager, here others not able to know the others sales details and it is not GUI based system and new persons don’t know about computer so it will be very hard to operate the old application, to overcome all these problems we have implemented Java based effective web tool, MS Access played major role in designing database related tables.

Distributor Management System J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.

Cyber Credit Card System Java Project with Source Code

Project Title: Cyber Credit Card System Java Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  Java, J2EE, SQL Server, VB Script, HTML, Java Script.

Project Description:  The main objective of developing this Credit Card Banking (CCB) final year J2EE based web application is to provide the information regarding customer product purchase using his/her credit card.

In India, lots of banking companies are providing credit cards where each card has a different account number, three digits secure pin, name on the card, valid date, expiry date, type of the credit card.

This system validates the above information before going to make the transaction if the transaction successful then that particular company provides products to the customer.

Cyber Credit Card System J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.

Advanced Secured System Java Project with Source Code

Project Title: Advanced Secured System Java Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  Java, J2EE, Swings, servlets, Enterprise beans, Oracle.

Project Description:  The main advantage of developing this Advanced Secured System Final java project is to keep out web servers, network servers in safe and secure.

The major user use of this web based application is to remove the work stress on servers, basically, all web servers can provide installed operating system, and different software’s and databases for all other network users, these servers provide mailing services, PHPMyAdmin services, freely installed open source applications, chat systems, etc.

This system detects the malware, virus, any bugs found and provides secure data transmission.

Advanced Secured System J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.

Computer Resource Management System Java Project with Source Code

Project Title: Computer Resource Management System Java Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  Java, J2EE, Swings, servlets, Enterprise beans, Oracle.

Project Description:  The main purpose of designing Computer Resource Management System final year J2EE project is to provide entire information about the personal computer.

The main advantage of the project is we can easily find out the problems at hardware level or operating system level so it can be helpful to organization desktops.

This final project is a web based Java application developed with WebLogic server, Java beans enterprise edition, J2EE, JSP.

Computer Resource Management System J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.

Web Reporting System Java Project with Source Code

Project Title: Web Reporting System Java Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  Java, J2EE, Swings, servlets, Enterprise beans, Oracle.

Project Description:  The main aim of developing this Web Reporting System is to provide efficient ATM availability report over the network.

The executed web screen contains index home page, ATM availability functionality, Different transactions, daily amount withdrawal limitations, the transaction fee for salary accounts and current accounts, transaction codes depends upon the errors and much more.

The advantage of this Java project is to provide exact results without any errors and redundancy.

Web Reporting System J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.

Online Banking System Java Project with Source Code

Project Title: Online Banking System Java Project with Source Code

Software Requirements:  Java, J2EE, Swings, servlets, Enterprise beans, Oracle.

Project Description:  The main aim of developing Online Banking System is to provide online banking services to the banking customers. 

This project architecture consists of bank customer personal information along with their pan card for tax related information, Online transaction information like sending money to others and receiving money from others, Loan management details like applying loan for home, car, educational purpose and for other business.

Online Banking System J2EE Project Source code, Documentation, Abstract, Paper Presentation ppt, Database File, Screen Shots.

Dexterity of web service affairs ASP.NET SQL 2005 project

Project Title: Dexterity of web service affairs ASP.NET  SQL2005 project

Software Requirements: ASP.Net, SQL server, Java Script, Html.

Project Description : The main aim of developing this Dexterity of web service affairs ASP.NET SQL 2005 project final year engineering project is to provide secure online banking transactions. The basic advantage is we can make online transactions efficient for power failure problems, system hanging problems when the transaction is in middle. We can make purchases quickly without any unknown payments with our banking usernames.