Dynamic Load Balancing In Distributed Systems In The Presence Of Delays Project Source Code

Dynamic load balancing in distributed systems in the presence of delays project Abstract:

Dynamic load balancing in distributed systems in the presence of delays project is a cse project which is implemented in java platform. In this project we analyze processing rates at each nodes and there performance as well as delay in transition at each node is studied accurately and provide solution with dynamic load balancing method. Initially we work on developing one shot load balancing policy and extend its features to distributed load balancing policy  which will handle both incoming external loads at each node.

 Performance of dynamic load balancing methods are compared with existing methods by considering the average completion time per task and process rate of each system based on random arrivals of the external loads.

download Dynamic load balancing in distributed systems in the presence of delays project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Image Enhancement Technology Project Report And Java Source Code

Image enhancement technology project Description:

Image enhancement technology project is a cse project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to develop a filtering technique which is used to digitalize images by reducing noise in the image. Digital imaging is a process of improving quality of available image by using digitalizing techniques. These techniques include sharpening and smoothening. There are many techniques available for improving these factors. In this paper we will study about filtering techniques and its functionality in digital processing systems.

Here you can download entire project source code for free of cost and project report with reference documents.

download Image enhancement technology project is a cse project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Graphical User Interface ART Project Source Code And Project Report

Graphical user interface ART project Description:

Graphical user interface ART project is implemented for providing java programmers to develop GUI with simple functionality and user friendly features. This application works on all platforms which is called as cross platforms with fast and easy features.  This system is implemented under GNU license where code is available on web which helps project to move forward fast with new features adding to application and making it flexible.

Installing this application is simple without any delays and provide quick start features.

Here we provide canvases, cvs, doc, etc, source, templates, test data and uml files for download.

download graphical user interface ART project source code in java and project report with ppt.

A Distributed Cycle Minimization Protocol For Peer To Peer Networks Project Source Code

A distributed cycle minimization protocol for peer to peer networks project Abstract:

A distributed cycle minimization protocol for peer to peer networks project is a cse networking project which is implemented in java platform. This application is useful for peer to peer network for reducing duplicate messages and block unwanted cycles. In this paper we propose distributed cycle minimization protocol. This protocol main functionality is breaking the link of cycle when it detects any unwanted messages and creates new link for safe transfer and maintaining connectivity of the network. This protocol will not affect load balancing and fault resilience in unstructured p2p systems.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report and reference documents.

download A distributed cycle minimization protocol for peer to peer networks project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

A Scalable Method Of Cryptography Key Management For Mission-Critical Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Project Source Code

A Scalable Method of Cryptography Key Management for Mission-Critical Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks project Abstract:

A Scalable Method of Cryptographic Key Management for Mission-Critical Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks project is a cse networking project implemented in java platform. This project is used in wireless networking systems where there is need to provide secure communication.

Main idea of this project is to implement a cryptographic key management method which will help in achieving zero communication overhead for authentication and provides high service availability. Here we use two keys one is public key and other is private key which means nodes are encrypted using these two pair of keys for encryption and decryption messages.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report and source code. You can download it for free of cost.

download A Scalable Method of Cartographic Key Management for Mission-Critical Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Improving Search Performance Using UIM Model In P2P Networks Project Source Code

Improving search performance using UIM model in P2P networks project Abstract:

Improving search performance using UIM model in P2P networks project is a cse networking project implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a effective search and routing method for increasing peer to peer network performance.  In existing system we use random search strategies which perform poorly with a large network size. In order to solve this problem we implement a user interest model and propose a theoretic framework. Here we further develop this system by implementing search protocol and routing table updating protocol in order to expedite search process through a self organized peer to peer network. 

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report and we provide code for six peers and network. You can download for free of cost.

download Improving search performance using UIM model in P2P networks project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Tracking Tool For Enterprise Resource Planning Project Source Code

Tracking tool for enterprise resource planning project Abstract:

Tracking tool for enterprise resource planning project is cse project developed in asp.net platform using C# programming language. Designing part is developed using active server pages and Microsoft SQL server is used as back end. This project is useful for every company for managing basic functionalities like business and charter. At present many private and public organizations are using these ERP systems for managing finance and employee’s functionalities. This system can be further integrated with other stand alone systems for other application needs. Basing on the needs of requirements organizations can use this application.

Using this application can save time and provide solution for easy maintenance of important data and analysis of business.

ERP source code consists of admin, app_code,app_data,comman,database back up, master page, project leader, team leader, team member files.

download Tracking tool for enterprise resource planning project source code in C#.Net and project report with ppt.

Movie Making Tool For High Resolution Project Source Code

Movie making tool for high resolution project Abstract:

Movie making tool for high resolution project is used in movie making process for improving quality of video and provide unique experience of high quality resolution for users. Using this movie making tool we generate compelling looking animated scenes with few drawbacks. This system works on small amount of manual input which may not effect overall performance of output. In order to produce high resolution output we use high resolution samples as input which will make scene dynamic. In this paper we propose a method for combining different images in to video and producing result in the form of video file.

This project consists of sample image files, sample output video files, and still movie files.

download Movie making tool for high resolution project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Exact Knowledge Hiding Through Database Extension Project Source Code

Exact knowledge hiding through database extension project Abstract:

Exact knowledge hiding through database extension project is useful for providing security for data and restricting users to access to certain part of data. Process of data mining is controlled by implementing exact knowledge hiding algorithms. In present trend data mining is important part in data accessing where privacy is main concern for protecting data. In large business deals this application will be helpful for controlling other business personals to access customer information from data bases and information of sales of each product. Accessing this information from other company can reduce growth of business so in order to allow companies to access only certain information this algorithm will be helpful.

This project is implemented in java programming language. Here we provide code, documentation, how to run file and database.

download Exact knowledge hiding through database extension project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Knowledge Mining Process Between Various Groups Project Source Code

Knowledge mining process between various groups project Abstract:

Knowledge mining process between various groups project is a cse project which is implemented in asp.net platform using C# programming language. This project is useful for educational institutions and companies..Etc where group work is important. In this project we provide a solution for effective group analysis method using software tools using data mining techniques. Students in group are provided with tools for accessing different information form wiki pages and other parts in web.

During this process every group member work is calculated using tools which will be available for understanding where there is need to improve performance.

Detailed explanation about project implementation is provided in project report and source code.

download Knowledge mining process between various groups project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.