Academic Cognitive Strategy .Net Project

Academic cognitive strategy projects explain about developing a website with information about seats availability in engineering colleges in Andhra Pradesh. This site will also provide information on growth of information technology in Andhra Pradesh along with education guidelines for students for better carrier planning.

In present scenario there is no accurate method to know details about seat availability in different colleges. Because of this problem many students are still moving to other states for pursuing engineering studies. So providing this online service with detail information about seat availability can be very useful for students.

There are many other states and other countries students who are looking to study in Andhra Pradesh for then this information will be very useful as well as it will provide option for different colleges to fill vacant seats.

This application is implemented in .Net platform. Colleges should register with this application and update seat availability in each offered courses. Site admin will maintain database and look after site maintenance. Users can contact to colleges administration using a mailing option or they can call them directly using the information providing on the site.

Online Education .Net Project

Online Education Projects main idea is to provide online certified computer education for students through a website. In present generation usage of internet had increased widely where people are getting used to it. On web platform people can exchange ideas and communicate with each other and share information.

This application is a web based application which can be accessible from all over the world. Initially users should register with the website and then confirm registration procedure. Main screen is provided with guideline procedure on how to follow the site features. When user selects any course features he will be directed to course information page.

Website consists of ABOUT US page where contact information mail ids and address of the institutions are provided. Under course detail page information related to course and information about lecturer with time duration and timings and cost of the course are specified. Users can contact institute by sending query by filling request forum with our details. Under course information tab information on courses is displayed.

Online shopping E-Music World Java project

Online shopping E-Music World projects main idea is to implement a online store for selling different types of cds and provide home delivery service for users. As usage of technology has improved in present days developing this application can provide users a time saving process and quality of service to them.

Expected Results

Using this application can save time for users.

It will be helpful for people who leave in rural areas and have internet facility can order interested cds though our application.

Business Requirements

†   Wish List Management

Users should first register with the application and manage information provided in the sites with images in the form of list. Users can add select the cd and add it to the chart and he can also remove it from the chart before they make payment. There will be maximum limit of purchase at a time.

Product Service Management System Project Abstract

Product Service management System projects main idea is to develop a web application for industries through which they can manage operations based on the orders they get for manufacturing there product. In every industry there is always waste of time and human resources because of irregular management system. Using this application it will be easy to communicate with dealers and sell products using a web based application.

Administrator will mange application where he will daily update products list which are ready to be sold. Admin will update information of every available product in to database along with the quantity of the each product and as soon as the products are sold system will automatically update the database.

Using this application production management will be easy. As soon as the dealers updates information of sales of this month based on this statistics system will provide graphical information to manufacturing team for next month manufacturing schedule. Based on the amount of product outcome requirements are calculated and updated on web and asks quotation from suppliers and accepts best quoted list requests for hardware.


Synchronous conferencing projects main idea is to implement a online chat application with some advanced features. This application is designed mainly for group communication in the form of channels and users can communicate with one another privately using private messaging option. Users are restricted with permissions while entering in to chat rooms,

In order to enter in to chat room user must be a team member. This application works on three factors fast easy to use and cost efficient real time communication. Some of the features of this application are online conference, managing work sessions and organizing chat events. Here users can chat on multiple rooms at a time. User will be provide with settings option where he can modify his chat permissions and add filters, manage backlist take backup and change chat room parameters.

Using this application users can use fast conferencing and easy to customize and easy to install. There is no flickering in this application. This application is designed for organizations to use it inside company for conferencing and chat purpose. This application works on internet as well as local office computer network.

Resource Planner Project Abstract

Resource Planner Project main idea is to develop a application for software company for planning a project and complete work more efficiently in given time. For every software company there is need to achieve their goal in given time by efficiently using available employees in the organization. In order to complete the project in time organization should maintain details of its employees in a application then it will be time saving and efficiently allocate available employees for new project.

In order to manage all this information inside a company there is always a need for a resource planner project. This application is a online tool which will help organizations to manage running projects as well as future projects. This application will automatically track details of employees working on current project and employees required for new project and information of new requirement required for this project. This project also provides revenue estimation option which will provide over view for managers about the status of the project and work force.

download Resource Planner Project.

Containment Tracking System Java Project Abstract

Containment Tracking System Projects main idea is to develop a managing tool for bug tracking system of a project in a organization. Managing bugs system covers tracing bugs and allotting bugs to employees and analyzing efficiency of employee usage and understanding the work flow. Manager can look after reports after every month’s status and analyze the progress of the work. This application will provide option for managers to estimate time line for a project. Documentation is interlinked with the application for updating information in document type.

Container tracking system will provide option to developers, managers to focus on database schema and maintain relationship between employee and managers for a project. This application objectives are employee skills and efficiency of using employee in organization.  Employees will update bug details on daily basis.

File Compression Project Abstract

File Compression Projects main idea is to develop a compression software which can be easily transferred on the slower internet connection. This application will compress bits and byte of the file and it takes less space on the disk. This application is a system based software which is alternative to that of winzip and winrar. In this application we use GZIP algorithm.

The main algorithms are:

  • GZIP algorithm

GZIP is a open source software which can be downloaded for free of cost. It is same that of gzip that was used in UNIX system. Gzip is gnu compression software which was widely used in UNIX systems. Gzip is developed using DEFLAT algorithm which is a combination of LZ77 and HUFFMAN coding.

Secured Mail Services project Abstract

Secured Mail Services projects main idea is to implement a mailing system inside organization with less cost and high security. This application will provide communication channel for employees clients and organization staff. Main intention of this application is to provide secure and cost efficient mailing system inside organization. Using this application companies can improve its overall performance of its system in the corporate sector.

Whenever user sends message to other person system will check whether the user is authorized or not. Message is forwarded to appropriate person. Based on the standard of message user will receive in respective folder. In present scenario intranet applications are increasing its usage in corporate companies.

In this application we use database to store mails information and other information like employee details phone numbers and personal information. Every member in a team can user secure mail system.

Error Tracing Strategy Java Project Abstract

Error tracing strategy projects main idea is to provide solution for software companies for managing bugs in software development process. Using this system software engineers can manage bugs in the program. This application includes maintenance of bug levels, using this application programmers can fix bugs which will be used by inside organization. This application will provide option to set bug priorities and allot the work as per the priorities.

Filters are used to divide bugs according to the priorities and based on the importance admin will organize the bug reports. Based on the reports employees are allotted with the work and fixed bug information is updated to the system.

Using this system can save time and efficiently use employee in the organization. This project is implemented in java