Cable Operator Management System Asp.Net Project Source Code And Project Report

Cable operator management system project Abstract:

Cable operator management system project is useful for organizing data of every individual user, team management, customer information, payment details and daily collection, monthly collection details, equipment details in a single software application for cable operators.  Every cable operator is connected with multiple local operators and tv channels for establishing their business. In this process they maintain employees technicians managers for collecting money.

Technicians and employees are provided with user id and password for using this software. Daily they will update related fields information in to this application at the end of day. This process makes work efficient and easy with less errors. And provide effective service for users.

This application is implemented in asp.Net platform with MS-SQL database.

download cable operator management system project source code and project report with ppt.

Speed Cash Maintenance System Asp.Net Project Source Code And Project Report

Speed cash maintenance system project Description:

Speed cash maintenance system project is useful for banks for improving service by providing customers for transfer money from one place to other place in a short time. This system helps in faster money transfer. Information of daily transactions like source bank, user account number, bank details , destination bank ..etc are sent in the form of file on daily basis. This file consist of Demand draft details, remitter details and beneficiary details.

Existing system is a time taking process where user need to run all database commands every time. Data base access is limited for 2500 records only. This new system will solve these problems.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report.

download speed cash maintenance system project source code and project report with ppt.

Estimation of Defects Based on Defect Decay Model ED3M .Net Project with Source code

Project Title: Estimation of Defects Based on Defect Decay Model ED3M .Net Project with Source code

Software Requirements:  ASP.Net, C#.Net, MS SQL, HTML, Java Script.

Project Description: The main objective of developing Estimation of Defects Based On Defect Decay Model ED3M based .Net project is to provide effective web tool for detecting and correcting errors in our code. This project starts with giving user name and password at the login screen, we should provide the estimated defects file full path and when it detects the files in the given path will provide total details about .cs files, folder file permissions and options, if we click on any file we will come to know the error estimation of it, with help of code view in this application we can correct the error by changing the .net code. The report form give us options to enter the project name, user name, date and status of the error code like corrected or not.

Download Estimation of Defects Based On Defect Decay Model ED3M .Net Project, Abstract, Synopsis, Documentation, Paper presentation, ppt, SQL Database.

Shopping Cart Asp.Net Project Source Code And Project Report

shopping cart project Abstract:

Shopping cart is a e-commerce site which is used for selling goods through online portal. This is similar to e-bay website with similar features included in this web portal. Features like online payment, check out, adding and deleting products form list, shipping charges..etc are included. In present scenario online business in increasing day by day so every company is implementing their own site for selling products. Other factor for implementing this project is users from all over world can buy and sell products which had increased scope of business.

This application is implemented in platform using MS-SQL as database.

download shopping cart project source code and project report with ppt.

Project Scheduler Asp.Net Project Source Code And Project Report

Project scheduler project Abstract:

Project scheduler project is useful for software companies for organizing different projects schedules in a single software application. This is a simple application with user friendly Graphical interface with flexible options for viewing essential details. Every company handles different projects at a time and there is need to update details of every project to higher authorities to know about status of projects with percentage of work complemented and pending and payment details and amount of money invested on project.

This system is developed in three modules admin module, client module and employee module.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report.

download project scheduler project source code and project report with ppt.

Personal Assistant Asp.Net Project Source Code And Project Report

Personal assistant project Abstract:

Personal assistant project is a online web application which is used as computer based personal assistant for users for organizing daily work using features like personal calendar, alerts about important dates, and send mails using this system. This project consists of contact us page where users can communicate with admin for any help, feedback forum for sending new ideas for improving performance of the system, registration form where users need to log in to system before using any features by registering with application.

This type of application can be seen in goolge where users can use address book, calendar and send mails. Implementing this application as mini project can help students to gain knowledge on language.

download personal assistant project source code with project report and ppt.


Online Crime Report Asp.Net Project Source Code And Project Report

         Online crime report project Abstract:         

Online crime report project is useful for police department for handling information of criminals and allowing information to public.  Using this application can help police stations to organize data more efficiently and deal with cases in less time. Citizens can register with this application to register case through online process which saves time and improve quality of service and gain faith on police department.

In existing system manual method is used where people should find local police station and file complaint and should regularly visit station to know status of there case.

Detailed explanation about this project implementation is provided in project report.

download online crime report project source code and project report with ppt.

Download Final Year Online Crime Report Microsoft C#.Net Project Report, Documentation and Full executed source code.

Variety Book Center .Net Project with Source code

Project Title: Variety Book Center .Net Project with Source code

Software Requirements:  ASP.Net, C#.Net, MS SQL, HTML, Java Script.

Project Description: Variety Book Center .Net Project explains about how to buy different books through online, where users can search books and place an order using their credit card or PayPal, the shipment can be delivered to the users given the address. 

This project developed with SQL and .Net. The books categories include Art and Design books category, Social and physical sciences books category, IT and Business Management books category, Current Affair & Politics books category, Law books category, Religion and Spirituality books category.

This is simple web based project and can be implemented over the internet and LAN, mainly developed for final year engineers.

Variety Book Center .Net Project, Abstract, Synopsis, Documentation, Paper presentation, ppt, SQL Database.

Mail Client Project Report And Source Code

Mail client project Description:

Mail client project is implemented in visual studio .Net platform using MS-SQL using N-Tire architecture. This application is same as regular mailing systems used in companies for sending and receiving mails with attachments. Implementing this project as mini project will help students to gain basic knowledge on client server applications.

In this system customer relation management system and content management system both modules are integrated which can be easily manageable and save time.

Detailed explanation about project implementation is provided in project report.

download Mail client project project source code and project report with ppt.

Online Tax Information System Project Report And Source Code

Online tax information system project description:

Online tax information system project is useful for every citizen in our country for collecting tax information on house, water ..etc and get details of payments and pending amount and print information of tax files through online web application. Users need to register with this system by providing house number and owner name. Users can log in to this system and search for details about his tax information details. In existing system citizens need to go to government offices and wait for officials to get this information which is a time taking process and there are chances of corruption in this system. In order to overcome these issues we use automated web service.

This project is implemented in platform using MS-SQL as back end database.

download online tax information system project source code and project report with ppt.