Project Management System Project Report And Source Code

Project management system abstract:

Project management system along with employee, work, task are managed through this application. In present scenario every software company works on multiple projects simultaneously so there is need to manage all these projects efficiently in term of employee management, project design.

This system provides user registration for log in to application. Three modules in this application are task list, add task and administration. We can set priority of project and users who are online and project assigned and status of project through this application.

Development Platform:

Project management system or web based project management system project can be developed in java, and php. Here we provide source code in

Here you can download activity diagrams, class diagrams, DFD’s, ER diagrams, screen shots, sequence diagrams, database tables…etc.

download project management system project source code in and project report with ppt.

Online Defect Tracking System Project Source Code And Project Report

Online defect tracking system project Abstract:

Online defect tracking system project is useful in organizations as intranet application which is used to logging in defects by programmers and testers in to system which can be viewed by other project mates and project managers and allot them to employees for fixing this problem.

This method will reduce work load which is included in manual paper work process. This system is entirely automated so it will be easy to look after previous works without any delay.

Online Defect Tracking System Project

For further improvement in this system we integrate Customer relationship management system in to existing application which will make this system more powerful.

download Online defect tracking system project source code in and project report with ppt.

Call Center Executive Asp.Net Project Source Code With Project Report

Call center executer project Abstract:

Call center executer project is implemented in platform using C# programming language. Main aim of this project is to implement a software application for BPO company executive for effectively manage his work and provide best customer support for clients in limited time. Using this application client information can be stored in to database and employee communication with clients are recorded for further assistance. This project is mostly used in call center companies where customer support is key.

Detailed explanation about call center executor project is provided in how to run file.

download Call center executer project source code in and project report with ppt.

Budget Planner Asp.Net Project Source Code And Project Report

Budget planner project Description:

Budget planner project is developed in platform as front end and MS-SQL server as backend. Main objective of this project is to provide online software application for employees and managers in side organization for submitting bills and knowing status of bills on online portal. This application helps employees to view status of bills from anywhere from the world without any manual contact with any person. Using this application initially employees are provided with unique user name and password and log in to the system and submit required documents and forms provided in reimbursement category.

This software can be integrated with CRM (customer relationship management) for improving it scope in organization.

download Budget planner project source code in and project report with ppt.

Tracking Tool For Enterprise Resource Planning Project Source Code

Tracking tool for enterprise resource planning project Abstract:

Tracking tool for enterprise resource planning project is cse project developed in platform using C# programming language. Designing part is developed using active server pages and Microsoft SQL server is used as back end. This project is useful for every company for managing basic functionalities like business and charter. At present many private and public organizations are using these ERP systems for managing finance and employee’s functionalities. This system can be further integrated with other stand alone systems for other application needs. Basing on the needs of requirements organizations can use this application.

Using this application can save time and provide solution for easy maintenance of important data and analysis of business.

ERP source code consists of admin, app_code,app_data,comman,database back up, master page, project leader, team leader, team member files.

download Tracking tool for enterprise resource planning project source code in C#.Net and project report with ppt.

Movie Making Tool For High Resolution Project Source Code

Movie making tool for high resolution project Abstract:

Movie making tool for high resolution project is used in movie making process for improving quality of video and provide unique experience of high quality resolution for users. Using this movie making tool we generate compelling looking animated scenes with few drawbacks. This system works on small amount of manual input which may not effect overall performance of output. In order to produce high resolution output we use high resolution samples as input which will make scene dynamic. In this paper we propose a method for combining different images in to video and producing result in the form of video file.

This project consists of sample image files, sample output video files, and still movie files.

download Movie making tool for high resolution project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Knowledge Mining Process Between Various Groups Project Source Code

Knowledge mining process between various groups project Abstract:

Knowledge mining process between various groups project is a cse project which is implemented in platform using C# programming language. This project is useful for educational institutions and companies..Etc where group work is important. In this project we provide a solution for effective group analysis method using software tools using data mining techniques. Students in group are provided with tools for accessing different information form wiki pages and other parts in web.

During this process every group member work is calculated using tools which will be available for understanding where there is need to improve performance.

Detailed explanation about project implementation is provided in project report and source code.

download Knowledge mining process between various groups project source code in and project report with ppt.

Long Term Cross Session Relevance Feedback Using Virtual Features Project Source Code

Long term cross session relevance feedback using virtual features project Abstract:

Long term cross session relevance feedback using virtual features project is a cse project which is implemented in platform using c# programming language. Main aim of this project is to develop a best method for image retrieval which can work efficiently compare to content based image retrieval. Content based image retrieval project works on searching content in database with the content present in the image. Similarly this project looks for feedbacks form users on there previous image results and based on feedback image will be shown in search results.

Detailed explanation about project execution is provided in project report and reference papers.

This project consists of  AdminLogin,  DBInterface , nextdata, nextpage2, NextPage3, Search, Upload, UserLogin, UserRegistration, virtualprocess files.

download Long term cross session relevance feedback using virtual features project is a cse project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Bridging Domains Using Worldwide Knowledge For Transfer Learning Project Source Code

Bridging domains using worldwide knowledge for transfer learning project Abstract:

Bridging domains using worldwide knowledge for transfer learning project is implemented in platform. This project is useful for domain adaptation when source and target domains are large. This is implemented by Bridging information gap through which data extraction for World Wide Web in a efficient way. Using this method we can easily link source domain and target domain which will improve classification performance. This will work only where source and destination share same feature space but different underlying data distributions.
Detailed explanation about project execution is provided in project report and how to run file.  Here you can download entire project source code for free of cost.

Online Certification System .Net Project Report

Project Title: Online Certification System .Net Project Report

Software Requirements: Active Server Pages, MS-SQL server, HTML, Visual basic 6.0, Visual Studio 2008.

Project Description: The main objective of developing this Online Certification System computer science project is to create a best online platform for certifications.

This project can have an option to log in to log in and select which certification they want to go for.  This project provides online examination system also so it can be helpful all types of students, freshers and software professionals.

 Online Certification System .Net Project Report, Project Documentation, Paper Presentation, Abstract, database file.