Water Marking Project

Project Name:  Water Marking Project

  1. Developer Role                  :  Analysis, Design and Implementation 
  2. Front End Requirements        :  ASP.net and C# .net
  3. Back End Requirements         :  SQL Server 2005 

Project Description: The main objective of developing this Watermarking final year ASP.Net & C# project is to provide a effective tool which is going to embed a digital signal in text format, image format, audio files and video files, The main advantage of this application is to we can give ownership to each and every product so that we can easily find out while frauds happened. This project developer was involved in analysis phase and developed most of the modules with asp.net and C#.net with sql server.

E-Post Office Project Source Code In Asp.Net And Documentation And Project Report

E-post office project Abstract:

E-post office project is implemented in asp.net platform using c# programming language. This project is a online postal shopping web portal project through which users can book stamps, postal cards, courier services, selling mobile cards…etc. This system will provide all the features that are present in post offices with similar price. As we know that Indian postal service is one of the mostly used service in india , in order to improve its service this application will be helpful and provide fast and best service for users.

Users can check courier services delivery status and payment status from any were using web. This application will save time for users and know information with in seconds.

Here we provide database, E-post office documents, flow diagrams, UML diagrams, screen shots..etc.

download E-post office project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Online Tax Management Asp.Net Project Source Code And Project Report

 online tax management project Abstract:

 online tax management project is useful for organizations who work on tax preparation and prepare tax summary or tax returns of a client. Initially client need to register with system and upload necessary documents for filing tax returns and prepare tax summary. Then schedule for an interview is arranged after documents are verified. After all these formalities admin will check all submitted documents and prepare tax returns and summary for that client and arrange meeting with client and discuss on other issues.

Here we provide tax management SRS documents, tax database, tax project and flow of Tax… etc information for free download.

download online tax management project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Remote Network Group Project Report And Source Code

Remote network group project Abstract:

Remote network group project is a social community like application through which users can communicate with their friends. Using this application users can meet there friends and share ideas with each other, which will be same as that of real community. Users should register with application and create groups where friends can register with group and share there views and chat with members and send mails to group members and collaboration with group members.

Other features in this application are users can place ads on their pages and earn money on page views and add clicks.

Here we provide entire database, RNS groups code, flow chart, screen shots, UML diagrams.

download Remote network group project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Hotel Administration and Management Project Report and Source Code

Hotel administration and management project Abstract:

Hotel administration and management project is used in hotels for managing different activities like account maintenance, room allocating information, customer information’s, restaurant, inventory and day books daily business book and preparation of OFI and many more automatically. This application can save time for medium and large sized hotels which can be easily operated by everyone.

This project is developed under distributed architecture with centralized database for storing data. Here we use asp.net and C# programming language as front end and MS-SQL server as back end application.

download Hotel administration and management project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Online Banking System Project Report With Source Code

Online banking system projects Abstract:

Online banking system projects main idea is to implement a secured software application for banks considering anti phishing concepts and other security issues which cause hacking of accounts for online banks. Though they are many banks provide online banking but few of them are not secure we had seen many cases where accounts are hacked and loss of money. Here in this project we will consider all these issues as main stream issues and develop secured online banking system.

This project comes will all basic features provided in regular banking sites like online transactions, balance enquiry..etc.

Here we provide UML diagrams, screen shots, user case diagrams, tools platforms languages used.

download Online banking system project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Software Project Management Tool Project Report and Source Code

Software project management tool project Abstract:

Software project management tool project is useful for software companies for organizing different stages of project using a single software application. Using this application can save time in different stages like analysis, design, programming and testing with verification. In real time scenario we know every software companies works on many projects at a time with huge budgets and human resource required to complete the task.

In order to complete work and time an allocate work to different departments is challenging task. In this case this application will be very useful by providing smooth process of every project cycle.

Here we provide coding, database, and uml diagrams, srs, spm work flow..etc.

download software project management tool project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Quality Controller Management Project Report with Source Code

Quality controller management project Abstract:

Quality controller management project is implemented in asp.net C# programming language as front end and MS-SQL as backend platform. This project is useful in industries, software companies, mechanical companies..etc where there is a product delivery. Using this project company can manage work process as per the ISO 9000 certificate issue agency.  Using this application organization can mange various activities like quotations, financial information with monthly and weekly auditor reports, organization data, certification information and surveillance information.

In this paper we will explain how this application can be implemented in six modules and functionality of each module in detail. This system developed under N-Tire architecture and waterfall model SDLC methodologies.

Here we provide coding, database, database of quality, quality control doc, quality tracket..etc.

download quality controller management project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

URI tracker and crawler project report and source code

URI tracker and crawler project Abstract:

URI tracker and crawler project is a web based multithreaded windows application which woks similar to Google crawlers for fetching website URL based on related search. Every search engine works on multithreaded functionality because of large search queries and provide fast data by fetching form database. Initially crawlers will retrieve all the URL of websites in queue based on priority.  This process will continue until crawler decides to stop. Data is queue are further used by web search engines or a web cache.

As the size of data is growing on web and search engines need to fetch lot of data from web so multithreaded processers run at a time for allowing search engines to be fast.

Here we provide URL tracker source code, url tracker documents and paper presentation.

Download URI tracker and crawler project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.

Finance Management System Project Report With Source Code

Finance management system project Abstract:

Finance management system project is implemented in asp.net platform using C# programming language. This project is useful in banking sector for providing a user friendly and easily accessible interface for performing banking transactions. This application comes with basic banking functionalities like creating new accounts, customer care service, deposits, withdraws , requesting for new check books, block payments, account transferring and online balance enquiry.

Here we provide code finance corporation controller, database fincorp, documents.

download finance management system project source code in asp.net and project report with ppt.