Geo Spatial Data Management System Project Asp.Net Source Code

Geo spatial data management system project Description:

Geo spatial data management system project is implemented in platform using C# programming language. Main aim of this project is to a web based online application for municipal corporations of different areas through which citizens can pay municipal bills like electricity bills, water bills, house tax…etc. Citizens can apply for different government certificates through this application.

In existing system citizens need to go to nearby municipal offices and apply by filling forms. This method is a time taking process. In order to solve this problem we use this application.

Here we provide geo spatial data management system UML diagrams, DFD, Screen shots, SRS, Activity diagrams..etc.

download geo spatial data management system project source code with project report and ppt.

Email Client Project Asp.Net Source Code And Project Report

Email client project Description:

Email client project is implemented in platform using C# programming language. This project is useful as intranet mail application for communicating with in organization like communication between employees in organization. Email client will connect with windows server which is running a mail server. This application is implemented with basic functionalities like sending receiving emails, creating folders moving files form one folder to other folder and managing new users and modify passwords.

Developing this application can help students to understand basic concepts of how mail works and socket programming.

Here we provide email client project class diagram, mail client DFD, screen shots, database tables, SRS, ER diagrams, UML diagrams, paper presentation, full documentation.

Download The Total Final Project Report with Documentation.

Health Insurance Management System Project Asp.Net Source Code

Health insurance management system project Description:

Health insurance management system project is implemented in platform using C# platform. N-tire architecture is used for developing this project using waterfall model SDLC methodologies. This application is useful in organization where employee’s health related insurance information, claims pertaining to insurance is maintained in this system. Using this system company will help employees to get there insurance payments from insurance companies, claim settlements..etc.

This application is integrated with customer relationship management form improving scope of this system.

Here you can download health insurance management system DFD, UML diagram, Screen shots, Paper presentation, output screens, full documentation…etc.

download health insurance management system project source code in and project report with ppt.

Software Requirements Management System Project Source Code

Software requirements management system project Description:

Software requirements management system project or Mingle box project is a website designed for online coders who can work from online by submitting their works. There are many software companies who can’t hire employees because of small projects they handle for those companies this application will be helpful. They can hire coders through this application on contract basis and provide online work possibility for coders. As software field is improved world wide communicating between different country people can save time and money.

This project is implemented in platform using C# programming language.

Here we provide software requirements management system work flow diagrams, UML diagrams, paper presentation, screen shots, documentation…etc.

download software requirement management system project source code in and project report with ppt.

Online Auto Marketing Sales System Project Asp.Net Source Code and Project Report

Online auto marketing sales system project Description:

Online auto marketing sales system project is a web portal application which is used to reduce gap between auto mobiles buyers, dealers and third party private sellers and implement a online application where users can register with application and upload details of selling auto mobiles like cars, bikes, jeeps..etc with rates. This information is available for visitors who search on web and contact with owner who uploaded information.

In existing system there are many online applications where users can buy electronic goods and by clothes but there are few applications where auto mobiles dealers are inter linked. This application will fill this gap.

download online auto marketing sales system project source code in and project report with ppt.

Online Ticket Booking System Project Asp.Net Source Code and Project Report

Online ticket booking system project Description:

Online ticket booking system project is implemented in platform using C# programming language. This system is a web portal like easy movies..etc sites which provide online ticket booking. Initially different theaters should register with this application for allowing that theater to available on web site. Then users should register with system and select presently running movies form list and search for details of theaters and book ticket through online payment using credit card or visa card.

Here we provide online ticket booking system UML diagrams, SRS, DFD diagrams, Screen shots, data flow diagrams, sequence diagrams, full documentation…etc.

download Online ticket booking system project source code in and project report with ppt.

E-Tendering Project Asp.Net with Source Code and Documentation

E-tendering project Description:

E-tendering project is a online web portal project which is a automated method for manual tendering process where tendering process can be done through online process. In present trend manual methods are used for tendering process users need to submit documents and participate on location for attending tendering process. But this is time taking process and users there will be problem for users who are away form location. In order to solve this problem online method is introduced through which business people form building, construction fields can file tenders and submit.

Users need to register with application and get unique user name and password for accessing these features.

download E-tendering project with source code, ppt and documentation.

Online Gift Shopping System Project Source Code in Asp.Net with Project Report

Online gift shopping system project Description:

Online gift shopping system project is a web portal project which is implemented in platform using C# programming language. This project is advanced method of selling gifts through online application. As in present trend online shopping has became a best place for buying products so most of branded companies are selling their products through online web portals, nike, rebook, addidas ….etc are part of it. This application also works on same principle users need to register with application and select products from categories and add product to chart and buy product by selection online payment or payment on delivery.

Here we provide online shopping project abstract and documentation.

download online gift shopping system project source code in and project report with abstract and ppt.

E-Greetings Project In Asp.Net Source Code

E-greetings project Description:

E-greetings project is a web portal project which is implemented in platform using C# programming language. Main aim of this project is to provide a online greeting method for sending wishes to friends inside organization and away from office. In this site we provide list of best selected e-cards for different occasions which are available for every user. Users can select required e-card and send them as birthday wishes, festival wishes..etc.

 In present trend relatives and friends are living at far away form us so there are many sites which allow us to be in contact with each other like facebook..etc. Similarly this e-card system will help us to be in touch in our friends by sending greetings. 

Here we provide E-greetings class diagrams , e-greetings abstract, paper presentation, e-greeting srs, activity diagrams, work flow and documentation. 

download E-greetings project source code in and project report with ppt.

Export Management System Project in Asp.Net Source Code

Export management system project Description:

Export management system project is useful for export and import related companies for efficiently managing different activities which are involved while exporting goods and receiving orders from customers, managing customer support and finance ..etc. Using this system customers can order goods from any part of the world and get customer support for every delivery. In order to use this application features users need to register with application and get unique user name and password with different level of authentication for security purpose. Customers can receive goods in different ways through air, ship or road type of support is based on customer package he choose and time of receiving.

Here we provide DFD’s, export management system srs, abstract, export management system classes, screen shots, database tables, paper presentations..etc

download export management system project source code in and project report with ppt.