College Classroom Check and Fill Mini Project Synopsis


The Classroom Check and Fill project is to prepare a website that tells the current status of a particular room. It tells whether a class is going on or empty or there is no class in that particular room. . It uses the technologies like PHP, python, java, MySQL, and many more. With the help of this website, a teacher or a student can know the status of the room and work accordingly.


The aim of our project is to help teachers and students to check if in the room a class is going on if the room is empty or if there is no class in that particular room.

1. To help the HODs and teachers to check whether the venue is empty or not (in one click)
2. To help students to check their timetables with ease
3. Provides user-friendly application

Methodology/ Planning of work

Our project is to help teachers and students to check if in the room a class is going on or the room is empty or there is no class in that particular room. We will take the relevant information from the CR of a particular class of IT and update the status of the room accordingly.



Basically in this step, we create the front-end part of our website with the help of languages like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Javascript.




Facilities required for proposed work

Hardware Requirements: Laptop – i3 processor or higher, 4 GB RAM or higher, 100 GB ROM or higher
Software Requirements: Laptop or PC, Windows 7 or higher, Visual Studio, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Mysql, Php


[1] Geekathon series(2013)[Online]. Available:
[2] Jimmy Wales, Larry Sanger (2001)[Online]. Available:
[3] Refnes Data (1998)[Online]. Available:
[4] Steve Chen (2005) [Online]. Available:

Fake Disaster Tweet Detection Web-App Python Machine Learning Project

This project “Fake Disaster Tweet Detection” aims to help predict, whether a tweet weather it is fake or real. It uses the Multinomial Naïve Bayes approach for detecting fake or real tweets from existing datasets available on Kaggle. The classifier will be trained only on text data. Traditionally text analysis is performed using Natural Language Processing also known as NLP. Natural language processing is a field that comes under Artificial Intelligence. Its main focus is on letting computers understand human language and process it. NLP helps recognize and predict diseases using speech, it helps in sentiment analysis, cognitive assistant, spam detection, the healthcare industry, etc. In this project Training Data is pre-processed, then sent to the classifier, then and the classifier predicts weather the tweet is real or fake.

This project is made on Jupyter Notebook which is a part of Anaconda Navigator. This project ran successfully on Jupyter Notebook. The dataset was successfully loaded into the notebook. All the extra python packages which were required for project completion were also loaded into the notebook. The model is also deployed successfully using HTML, CSS, python, and flask.

The accuracy score on test data is 77.977%. average recall value is 0.775 and the average precision score is 0.775. Precision is used to calculate a number of correct positive predictions made by the model. The recall is used to calculate the number of correct positive predictions made out of all the positive predictions that could have been made.

System Design

System Flowchart

System Flowchart

Problem: To detect disaster tweets whether it’s fake or real using a machine learning algorithm. In this, the concept of Natural language Processing is used.

Identification of data: In this project, I have used a dataset available on Kaggle competition based on Natural language processing. This project works only on text data. It has five columns:

  1. Id: It tells the unique identification of each tweet
  2. Text: It tells the tweet in text form
  3. Location: It tells the place from where the tweet was sent and it can be blank
  4. Keyword: It tells a particular word in the tweet and it can be blank
  5. Target: It tells the actual value of the tweet weather it’s a real tweet or Fake

Data-preprocessing: First the preprocessing is done in the dataset which includes the removal of punctuations, then the removal of URLs, digits, non-alphabets, and contractions, then tokenization and removing Stopwords, and removing Unicode. Then lemmatization is done on the dataset. After preprocessing Countvectorizer is used to convert text data into numerical data as the classifier only works for numerical data. The dataset is then split into 70% training data and 30% test data.

Definition of Training Data: The training dataset which contains 70% of the whole dataset is used for training the model.

Algorithm Section: In this project Multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier algorithm is used for detecting disaster tweets whether they are fake or real.

Evaluation with test set: Several text samples are passed through the model to check whether the classification algorithm gives the correct result or not.

Prediction Model

Implementation Work Details

The data-set which is used in this project “Fake disaster tweet detection” is taken from the Kaggle competition “Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets”. The data set contains 7613 samples. This project works only on text data. It has five columns:

  • Id: It tells the unique identification of each tweet
  • Text: It tells the tweet in text form
  • Location: It tells the place from where the tweet was sent and it can be blank
  • Keyword: It tells a particular word in the tweet and it can be blank
  • Target: It tells the actual value of the tweet weather it’s a real tweet

Step 2: Data-Preprocessing

  1. Removing Punctuations: Punctuations are removed with the help of the following python code
  1. Removing URLs, digits, non-alphabets, _: True means it has HTTP, and False means it does not have HTTP
  1. Removing Contraction: It expands the words which are written in short form like can’t is expanded into cannot, I’ll is expanded into I will, etc.
  1. Lowercase the text, tokenize them, and remove Stopwords: Tokenizing means splitting the text into a list of tokens. Stopwords are the words in the text which does not provide additional meaning to the text.
  1. Lemmatizing: It converts any word into its root form like running, ran into a run.
  1. Countvectorizer:

Text cannot be used to train our model, it has to be converted into numbers that our computer can understand, so far in this project, Countvectorizer is used. Countvectorizer counts the number of times each word appears in a document. Countvectorizer works as:

Step1: It first identifies unique words in the complete dataset.

Step 2: then it will create an array of zeros for each sample of the same length as above Step 3: It then takes each word at a time and find its occurrence in each sample in the dataset. The number of times the word appears in the sample will replace the zero positioned at the word in the list. This will repeat for every word. 

Step 3: Model Used:

In this project, the Multinomial Naïve Bayes approach is used for detecting fake or real tweets from existing datasets available on Kaggle. Naïve Bayes classifier is based on the probability theorem “Bayes Theorem” and also has an assumption of conditional independence among every pair.

System Testing

This project is made on Jupyter Notebook which is a part of Anaconda Navigator. This project ran successfully on Jupyter Notebook. The dataset was successfully loaded into the notebook. All the extra python packages which were required for project completion were also loaded into the notebook. The model is also deployed successfully using HTML, CSS, python, and flask.

The machine learning model is evaluated we normally use classification accuracy which is the number of correct predictions divided by the total number of predictions.

This accuracy measuring technique works well when there is an equal number of samples in the dataset belonging to each class. The accuracy score on test data is 77.977%. average recall value is 0.775 and the average precision score is 0.775. Precision is used to calculate a number of correct positive predictions made by the model. The recall is used to calculate the number of correct positive predictions made out of all the positive predictions that could have been made.

  • Precision = True Positives / (True Positives + False Positives)
  • Recall = True Positives / (True Positives + False Negatives)


In this project only one classification algorithm is used which is Multinomial Naïve Bayes. First, the preprocessing is done in the dataset which includes the removal of punctuations, then removal of URLs, digits, non-alphabets, and contractions, then tokenization and removing Stopwords, and removing Unicode. Then lemmatization is done on the dataset. After preprocessing Countvectorizer is used to convert text data into numerical data as the classifier only works for numerical data. The dataset is then split into 70% training data and 30% test data. The accuracy score on test data is 77.977%. average recall value is 0.775 and the average f1 score is 0.775.

Future Scope

In the future, some other classification algorithms can also be tried on this dataset like KNN, Support vector machine (SVM), Logistic Regression, and even Deep learning algorithms can also be used which give very high accuracy. Vectorizing can be done using other methods like word2vec, Tf-Idf vectorizer, etc.

Download the Complete Project on ake Disaster Tweet Detection Web Application Python-based Machine Learning Project.

LSTM based Automated Essay Scoring System Python Project using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap


Essays are a widely used tool to assess the capabilities of a candidate for a job or an educational institution. Writing an essay given a prompt requires comprehension of a given prompt, followed by analysis or argumentation of viewpoints expressed in the prompt, depending on the needs of the testing authority. They give a deep insight into the reasoning abilities and thought processes of the author, and hence are an integral part of standardized tests like the SAT, TOEFL, and GMAT.

With essays comes the need for personnel qualified enough to carry out the process of grading the essays appropriately and ranking them on the basis of various testing criteria. Our project aims to automate this process of grading the essays with the aid of Deep learning, in particular, using Long Short Term Memory networks which is a special kind of RNN.

Automated Essay Scoring (AES) allows the instructor to assign scores easily to the participants with a pre-trained deep learning model. This model is trained in such a way that the scores assigned are in agreement with the previous scoring patterns of the instructor. So this needs the dataset which contains the information of scores given by the instructor previously. AES uses Natural Language processing, a branch of artificial intelligence enabling the trained model to understand and interpret human language, to assess essays written in human language.

Problem Definition

Given the growing number of candidates applying for standardized tests every year, finding a proportionate number of personnel to grade the essay component of these tests is an arduous task. This personnel must be skilled and capable of analyzing essays, scoring them according to the requirements of the institution, and be able to discern between the good and the excellent.

In addition to this, there are a lot of time constraints in grading multiple essays. This can prove to be cumbersome for a limited number of human essay graders. Having to grade several essays within a deadline can compromise the quality of grading done. Thus, there is a clear need to automate this process so that the institution carrying out the grading can focus on evaluating other aspects of the candidate’s profile.

The challenge was to create a web application to take in the essay and predict a score. We need to train a neural network model to predict the score of the essay in accordance with the rater. The model is to be made using LSTM.


In order to meet the need for automation of essay grading, we propose an application that provides an interface for users to choose an essay prompt of their choice and provide a response for the same. The user’s response is graded by the application within seconds and a score is displayed.

This application makes use of the technologies of Natural Language Processing that performs operations on textual input, and LSTM, which is used to train a model on how to grade essays. The application also uses the Word2Vec embedding technique to convert the essay into a vector so that the model can be trained addresses the issue of time constraints; automated grading takes place within seconds as compared to physical grading which requires minutes per essay. The net amount of time saved over a period of consistently using the application is vast; costs of maintaining human graders are also saved.

The application gives an output from the pre-trained LSTM model. The model is trained using a dataset provided by Hewlett Foundation in 2012 for a competition on Kaggle.

Web Application (Output)

The front end of the application was implemented using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. It provides the option for users to choose from a set of prompts and write an essay accordingly or to grade their own custom essay.

The landing page of the application:

Automated Essay Scoring System

Software Specifications

This application is developed primarily using Python, for the purposes of running the app. The model was built and trained on Jupyter Notebook. The front end of the application was designed with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. All the components of this application were integrated with the help of the Flask App, and the final project was deployed on IBM Cloud.

While training the model, the dataset was imported into the model with the Pandas library. Pandas library used was v1.3.0. Numpy v1.19.2 was used to handle array data structure. Natural Language ToolKit v3.6.2 was used to tokenize essays to sentences written in English and also to remove stopwords to make sure the sentences contain only relevant words. RegEx(re) package v2.2.1 was used to remove unnecessary punctuations and symbols present in the essay or sentences. Our model utilizes the Word2Vec technique to convert words to corresponding vectors. Word2Vec v0.11.1 was used to convert words into vectors. Tensorflow v2.5.0 was used to build the model. ScikitLearn v0.24.2 was used for data preprocessing.

To make use of the application, the user needs to have access to a stable internet connection and an operating system compatible with the latest versions of most browsers. In the absence of an internet connection, the application can be run locally. Still, the user needs to have the authorization to access the source code of our project for the same, which is not recommended for intellectual property purposes.

Future Scope

This application could be integrated and used by several testing institutions to meet their needs for essay grading. The model used could be trained with an increasing number of input essays to further improve its accuracy. The model could also be trained on giving a score on specific criteria of essay grading such as relevancy, linguistic and reasoning ability of the author. Research could be conducted on making the model faster. This technology could also be extended for use with languages other than the English language, effectively rendering it useful on a worldwide level.

Development of E-Commerce Store Portal using Bootstrap and ReactJS

The main aim of this project is to design, develop, and implement of E-Commerce Store Portal website based on HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and ReactJS. To give a high openness of administration we will structure the online site that supports local businesses, with the goal that potential clients need not go to a physical shop to purchase items or administrations. The objective of this E-Commerce Store Portal project is to create an e-commerce web portal with a content management system that would allow product information to be updated securely using a system. The E-Commerce Store web portal will have an online interface in the form of an e-commerce website that will allow users to buy goods from the merchants. This web portal will allow local organizations and start-ups to start their businesses and reach out to the market.


This Bootstrap and ReactJS web portal project is aimed at developing an online static website for an E-commerce store that can be used by people to list their business on the website and will also provide customers to buy the products directly from the store. The website is based on HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and React. Customers can buy the products directly from the store. This will help local businesses to register their products on the website. It will eventually help local businesses to increase their profits and people to buy the goods from the comfort of their homes. Users can see the products from the website. Our website will contain a Homepage where all the basic information about the store and details of the products will be available. This site is easy to operate and user-friendly.


The web portal will have an online interface in the form of an E-commerce website that will allow users to buy goods from the merchants. This web portal will allow local organizations and start-ups to start their businesses and reach out to the market


Online shopping practices are increasing rapidly, thanks to digitalization. Online E-commerce store owners are always eager to know how to increase traffic on their E-commerce sites and how to increase their profits to earn more revenue.  Hence by this, bringing together the various local businesses to a single platform so that anyone can access them anywhere according to their need. So, with the increasing importance of online sales and the growing number of customers visiting online stores we are going to develop a website that helps to save the time of the users. This website encourages local businesses to create their online store and supports them to run their business to grow.

E-Commerce Store Portal

Benefits of the proposed work

• Saves time for customers in quickly view various items on the E-Commerce portal.
• The ability to view and purchase items anytime, from anywhere with Internet access.
• Provides information about resort facilities.
• User-friendly interface.
• No Convenience fees.
• Total features of E-Commerce Website are accessible.
• Easy to use and simple to understand.
• Quick and save lots of time.

Modules and their functionalities:

1. Dashboard: This is the home page of our website.
2. Hawkers: This consist of all the hawkers available online for selling their products.
3. Feedback: The feedback area consists of all the feedback given by buyers.
4. Vendors: This contains information about the vendors and their products.
5. Place Order: This is used for placing an order of the product of your choice.
6. About Us: This page consists information of about the team behind the idea of promoting local businesses.

Implementation and User Interface

This E-Commerce Store Portal project is implemented with the help of Visual Code.

The user interface design was one of the core tasks in this project. The aim of UI design is to make the E-commerce application to be accepted and used easily.

Software Requirements:

  • Macintosh /Microsoft Windows /Linux
  • Virtual Studio Code or any other text editor
  • Chrome or any other browser

IoT based Attendance System Project Using Blockchain and JAVA MySQL

The success of this IoT-based Attendance System app will ensure that many more parents and organizations will be motivated to use this common platform. It becomes complicated when strength is more. With the increase in technology, attendance monitoring is designed with android or web-based applications. However, the intention of this design is to provide a Blockchain-based app that can be downloaded and used by the organization with no third-party control to meddle with the data.

There is an update option to modify attendance when it’s needed. However, the modifications are recorded and tracked, just in case, it’s a fraudulent activity. Attendance is captured using IOT automatically and is entered into the blockchain which makes the data tamper-proof, secure and robust. The privacy of its users is preserved because the user ids are generated by a trusted third party. This data is available for the government for Scholarships and other related decision-making.

IOT-based Attendance System using Blockchain is an application that is made for students and faculty of a particular college to maintain students’ attendance which is captured through an IOT device(biometric) and then the attendance is stored in the Blockchain. Blockchain is used in this application to ensure safety and a tamper-free environment as the data cannot be manipulated and is used for government purposes.


Generally, in many institutions attendance is monitored and marked using conventional systems like android or other similar web applications. Few conventional databases do not have features like checking whether any information has experienced unauthorized changes or not. In this system when the data is entered into the blockchain, no one is allowed to edit or delete the data.

This makes the application transparent and different from other web-based attendance systems as IoT is used to capture attendance through biometrics of the students in the class. Students’ poor attendance rate is one of the most challenging problems tackled by college management today. With the help of this application, student attendance rates can be improved which is also helpful for the government to take precise decisions regarding scholarship-like schemes for students with transparent data. Using blockchain and some encryption techniques, this application is made secure from any manipulations.

Student Login Page


The fingerprint module will collect fingerprint data from multiple users and sends it over the internet to the website. The IoT-based Attendance System website is coded in HTML, and CSS, JSP has a MySQL database, and records of attendance are stored in Blockchain. By logging into the website, the student can view all their attendance records. The timestamp of students’ attendance is encrypted and stored in the blockchain.


This IoT-based Attendance System application helps to automize the attendance system and makes it easy to manage all the data. Encryption, decryption, and blockchain make the application very secure. The application has a very user-friendly UI and is made to keep UI and UX in consideration.

The future enhancement of this IoT based Attendance System application is

  • To use Ethereum to make the application up to date with the technologies
  • To generate automatic weekly and monthly reports


Tables in the project.
Test case showing the home page after pasting the URL in the browser
Test case showing navbar functionalities working.
Test case showing login is done and navigated to the home page
Test case showing student registration is working.
Test case showing faculty registration
Test case showing faculty registration is working.
Test case showing attendance stored in blockchain

IoT based Attendance System Using Blockchain
Test case showing student’s attendance records.
Test case to get student report
Test case showing Student’s attendance report.
Test case showing download report is working
Test case showing all student details.
Test case showing all student’s attendance records.

Flow Chart Diagram:

Flow Chart

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram

Usecase Diagram:

usecase diagram

Software Requirements

Programming Language: Java
Graphical User Interface: HTML, CSS with Bootstrap, JSP
Libraries: MYSQL connector jar file, Apache Tomcat jar file
Encryption Algorithm: SHA-256
Framework: Java EE
Tool: Eclipse, MYSQL

Hardware Requirements:

IOT Fingerprint Scanner

Resorts Management System Full Stack & Bootstrap Project


Resorts Management System Full Stack Website which is based on the user interface that is front end project which can be used by the customers to access the different types of rooms according to their needs and other facilities of the resort which include a banquet hall, restaurant service, rooftop pool service, etc. On our Resorts Management System website, we have included all the relevant details that user wants to access while searching for a resort, it has all valuable data or information.

Also if the user has any query regarding any service they can send us the message for the website. In our project, the Resort website that we have made is fully responsive which helps users to access it on any device or at anytime, anywhere. This application will help to improve services for tourists and also improve the revenue source for our resort.


In the present time, there is a great rush in Resorts, as these have become a necessity for everyone in the society. People travel a lot, stay in hotels and resorts, goes to the hotels for functions, meetings, and refreshments. Our Resorts Management System project is developed keeping in mind the general needs of the customers when he goes to the resort. We cannot deny that we are now in much more technological improvement and especially for business, shifting from a manual process to online.

It focuses on giving the customer all the information about the park and its activities. If a customer wants to come to the park, he can see the facilities available and know the park rates’ impact online. This will also save time for our customers as well as the administration with online booking instead of on-site booking. This Resorts Management System is very secure due to the availability of login and password options. Creating profits and achieving customer satisfaction is the main goal of our system.

Providing customer satisfaction is the main objective of our project. And we have also been taking care of the expectations of the users when they search for some resort for their holiday or any other event. It focuses on giving the customer all the information about the resort, and photos of the resort, and also help them to see the various room in the resort and book them in advance, various other pages are the About Us page, Facilities Page, Faqs page and Contact Us page, Blog Page. If any customer is willing to come to the resort, he/she can see the facilities available and can know the cost-effectiveness of the resort online.

This will also save time for our customers as well as management by booking online instead of booking on the spot. The resort system Full Stack & Bootstrap project’s main idea is to develop an online web-based application that is accessible to all and to create a scope for visiting tourists from different geographic locations. 


Technology Used:

  • HTML: The page layout will be designed in HTML
  • CSS: It is used for designing
  • JAVASCRIPT: To Program the behavior of web pages
  • Bootstrap: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for creating responsive, mobile-friendly websites.

Resort Website


  • Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 or Linux
  • Vs Code or any other text editor
  • Chrome or any other browser


Teamwork plays a vital role to make any project successful. It needs the participation of every single member. Our team comprises four members and work will be equally divided among each member so that every member of the group can contribute and can give their best efforts on the Resorts Management System project.


Besides the above achievements, we still feel the project has some limitations, listed below:

  • Limited information provided by this system
  • Since it is an online Resort project, customers need an internet connection
  • People who are not familiar with computers or using online websites can’t use this software
  • Heavy traffic leads to failure or long wait issues


Online has got a clear advantage over the manual system. The Online Resort system is more reliable, efficient, and fast at the end of the project. I can say that online websites play a very crucial role in the development of the firm.

  • Thus we have proposed a Resort Fullstack Website.
  • It eliminates the 3rd party website completely ( MakeMyTrip, Goibibo, Trivago )
  • This software aims at reducing paperwork & provide multiple facilities to users with fewer efforts and Access to the Portal according to choice & availability.

We have prepared a full-fledged working website on named Resorts Management System. It is a website based on the Resort Management system and displays various facilities and services offered by the resort. We have displayed various features of our resort-like hotels, rooftop, spa, swimming pools, banquet halls, etc. The central objective of our Full Stack & Bootstrap Project website is to provide an online facility for accessing all the services of our resort.

We have created a platform where customers can directly communicate with us and can overcome the problems of manual system and third-party platform issues. This Full Stack & Bootstrap Project aims at reducing paperwork and provides multiple facilities to users with less effort. Users can access the portal according to choice and availability.

Web Technologies Project on Car Pooling Application

A brief walkthrough of the Car Pooling project

This Car Pooling application allows users to:

  • Become a member of the carpooling community (register and login)
  • Join rides
  • Offer rides
  • See the most popular rides taken

Joining A ride

The user searches for:

  • Source (starting point)
  • Destination (drop off point)

On selecting a ride, choose the number of seats (based on availability)

The cost of the ride will be displayed and will ask for verification of booking the ride

Offering the ride

A registered user creates a ride by

  • Selecting the starting point (source)
  • Selecting the endpoint (destination)
  • Entering car model (registration)
  • Enter the number of seats available
  • Cost per kilometer
  • The offered pickup points

 Inclusion of features

  • Webservices using RESTful APIs
  • Ajax Patterns
  • Submission throttling
  • To populate the source and destination of the list being searched
  • Multistage download
  • On loading the home page, the images are downloaded one after the other
  • Comet
  • SSE (server-sent events)
  • To view the topmost rides driven/ joined

Use of framework

  • RESTful API’s
  • Flask micro framework
  • Bootstrap for CSS
  • Mongo DB (for the database)

Intelligent Component

  • Calculate the fare: – ((distance * cost/km) / seats), Distance is calculated using the haversine algorithm
  • haversine algorithm – Takes two points (their latitude and longitude) and used to calculate the distance
  • To select pickup points – K nearest neighbors used
  • The intelligent component is trained using the dataset having rows as Place name, latitude, longitude
  • The model generated is used to predict the nearest neighbors of any given place
  • To decrease calculation time a pre-computed matrix of given places with respect to  distance  from all other points (places) is used

Two such matrices are used:

  • Distance matrix
  • Indexes matrix

Real-Time Map-Based Pollution Monitoring and Data Management System

Title : Real-Time Map-Based Pollution Monitoring And Data Management System

Introduction: For years, pollution has been a major issue faced by mankind and it is increasing by the day. The recent pollution disasters that happened in major cities across the globe have taught us one thing and that is, that it is important to keep an eye on the pollution that is increasing day by day. Many government and global organizations have started to work on it and almost a decade has passed since these programs have been functioning. But, the major issue with these organizations is that they are focused on beating pollution on every front whether it is air pollution or water pollution.

These organizations are more focused on amending laws for pollution control and the monitoring process boils down to analyzing air quality and then making changes in the environmental laws. Also, the issue is that these bodies are controlled by the central or federal government. But, pollution is no longer an issue that can be tackled gradually and conventionally. It needs immediate attention and effective monitoring is required so that the authorities can take necessary measures to solve the pollution problems.

The pollution problem is more persistent in urban metropolitans and metros. But, municipal corporations have very little control over the situation because of a lack of data to act upon. Recent developments in the smart city sector are also encouraging cities to develop monitoring systems. The city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat has implemented digital signboards that show the real-time value of major air pollutants and overall air quality. This data is displayed to the people driving on the road so that they can take necessary precautions to avoid or minimize the health risks due to pollution. But, this kind of Pollution Monitoring project requires a huge amount of funds and is also not feasible everywhere.

So we are building a minimalistic model to tackle the issue of monitoring pollution. Our main goal is to provide real-time data visualization and also provide a database that will store all the data and provide readings of various pollutants. The data will be visualized through the means of a map hence it would be easy to pinpoint the exact location when any kind of action is needed. We will also build a device to capture data and then feed it into a web application that can be used to monitor and visualize the data.

The main aim of this Real-Time Map-Based Pollution Monitoring project is to provide a centralized repository of sensor data and also to create an effective and centralized monitoring system. The low cost and feasibility of the project make it easy to use for both smart cities as well as small towns. Furthermore, this kind of monitoring system will allow for the development of effective countermeasures and control strategies for keeping the pollution problem in check.

Process Flow:

Pollution Monitoring System Process Flow



This Real-Time Map-Based Pollution Monitoring project is aimed at local authorities like the municipal corporation rather than the central government so that immediate action can be taken by them to control the pollution problem.

This Pollution Monitoring project can be briefly divided into three main parts:-

  • Data Collection.
  • Data Monitoring.
  • Data Storage.

1. Data Collection:

Data collection is an important part of this Pollution Monitoring System project. Any kind of monitoring system is functional only because of the data that has been provided to it.

Data collection will be consisting of reading data from sensors. Now, from the research conducted, we have been able to deduce the major kind of data that we need. Looking at the urban pollutants we have observed that the most prominent pollutant is the Particulate Matter (PM) and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM).

Hence we have decided to use a DSM501A Particulate Matter and Suspended Particulate Matter Sensor for detecting PM(2.5) or Particulate Matter, which is one of the major pollutants. Also, it leads to various lung and carcinogenic diseases and skin problems.

Particulate Matter concentrations have raised dramatically in the past decades to increase the number of automobiles on urban roads. Hence we have decided that monitoring PM/SPM (Particulate Matter and Suspended Particulate Matter) is going to be one of the main agendas of our monitoring system.

Another major pollutant that has been identified is Carbon Monoxide (CO). Now, CO is not just a single pollutant but, it is also responsible for creating another harmful pollutant i.e Ozone (O3). Ozone is important for blocking UVs from the sun but, at the ground level, the Ozone is a dangerous gas. Carbon Monoxide is specifically dangerous as it affects the hemoglobin if the concentrations exceed 35 ppm (parts-per-million).

From the research we have done, it has been clear that CO is present in spatial quantities but, that means that we need to effectively monitor it to keep its concentrations at safe levels. We will be using an MQ-7 sensor for measuring Carbon Monoxide.

Studies have pointed out that SO2 and NO2 are also major air pollutants and contribute to the degradation of overall air quality. Also, several hydro-carbon compounds are pollutants although not major, affecting the air quality a lot. Hence we have decided to use an MQ-135 sensor to monitor SO2 and NO2 levels as well as the overall air quality.

The sensors will be interfaced on a Raspberry Pi and their data will record using the GPIO library (Python). The data from these sensors will then be directed to the web server and the storage.

2. Data Monitoring:

Data Monitoring is the key component of the system. To monitor the data we have decided to use Google Maps so that the position of our Raspberry Pi Module can be pinpointed and then by using color-coding we can determine the levels of pollution in the vicinity of our Raspberry Pi Module.

All of this will be achieved by creating a web server in Python using the Flask framework and the main desktop app will be a web application written in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. The desktop app will have three options

  1. Map-Based Monitoring
  2. Individual Pollutant Monitoring
  3. Statistics

3. Data Storage:

Data Storage is necessary to reference past data and develop statistics from them. The data will be stored locally on the file system and can be downloaded in the form of excel sheets.


Serial Number




Synopsis and Presentation Submission

15 days


Component Purchasing and Testing

15 Days


Interfacing sensors and writing server script

15 days


Writing Front-End Application

15 days


Integrating Front-End and Back-End services

15 days


  • Raspberry Pi model B
  • SD card and adapter
  • MQ-7 sensor
  • MQ-135
  • DSM501A


Online Grocery Management Store PHP & MySQL Database Project

The main objective of this Online Grocery Management Web application is to provide an online product/ grocery purchasing website. Everyone needs food to survive. If someone wants to cook food even by themselves, they’ll first have to go to some grocery store, buy items, and carry all that heavy load of raw materials themselves to their home. That’s where an online solution can help so we have implemented the Online Grocery Store web application. All one needs to do is order everything they need for their cooking requirements online and relax till it gets delivered to their homes.

Online Grocery Store Challenges:

  • To keep a record of existing users, allow for the addition of new users, and removal of existing ones, and maintain several of their addresses
  • To maintain a catalog of available products, and categorize products into different types, and manufacturers
  • To maintain a cart for every user (one per user), and also all the orders he has done in the past, each order having multiple products, alongside the quantity they are available in.

Features of the Online Grocery Store project, and our plan to overcome the challenges mentioned above:

  • We will create tables for the user, address, product, category, manufacturer, order, cart, and product_order. E-R analysis is submitted along with this description.
  • The above model will be modeled in the form of tables and stored in SQL-based RDBMS, preferably MariaDB.

Wish List (features to be included if time permits)

  • To implement a user interface for addition, updation of products, manufacturer, etc.
  • To provide discounts for bulk orders, sales, etc.

Tables for Database Design:


  • User_Id
  • Email_Id


  • First_Name
  • Last_Name
  • Mobile_no


  • Address_id
  • Address_1
  • Address_2
  • Zip_Code
  • City
  • State
  • User_Id


  • Product_id
  • Product_Name
  • Units
  • Picture
  • Weight
  • Category_id
  • Price
  • Product_Description
  • Manufacturer_id


  • Category­_id
  • Category_description
  • Category_Name


  • Manufacturer_id
  • Manufacturer_Name


  • Order_id
  • Payment_Method
  • Order_time
  • Billing_id
  • Amount
  • Shipping_id
  • Address_id
  • User_id

Cart (User_Product)

  • User_id
  • Product_id
  • Quantity


  • Product_id
  • Order_id
  • Quantity
  • Price (of 1 unit)

ER Design Diagrams:

ER Diagram for Grocery Store Project

Functional Dependencies:

1) User Table
2) Address Table
3) Product Table
4) Category Table
5) Manufacturer Table
6) Grocery Order Table
7) Cart Table
8) Product Order Table

Other similar Projects on the amazon Ekart System:

We intend to create an amazon Ekart System with features also whilst incorporating all the amazing features that could be seen on amazon’s official website and more.


  • Homepage: The Landing/Homepage offers various navigating features including shopping, menu, finding products, add-to-cart payment, etc., as shown in the image above.
  • Shopping: schedule your delivery with UPI pay.
  • Rewards: provide a program membership offer by incorporating sign-in features and provide free delivery on some products.
  • Careers: facility to explore career paths by imparting internships and apprenticeships and jobs by logging in/registering on the portal and providing too many jobs in many different ways.
  • Payment and cashback offer to make payment via this app – amazon pay.
  • Delivery: Accepting the orders and delivering them to the user’s doorstep.


  • Login page.
  • listing page
  • Profile page
  • Prime page
  • Sign in with the prime page
  • Payment with prime page
  • Payment page
  • Order page

Technologies To Be Used:

1. Front-End:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • javaScript
  • Reactjs

2. Back-End:

  • Nodejs
  • Expressjs

3. Database

  • MongoDB

Design & Development of Educational Institutions Grievances Portal Project

Currently, there is a portal name Grievances portal similar to this. In the grievances, portal people can share their local problems and their solutions are provided by anyone. But in our portal people can share problems of any region and they are taken up by colleges of the region facing problems. This helps several institutes to work collaboratively on a large scale.


This Educational Institutions Grievances Portal Project report gives a scope description and overview of everything included in the Project Report.

The following is the overview:


The purpose of this report is to give a detailed description of finding and solving common issues with educational institutions. It will illustrate the complete declaration and purpose for the development of the system. It will illustrate an interaction, constraints, and interface between different users of the system.

System Overview:

This Grievances Portal Project takes the problems faced by students of a particular institute as input in the form of upvotes or posting a problem. All users have to log in using Google authentication facebook or any social media platform. This helps to keep the track of users participating.

The institute first has to register so that it is possible to keep a track of which colleges are participating. All the passwords of institutes are encoded using ​md5 ​and the colleges can then take up the problems about a particular locality and can do collaborative projects to solve them.

The solutions are generally provided in the form of videos which is easily understandable to the local public. But before posting solutions, the colleges have to first check for the authenticity of the problems. They can mark any solution as duplicate or bogus.

This ensures any unrelevant problems from reaching admin and the system is thus maintained. Finally, a report is generated in the form of an excel sheet that helps the admin to know the problems existing in our country. This file can be downloaded as well.

Model of Solution:


The Grievances Portal Project aims for semantic text/web page classifications. It provides a better and more comprehensible platform for posting college-level problems and finding solutions. It is extremely user-friendly and easy to use.

Objective / Future scope:

● Define a mechanism to decide ​the count of votes needed to approve an issue
● Once voting is closed for an issue i.e. when the issue is upvoted by the number of users count of votes needed to approve an issue, then the upvote facility will be closed and the system immediately sends a notification to all the related institutes.
● There should be a way to maintain “Reputed Institutes”
● Admin should be able to see which Institutes are working on that problem.
● Each problem should have a thread on which registered users may discuss its solution or upvote or downvote the solutions also.
● The emails of users sending “bogus approved issues” may be blocked when marked as bogus as colleges​

Functional and non-functional requirements:

Grievances Portal Project website there three types of users:

● Citizens
● Institute
● Admin

All users get the same view of the website with similar functionalities but they all perform different tasks.

Functional Requirements:

User Functions

1. Sign Up
2. Can change his/her profile
3. To add an issue
4. Users may also look for issues in any region
5. Can visit a problem description directly through a URL and upvote for it.
6. Users cannot upvote the same issue more than once.
7. Will be notified through email to approve if any solution is available for any of the problems he has upvoted for.

Institute Functions

1. Institutes will have a login

2. After login they will be able to see the issues of ​their region only​ like

a. Unsolved issues (approved)
b. Issues with solutions

System Functions

1. Knows list of Institutes per district
2. Gets added issues and stores
3. Keeps a track of upvotes per issue – Once upvotes reach a ​threshold ​the issue is notified to all the Institutes in that region or district via email. (Institutes can see approved issues of their region via their login as well).

  • Problems of a district may be shown to that region instead of that district
  • Institutes of nearby districts may fall under the same region.
  • Or simply it can be forwarded to the Institutes falling in the same district.

4. Once an Institute submits a solution, the system notifies all the users who upvoted for that issue. So that they may approve the solution.

5. Will know how many solutions an Institute has provided. It means how many of them are solved issues.
6. Long pending issues should be notified to UGC who then will notify the Institutes
7. Institute should be notified when its solution is approved.

Administrator Function

Reports to be generated

The technology stack used:

Backend: PHP.
Frontend: Html, Jquery, javascript, Ajax, bootstrap.

Implementation strategy:

1. Initially, the whole template was designed to suit our requirements.
2. Bootstrap was used for the development of the template of this website (SB Admin 2)
3. All pages were then linked which made the division of work easier.
4. The whole backend was made using PHP.
5. There were various event listeners used in this system like on focus, click, change, etc., which were implemented using JS and Jquery.
6. Almost all pages had the same page refresh and reload for which we have used AJAX.


1. Our team has completed a Web Application
2. Product Design was a crucial point in the development
3. We now have a complete understanding of how a website works from start to end
4. We learned a new language – AJAX. We also strengthened our knowledge in PHP, JS, and Jquery.
5. Most importantly, we learned how to work in a team.
6. The future scope of our specified in the Goals -> Objectives section.