Grade Sheet Project in Vb.Net

Grade Sheet System Project is a software application developed in programming language for helping different education institution faculty to automatically generate grades for each subject for each student without any manual calculations.

Grade Sheet Project

Existing and proposed System:

In existing system there are no software used by faculty members of any college to generate grades and calculate percentage. Most of them use manual process to generate report and provide for display. This process is a time taking process.

In this proposed system we have developed a automatic grade generation system where we just need to enter basic information of course, student, subject and calculate grade and show results.

Grade Sheet Project Forms Overview:

There are three main features in grade sheet project

Entering Marks

Generating print reports.


Project Functionality:

When application is launched a form is displayed with file menu option which consists of enter marks sheet and print marks sheet and exit options.

User should select marks sheet options which will display form with student details and grade points obtained features.

You can easily understand what are the options available and select respective options to display results and calculate grade.

If you want to change subject details, program details ..etc modify database table which is available with download file.

IF you want to print obtained grade details of student you can select print record options from file menu option where you will find two forms which some options and print record.

IMP :  For admin and guest passwords for login to system you can find in database login file.

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