Results and Snap Shots
- Loading status user interface design
- Then the status of the loading will be displayed to the user.
Welcome Screen User Interface Design
- This Welcome Screen User Interface is the part of the Home module.
- Mobile shop User Interface Design
- This is the main window of the Mobile Payment Service system through this the user can Login or Register.
- Registration User Interface Design
- This Registration user interface is the part of the Home module. Here the user has to enter the details of username, password, confirm Password, Address, Phone, Email-Id to before login.
- Registration Successfully User Interface Design
- This Registration Successfully user interface is the part of the Home module. After the user has to enter the details of username, password, confirm Password, Address, Phone, Email-Id to press OK button to registration successfully.
- This login user interface is the part of the Home module. Here the user has to enter the user name and password to perform various transaction of the shop.
- Invalid Login User Interface Design
- This Invalid login user interface is the part of the Home module. If unauthorized users access the system, it will be display the error message.
- Offer User Interface Design
- This offer user interface is the part of the Place order module which displays various offers of the shop. Then the user has various option.
- Help User Interface Design
- This Help user interface is the part of the Place order module which provide help facility for the user to clarify their doubts and the system to be more interactive.
- Search Shop User Interface Design
- Department Selection User Interface Design
- This Department Selection user interface is the part of the Place order module. The user has to select the department of the shop to perform the place order transaction.
- Product Details User Interface Design
- If the user selects the product, the system will provide the product details such as price for the corresponding product, company model and availability.
- Confirmation User Interface Design
- In case of confirmation the user has to press the Back button, otherwise press the OK button to continue the process.
- User details User Interface Design
- The user has to provide various details like Name, Address, Mobile Number, and Credit Card Number to place / cancel order.
- Verification User Interface Design
- In case of Verification the user has to press the Enter button, otherwise press the OK button to continue the process.
- Process User Interface Design
- Then the status of the process will be display to the user.
- Then the Billing will be displayed to the user using the Name, Address, Mobile Number, Quantity and Rate.
- Display Confirmation User Interface Design
- Then the Display Confirmation will be displayed to the user using the cancellation and Continue.
- Cancel order User Interface Design
- This cancellation user interface is designed, in case if the user wants to cancel the order. The user has specified his Name and Credit Card Number. Then the Name and Credit Card Number will be verified by the system and the process status will be displayed to the user.
- Display Cancel Confirmation User Interface Design
- Then cancel confirmation will be displayed to the user by verifying the username and Credit Card Number.
- Display Successfully User Interface Design
- Then the displayed to the user has to purchase the product successfully. Finally the money is deduced from your Credit Card Number.
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