Online library management system project is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is to develop a online web portal for library for managing different tasks that are involved in library like managing books issue details, users details, books availability details and payment details.
This application will provide an efficient method to deal with library system. Features available in this application are adding books, add members, books details, lending details, members details, book returning details and report generation.
In existing system manual methods are used where every detail are managed manually in form of records.
In this method it is not easy to know exact details of availability of books and location of books in the library one should search for books in the library and inform which is a time taking process. Managing issues books details and money management are not efficient in this process.
Screen shots for library management system project will give over view about project.
In present system online web portal is used of finding out library book details in short span of time and managing different aspects will be easy.
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send me code