Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the DOWN Policy

The Web Approach: A web like organization of information works the best for most people. With this structure, web pages are linked to each other when relate contextual. There could be several links to a single page, or every document usually has at least two ways to get it. Links could lead the users in a circular path. From  the navigation point of view, this kind of site  is very appealing. It allows the users to get around this site quickly and enjoy a more free form experience of the site. Hence most of the designers use the spider web like approach to organize their content and the web sites.

Dynamic  Web Server Architecture:

                     Web sites require a specialized database they must perform well in a distributed architecture, support object oriented applications and store extended data types like images, spatial and multimedia. Web sites use an object-oriented data base management system (ODBMS) because they are optimized for distributed, object-oriented that store new data types.

                    Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the DOWN Policy The flow of messages and data in this web server architecture takes place in the following manner. The web browser sends a request for an html template to the web server via the http protocol. The web server receives the request and passes it to one of a pool of ODBMS web service processes on the same machine or LAN as the web server. The web server and the web service communicate via a protocol, which could be either a CGI, FCGI , ISAPI or NSAPI. The web service combines the html in the template file with variables return from the methods to form html dynamically. The browsers thus receive the relation systems by a synchronization gateway. Tools like agents that track the user profile preference, and the database online utilities also interact  with  the database.

                      There are a different variety of web search engines on the internet like Altavista, Lycos, Yahoo, AOL (American Online) and so on which provide us with a list of dynamically a web sites. The Internet users can therefore access any of these web search engines and look for the web site they need.

Download Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the DOWN Policy Final Year Project

Online Examination System Project in

 A computerized model for conducting tests called Online Examination system is developed for Schools & Colleges to facilitate in conducting online tests.

This System helps the User to log into the application whenever he desires and evaluates the results immediately. This Final Year Engineering Project is developed in ASP.Net.

The application is very flexible and user friendly. There is no need to monitor while a person is taking the exam. All the instructions are displayed to the user before he takes the test.

online-exam-projectThe application is developed in Java and all the features of Java are used in it. It can be made global through Internet thus enabling the person even in the remotest part of the world in assessing his knowledge.

Software Requirements:

Visual Studio, HTML, Java Script, ASP.Net, SQL

Download Online Examination System Final Year Project in

Cell Breathing Techniques for Load Balancing in Wireless LANs

In future we can introduce this Cell Breathing Techniques for Load Balancing in Wireless LANs in internet connection mainly in WIFI technology. Already in this project we proved that by using this method we can avoid the network traffic or overload on APs. If we apply this technology on WIFI connection means, we can increase the speed of the internet and get connection continuously without any interrupt. Definitely in future cell breathing method would occupy the major part of the communication field.

                          We are going to develop a novel scheme for optimal load balancing in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. We provided rigorous analysis of the problem and presented two algorithms that find Deterministic optimal solutions. The first algorithm minimizes the load of the congested AP(s) in the network, and the second algorithm produces an optimal min-max (Priority) load balanced solution. These optimal solutions are obtained only with the minimal information which is readily available without any special assistance from the 748 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 8, NO. 6, JUNE 2009.In this Project, we can assume only the control on the transmission power of the AP beacon messages. The simulations show that even a small number of power levels, e.g., between 5 and 10, is enough to achieve near optimal results.

Cell Breathing Techniques for Load Balancing in Wireless LANsApplication:

  • In mobile networks nowadays using cell breathing technology for roaming purpose to avoid overload in home network
  • Cell breathing method which finds deterministic global optimal solutions for providing fairness to get the digital voice clarity.

Hardware Specifications:

PROCESSER                   : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz

HARD DISK             : 120 GB

RAM                          :  4 GB

Software Specifications:

OS :- Windows XP Pro

Front End  : – Visual Studio 2010.

Programming Language      :- Visual C# .Net 4.0

Database                   : – Sql Server 2008

Download Cell Breathing Techniques for Load Balancing in Wireless LANs Final Project Documentation

Final Project Report on Power Billing System

Final Project Report on Power Billing System Modules Description:


This module is considered only when there is a requirement of safety and security by the customer. Only after the login process, the rest of the application is made available to the user. 

In order to log in, the user has to first register by providing desired user-ID and password. Provided user-IDs and passwords by the users are maintained in a database. Oracle database is used to maintain a database.

Then the user logins into the application by giving user-ID and password provided during registration process. JDBC is used to connect the application with the database.

 User Login Sequence will be as follows:

  • User registration by providing user-ID and password(credentials)
  •  The user will be prompted to enter user credentials.
  •  If the user enters correct credentials then he gets access to the application.

 Consumer Management

To design front-end forms according to consumer specifications it was like Addition of new consumer, deletion, modification of consumer, processing bills, journals, debit respectively. This module deals with consumer information details.

 New Consumer Acquisition

The proposed software allows the end user to add the new consumer with his personal service (meter and Deposit) details. It generates a unique consumer Identification number based on the DISCOM, Circle, and division, Subdivision, Section and Distribution to which he belongs.

 Modification of Consumer

If any particulars have modified with consumer details, this sub-module is used to modify the consumer details.

Deletion of consumer

If any consumer disconnects the connection then we have to delete the consumer related information from the system. This module is used to delete the consumer. Deletion is made is based on some rules like the payment details will be nil.

Message is displayed as do you want to delete the record.  This deleting record is first entered into watch table. Then this record is deleted from Cons table, Bill, Meter part, deposit tab, calculator and PMTTAT tables.

Query Consumer

When ever we need to see the details of any particular consumer then this sub module will invoke the details and will display on the screen.

Meter Change

Every consumer is having meter for reading details. If meter will change then the meter details will be change in database. This sub module is used to update meter details.

Meter part Change

If any changes occurred in meter particulars then this sub module is used to update. The difference between Meter Change and Meter part Change is when ever Meter will change Meter Change sub module will use and Meter will not Change but Meter Characteristics will change then Meter part sub module will use.

Online Receipt

This sub module is user to online bill payment receipts. It will provide the entry fields to accept payments. It will show the consumer bill details and based on that we will know the bill details which were belongs to consumer whether consumer is having arrears or not. It is done on the spot when the consumer comes to pay bill. This is used by the persons, who know the RC (Revenue Collection) password.

Offline Receipt

This sub module is user to offline bill payment receipts. It is also same as online receipts, but it is used when consumers will pay the bill at general counters. It will show the consumer bill details and based on that we will know the bill details which were belongs to consumer whether consumer is having arrears or not. It is done after the consumer paid the bills offline. This is used by the persons, who know the RC (Revenue Collection) password.

Receipt Cancel

This sub module is allows the user to correct the mistakes done in using online receipt and offline receipt. It will provide the entry fields to cancel the payment receipts only. It will show the receipt details, which was done still by particular RC Counter. This is used by the persons, who know the RC (Revenue Collection) password.

Billing & Accounting

Journal Entry

Journal entry done when a consumer had any debit, credit amounts to pay .To that bill if any additional charges, electricity duty, interest on electricity duty levied on particular consumer no.

In this lccode should present in journal. If we enter consumer no corresponding name should be displayed and rest of the fields we should enter.

It should be updated to Journal.

Cancellation of Journal

If we want to cancel that particular person cancels any journal. It should check LC code, voucher number should match LC code, voucher date should match LC code, voucher no and then date field is selected. Then fields we are selected into corresponding text boxes. This journal is cancelled with field Jtcancelid+=y. Now the field is cancelled from journal.

Change RC Password

Every ERO is having RC Counters to receive online payments. Each RC Counter is hiving RC Code and RC Password. This sub module is allows the user to change his Password for security purpose.

Security requirementsUsers are provided with a login page which contains a user-ID field and a password field. Users are requested to register before using the application. Then, the registered user is asked to provide the password and log-in user-ID in order to access the tool. This ensures security by allowing only authorized users.

Project on Monitoring Online Tests through Data Visualization

This Project on Monitoring Online Tests through Data Visualization project presents an approach and a system to let tutors monitor learners’ strategies during online tests. The approach exploits data visualization to draw the data characterizing the learner’s test strategy, in order to trigger the tutor’s attention and to let him/her discover previously unknown behavioral patterns of the learners and conceptual relationships among test items. In this way, the tutor is provided with a powerful tool that lets him/her review the whole assessment process and evaluate possible improvements.

 Future Enhancement

  1. The Test can be conducted to the whole class at a time.
  2. The other behaviors of the user can also be monitored.
  3. The test can be used for other environment such as aptitude test in interviews, Stress analysis test etc.


1) No need for the examiner to move from one place to another for monitoring the user behavior.

2) Reduce over time of the examiner.

3) The question pattern can be easily altered based on the admin requirement.


Monitoring Online Tests through Data Visualization is used in academic environments, as well as in combination with other assessment means, providing tutors with powerful tools to submit different types of tests in order to assess learners’ knowledge.

Monitoring Online Tests through Data Visualization Project

 Monitoring Online Tests through Data Visualization Project Final Year Project having the below Modules:

1. Admin Module

2. User Login Module

3. Test (Client) Module

4. Database (Server) Module

5. Analysis Module

6. Data Visualization

Admin Module

In this module, first it Checks whether he is the authorized admin and once authorized, the admin can able to view the number of registered users for the online test. The admin have the right to Add, Delete or Update the questions with the third party.

User Login Module

In this module, it creates the login for the user by getting their personnel details including their Email, Address etc.After the completion of registration process; they are directed to attend the Online Test.

Test Module

The test module includes the test pattern for the user. The questions are selected from the database, based on respective technique. Once the Registered users entered, they are undertaken by the given questions.

 Database Module

This module contains the questions with the correct answers. The user selected answers are verified with the correct answer.

Analysis module

The analysis of the user behavior is monitored with the user’s answer, time taken for each individual answers, question type, etc. The mark is given as per the user’s answer.

 Data Visualization

  Graphs are plotted according to the user’s mark, and their individual performance. This gives the clear representation of the Users performance.

Monitoring Online Tests through Data Visualization

Old System:

In the past, several experiments have been carried out to track learner’s behavior during tests by using the think-out-loud method, learners were informed of the experiment and had to speak during the test to explain what they were thinking, while an operator was storing their words using a tape recorder.

 Disadvantages of the Existing system:

  • Monitoring online test using simple methods.
  • They didn’t plot any graph according their results
  • Complexity of identify their performance
  • lack of identify their behaviors.

Proposed system

In this Monitoring Online Tests through Data Visualization Project, we are going to present a solution enabling the Recording of learner’s habits during online tests without informing them of the underlying experiment and consequently, without asking them to modify their behavior, this potentially yields more realistic results.

Advantages of Proposed system:

  • Monitoring online tests through data visualization
  • Find their performance and behaviors depend on the test and item.
  • easily identify learners’ results and quality.

Hardware Requirements

  • ARCHITECTURE                   : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz
  • HARD DISK SPACE                        : 80 GB
  • RAM                           : 512 MB

Software Requirements

  • OS       :- Windows
  • TOOL                         : – VS.NET 2005
  • Programming Language          :- Visual C# .Net
  • Database                        : – SQL Server 2000

Employee Attendance Monitoring System Project

Finally, after the code is implemented the result is analyzed. According to this project “Employee Attendance Monitoring System,” the result can be analyzed in a very efficient way.

This is done supposing, when an employee logs into the website, he then gets a home page that is a login page which includes a welcome form, admin form, add form, and update form for updating details, delete the form, and finally the reports.

The welcome form gives the date, task, and hours of an employee. Admin form is only for the administrator who can update the employee details. Add form is used for updating or giving the login and password about the employees.

The updated form is used for updating the new details. Delete form is used to delete the employee and finally the report is used for giving the report of a particular employee giving the aspects like efficiency, his working hours, and the capacity to finish the work in time.

The output screens give a clear view of the result that has been analyzed.

The above-stated forms played and the update form can be used only by the administrator.

The implementation and results of the Employee Attendance Monitoring System project have been mentioned above in detail with the help of screenshots and database tables. Thus in the conclusion, we have proved that the project is implemented and all possible screens have been displayed. 

The web-based time tracking system is a web-based application that is used to give detailed working hours and helps the management in determining the efficiency of an employee.

Thus in the conclusion, the implementation and results phases give us the details about the preparation of the data sheets of an individual employee’s working hours. The resultant outputs are also displayed in the above screenshots.

Investigation and Analysis of ‘WAN’ Technology of a Multinational Organisation project

                 The Investigation and Analysis of ‘WAN’ Technology of a Multinational Organisation project deals with the WIDE AREA NETWORK technology in Networking. In this application a Multi National Company has been considered. This company has got the Head office at Australia and branch offices at Chicago in United States and at Hyderabad in India. The administration monitors the branch offices from the Head office Australia connected through Internet service Provider ‘ISP’ using routers. The branch offices have a number of systems within the organisation which are interconnected by using hub or switch. The importance of the project is that due to globalisation the world has become small. This leads to the need for new technology to be used to accomplish the requirements of having interaction across the world. One of such things is video conferencing. This helps in easy interaction and doing things across the nations irrespective of their presence at the site. This saves a lot of time and money.


                 The main objective of the Engineering project is to analyze the performance of the WIDE AREA NETWORK by considering different topologies and network models. This project investigates the strength of the network structure and its functionality by changing different attributes and observing the obtained results. This also suggests the enhancements in the network structure and modelling as well as the attributes of the network scenarios so that the traffic flow, packets size everything would be in perfect way to give good results.


                 The objectives of the project can be achieved by planning what to do to model the network scenarios, perform research on the subject by referring to the materials, edit the attributes of the network, performing simulation considering different scenarios, obtaining the results, taking comparison of the results for different cases e.t.c. Thus this is the process of development of the project.


               The software required for this project is OPNET.

               The hardware being a system connected to net connection and having this software to simulate the scenarios to obtain the results.


             A well planned project is a perfect executed project. Hence scheduling the tasks is important for the project to give the results in a desired way.

The schedule of this Final Year project involves planning, research, implementation, evaluation, review and documentation.


                  The schedule of a project can be well represented in the form of GANNT CHART.

Task Management System Project in ASP Net

Task Management System is a web based application was developed in ASP.Net which takes care of the employees within an organization. It takes care of the activities that are scheduled and helps in the management of daily tasks of the employees in the organization.

In a company where the hierarchy of employees spans over thousand managing the work with them is a difficult job. And in an environment where number of jobs is done simultaneously picking the right person for the job is also difficult task, as you are not aware of their availability.

This application is designed for such an environment where the work is divided into group of employees and during the course of division the employees are selected to be part of the work in hand.

Task management system project is also implemented in .Net Technologies using SQL database.

The application can now be run.  One user has already been created, the administrator user.  This user

has a password of admin and a single task list – General Task List.

These are the below Database tables for the Task Management System:

 Task list Assignments

S.No         Column Name  Data Type    Description
  1   ID bigInt(8)
  2 UserId BigInt(8)
  3 TaskListId BigInt(8)

 Task List Categories 

S.No         Column Name  Data Type    Description
  1 ID Binint(8)
  2 Description Varchar(50)
  3 IconUrl Varchar(500)

  Task List Items 

S.No         Column Name  Data Type    Description
  1   ID  BigInt(9)
  2 TasklistID Bigint(9)
  3 OwnerUserId Bigint(9)
  4 CreatedDate Datetime
  5 ModifiedDate Datetime
  6 Subject Varchar(255) Allow Null
  7 Body Varchar(5000) Allow Null
  8 Status Int(4)
  9 CategoryID BigInt(8) Allow Null

 Task List Names 

S.No         Column Name  Data Type    Description
  1   ID  BigInt(9)
  2 Name Varchar(255)

 Task List Notifications: 

S.No         Column Name  Data Type    Description
  1   ID Bigint(9)
  2 NotificationEmail Varchar(5000)

 Task list Sort Order Preferences 

S.No         Column Name  Data Type    Description
  1   ID Bigint(9)
  2 UserId Bigint(9)
  3 StatusID BigInt(9)
  4 SortOrder Int(4)

 Task list Status 

S.No         Column Name  Data Type    Description
  1   ID Bigint(9)
  2 Status Description Varchar(50)
  3 StatusValue Int(4)
  4 StatusFontFlag Varchar(500)
  5 DefaultSortOrder Int(4)

 Task list Show Preferences 

S.No         Column Name  Data Type    Description
  1   ID Bigint(9)
  2 UserId Bigint(9)
  3 StatusID BigInt(9)

 Task list Users 

S.No         Column Name  Data Type    Description
  1   ID Bigint(9)
  2 UserName Varchar(50)
  3 PasswordHash Varchar(50)
 4 IsManager Bit
 5 IsAdministrator Bit
 6 StartupViewOption Varchar(20)
 7 StartupViewArgument Bigint(8)
 8 ItemstoDisplay Varchar(20)
 9 ShouldNotify Bit
10 Notify Period Int (4)
11 LastNotified Datetime

ER Diagram:

Data Flow Diagram:


The application is capable of managing only tasks and their respective allotments where as there is not scope of communication between two groups or between the employees other than mail notification. The information between them is still in terms of documents. The application can improve in these areas of communication and document preservation as well as client maintenance.

The application can be converted into a Mobile based using with which the deployment of application will be done only on enterprises server and is accessible to all other departments of the organization. The current application is confined to only one enterprise.

Output Screens of the project below:

  • Administrator Login:
  • Task List Display:
  • Creating New task:
  • Newly Created Task:
  • Preferences Settings:
  • Task List Properties:
  • User Assignments:
  • Creating New Task List:
  • Renaming the Existing Tasklist:
  • User Configuration:
  • Changing UserName:
  • Changing Password:
  • Changing Permissions:
  • Delete Confirmation:
  • Creating New User:
  • Configuring Application States:
  • Notification Area:
  • Viewing the Tasks:
  • Moving Task from one category to other:
  • Changing the state of Task:
  • Task list with Changed State:
  • User with unassigned Task list:

Download Task Management System Project in ASP Net