GO TO MY PC Java Project Abstract

  • Project Title: GO TO MY PC Java Project Abstract
  • Operating System: Windows XP Pro/2003 Server.
  • Back End Technologies: Oracle 10g.
  • Front End Technologies: Java1.6, JDBC, Servlets, Java Server Pages.    

Project Description:  

The main aim of the  GO TO MY PC Java Project Abstract has been developed for copying or sharing the data from one personal computer to another personal computer. With proposed software application the user can enter their IP address of his home computer and login his username and password there may be lot of security provided by using this application and also the user can download and upload the all types of files directly into his home computer. For developing this project we have used Java1.6, JDBC for connectivity, Java Servlets & JSP for server side validation.

Online Chatting System Project in Java

A brief description of the project: This Online Chatting System is a web portal application to help in entering, managing the commentaries/text that goes into different types of client reports & marketing materials. 

The main goal of this project is to have a centrally managed commentary system and streamlining the commentary writing procedure. We have used the Apache Wicket framework with hibernate for persistence manager.

The system also has web service using Axis 2.0.This project was designed by using J2EE where Java is the Object-oriented programming language and HTML was used for front-end web page designing like login forms and finally JSP server-side scripting language for Server side validation.

Developer Responsibilities:
The main developer of this project can be involved from the early phase of requirement gathering and designing. 

It was a good experience to interact with the business users to understand their requirements and translate into a software application.

Environment: Windows XP

Tools Used
IDE: – Net Beans 6.8
Database: – Oracle database 10G
Languages: – J2EE, HTML, JSP.
Server: Apache

Developer Roles
• Getting requirements from the business user.
• Designing the web pages using HTML.
• Database modeling by Oracle 10G.
• Web portal development using Apache Wicket framework.

A Complete Tool for Remote Monitoring, Remote Controlling & Management

Project Description   : This A Complete Tool for Remote Monitoring, Remote Controlling & Management Application Provides Remote Monitoring, Remote Controlling & Management Services to Internet Cafe administrators as well as internet users.  This project was developed under core Java & Oracle 9i. by using this project admin can provide remote controlling feature to all users.

Environ ment : Core Java, And Oracle 9i.

Corporate Strategical Solution for Employee Separation Process

Corporate Strategically Solution for Employee Separation Process projects main idea is to implement a software application for providing a easy automation of employee separation procedure. Using this application employees can submit there information for separation using a online application which is interrelated with all other departments. Once employee submits his resignation letter through using this application his status of clearance can be seen on user friendly GUI which is implemented in Java.

This tool will be helpful for human resource department to provide fast service to employees and also save time for employee to get his reliving letter with in less time.

By modifying simple module this application can also be used in different fields like colleges administration, industries …etc. Students can request for different certificates and no due certificates …etc using this application where different departments of the college are linked with each other.

Daily Sales Reporting Data Warehousing Project

Project Title: Daily Sales Reporting Data Warehousing Project.

  • Project Domain: Sales domain.
  • Developer Role: Report Developer.
  • Environment:  Cognos 8, oracle 9i, Windows 2000.


                        Corporate Food Store company, which is one of the organization that sells various number of products every day. This company has more branches in various locations, which maintains Database has lots of previous customer details, company personal information, raw materials details, etc. This Daily Sales Reporting Data Warehousing Project system has a oracle 9i database which stores information about sales, profits and contacts of various customers. The main aim of sales Data warehousing cognos project is to analyze sales of major brands varying with different promotional schemes.


  • Report development by using Report Studio and Query Studio.
  • Participated in analyzing & designing high level design documents in identifying the errors.
  • Participated in all possible testing of the Reports.

Healthcare Hospital system Data Warehousing Cognos Project

Project Title: Hospital Decision Support System.

  • Client: Apollo Healthcare Hospital.
  • Project Domain: Healthcare domain.
  • Role: Report Developer (Trainee).
  • Environment: Cognos Reportnet 1.1, Oracle 9i, Windows 2000

Project Description:        

                This Apollo Healthcare Hospital system Data Warehousing Cognos Project, which was developed for Apollo healthcare service provider, aims at providing corporate information and hospital statistics that can be viewed by Directors and management or by those who are authorized to see it. The information includes all users registration, payments, consultation statistics, pharmacy, surgery, transplants, equipments, patients and doctors, healthcare bill, multi valued diagnosis, preventive health care, corporate counseling, welfare programmers, claims administration, patient care co-ordination, doctor achievements, staff details and Human Resource. This Project was developed Under Cognos Reportnet1.1 and Oracle 9i used for storing all Hospital modules information.

 Developer Responsibilities:

  • Creating Ad-hoc report using Query Studio and Report Studio.
  • Developed some complex reports by using calculated fields in Report Studio.
  • Involved in designing various prompts like Value prompt, Select and Search prompts.
  • Involved in creation of various linked reports like drill through and master detail reports.
  • Involved in scheduling the reports.
  • Involved in Unit testing.

Corporate Recruitment System Final Year Java Project

Title Of the Project: Corporate Recruitment System

Description: Corporate Recruitment System Final Year Java Project is web based application main aim is to give more interaction between job recruiters and job viewers.

Developed Responsibilities:

  • Developed job Recruiter and job Viewer interaction using core java & C Programming Language.
  • Provided search engine options to the job recruiter and job viewer.
  • Developed online exam option in Corporate Recruitment System.
  • Developed automatic mail sending application to eligible job viewers. 

Goals of the Project:

  • Effective way of providing interactions between job recruiters and job viewers.
  • Reliable and consistent way of searching jobs for the job viewers.
  • Conducting secured and restricted web based computerized exams for eligible persons.
  • Sending email notification to all job viewers & can have an option to subscribe to get emails regularly about job notifications.

Language: C, Core Java, Fortran, JSP
Databases: Oracle, Tomcat Server
Operating  system: Ms-dos, Windows, Unix, Linux
Tools: Ms–Office
Web technologies: HTML
Other Tools: MPI, MCT

Online Customer Complain System Project in Java

  •            Project Title: Online Customer Complain System Project in Java
  •            Developer Role: Requirements, Coding, Designing, Deploying
  •            Technology Used: Java & Oracle
  •           Project Duration: 4 Months
  •           Team Size: 4

Description: “Online Customer Complain System Project in Java” is a web based application which will be used for handling the various types of complaints occurred in the product of any kind of organization. This system automates the complete complaint handling process and also the billing process that is needed to manage customer invoices and billing more efficiently. It provides all the features, functionality, and flexibility essential to streamline your customers’ invoicing and billing. Business information is accessible for use wherever, whenever, and however it is required. Java & Oracle used to develop this project, Java is the front end where oracle is the back end. All computer science engineering students can select this project as major one with 4 members can be a single team & can be completed  this project within 4 months.

8-Grid Word Game CSE Mini Project

This 8-Grid Word Game CSE Mini Project displays grid of eight empty tiles and eight letters of a meaningful word in jumbled fashion. In order to start the game the user has to click on any letter at a time so that it moves to the empty space to obtain a meaningful word. The length of the word should be minimum of three letters. It also contains time limit and target score. If the player reaches target score then he enters next level and if he does not achieve the target score then the game is over and he has to start from the first level. This final year computer science engineering mini project was developed under java & Oracle.

 Technologies   :   Java, oracle.

Operating System: Windows XP

Front End: HTML, Java Script

Bug Tracking System Project In Java

Mini Project Title: Bug Tracking System Project In Java

Project Duration: 2 Months

Environment: Java, oracle 8i, HTML, Java Script, windows 2000.

Role of the Developer: Collecting Requirements, Design Documentation, Develop code for all Modules. 

Team Size: 2 members

       Project Description: In this BUG TRACKING SYSTEM Project in Java we have to detect the bugs when deviation between expected result and actual result of the final year computer science engineering project. In this 3   modules are there project manager module, developer module and tester module. This project was developed under Java & Oracle.