Fault Prediction in Object Oriented System Project Abstract

Fault Prediction in Object Oriented System projects main aim is to capture different aspects of cohesion in object oriented software. In software system development reusability and maintainability are important facts, in order to maintain these factors there should be high cohesion. In present system attributes and references are two methods used for calculating cohesion. . Comments and Identifiers are two unstructured information calculated from source code.

This unstructured information is integrated in to source code. Latent semantic indexing is the technique used for extracting unstructured information from source code. This application is tested on three open source software systems and compares different features with the existing system and provides solution to develop new models which will predict software faults.

Hardware Requirements:

    • PROCESSOR                                  :     PENTIUM III 866 MHz
    • RAM                                   :       128 MB DD RAM
    • MONITOR                          :       15” COLOR
    • HARD DISK                       :       20 GB
    • FLOPPY DRIVE                 :       1.44 MB
    • CDDRIVE                          :       LG 52X
    • KEYBOARD                                  :       STANDARD 102 KEYS
    • MOUSE                              :       3 BUTTONS 

Software Requirements:           

  • LANGUAGE                   :    JAVA
  • FRONT-END TOOL      :    SWING

Security in Large Networks Using Mediator Protocols Project Abstract

Security in Large Networks Using Mediator Protocols projects main aim is to provide security for large scale networks using quantum key distribution protocol and two cryptography techniques( classical and quantum). In this project we use two protocols in which one works on implicit user authentication and other with explicit authentication.

Existing System:

  •  In classical cryptography replay attacks are solved by using challenge response mechanism.
  •  In practical situations using Challenge response mechanism is not efficient. In order to communicate between TC and participants we need two communication rounds between them.
  •  Because of above mentioned reasons it is not possible to prevent eaves dropping attacks using classical cryptography.

Modeling and Automated Containment of Worms Project Abstract

Modeling and automated containment of worm’s project explains about developing a branching process model for solving the propagation of internet worms. Worms are self propagating codes which work on internet some of the famous worms are code red, Nimda and slammer. These worms had created lot of impact on internet. Because of its performance on internet it causes serious problems researches are working of different models to control them.

In this project we will develop a branching process model to control  the propagation of Internet Worms. This model is implemented for uniform scanning worms and then developed to preference scanning worms. In this application we will develop a automatic worm containment strategy which will prevent from spreading of worms from starting stage. In case of uniform scanning worms we can find out whether worm spreading will stop.

download modeling automated containment of worms project base paper pdf, Project source code in java, Project report and ppt.

Client-Server based Instant Messenger

Client-Server based Instant Messenger Description:

  • Instant Messenger is a multi-threaded socket application. It allows multiple clients to connect a single server application.
  • Internet based instant messengers like Yahoo Messengers used for professional communication.
  • When there is no internet connectivity, communication becomes a problem.
  • The main aim to build a client-server based instant messenger is to avoid the lapse of connectivity and to prevent flow of information.

Software Requirements:

                  Network Layer                  :    TCP/IP

                  Operating Systems            :   Windows 2000, XP

                  Language Specification     :    jdk1.5

                  Tool Kit                             :    Netbeans 5.0

Scada Based Intelligent Multi Parameter Monitoring System With Lcd Display

SCADA BASED INTELLIGENT MULTI PARAMETER MONITORING SYSTEM is implemented using micro controller and sensors. Sensors will send information continuously to micro controller through which controller will analyze the result and take required action. Micro controller used in SCADA system works at a 9600 Band Rate.

SCADA means Supervisory control and Data Acquisition System. Which is used in industries for monitoring and controlling different processes from a control room using a SCADA system? 

At this brand rate we can monitor different changes that occur in particular parameter and take required action.

For easy view and monitoring this application information about all the parameters are displayed on LCD screen.

Graphical display is used for variations of each parameter on time factor scale. This procedure will provide user accurate analysis on different processes.

In this paper we will explain in detail using block diagram and performance on DC Voltage measurement, DC current Measurement, AC Voltage Measurement and Frequency measurement.

download  Scada Based Intelligent Multi Parameter Monitoring System With Lcd Display Project.

Robust Spanning Tree Topology for Data Collection and Dissemination Project Report

ROBUST SPANNING TREE TOPOLOGY FOR DATA COLLECTION AND DISSEMINATION IN DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT Project explains about developing an application which works on spanning tree overlay network. 

In large distributed network systems there will be a lot of data collisions and data failures which will cause robustness of the system.

In order to improve the performance of the system, there needs to be an accurate solution for controlling robustness of the system. Here in this paper, we will explain about using a spanning tree topology.

Spanning tree topology is used in the communication network for disseminating information in the network between one node to all other nodes and also collects information at a single node. 

Shortest path spanning trees and minimum spanning trees are commonly used methods.


  1. Introduction
  2. Literature Survey
  3. Analysis and Design
  4. Implementation
  5. Testing and Debugging
  6. Conclusion
  7.  References / Bibliography 
download  Robust Spanning Tree Topology For Data Collection And Dissemination Project Report.

Investigation and Analysis of ‘WAN’ Technology of a Multinational Organisation project

                 The Investigation and Analysis of ‘WAN’ Technology of a Multinational Organisation project deals with the WIDE AREA NETWORK technology in Networking. In this application a Multi National Company has been considered. This company has got the Head office at Australia and branch offices at Chicago in United States and at Hyderabad in India. The administration monitors the branch offices from the Head office Australia connected through Internet service Provider ‘ISP’ using routers. The branch offices have a number of systems within the organisation which are interconnected by using hub or switch. The importance of the project is that due to globalisation the world has become small. This leads to the need for new technology to be used to accomplish the requirements of having interaction across the world. One of such things is video conferencing. This helps in easy interaction and doing things across the nations irrespective of their presence at the site. This saves a lot of time and money.


                 The main objective of the Engineering project is to analyze the performance of the WIDE AREA NETWORK by considering different topologies and network models. This project investigates the strength of the network structure and its functionality by changing different attributes and observing the obtained results. This also suggests the enhancements in the network structure and modelling as well as the attributes of the network scenarios so that the traffic flow, packets size everything would be in perfect way to give good results.


                 The objectives of the project can be achieved by planning what to do to model the network scenarios, perform research on the subject by referring to the materials, edit the attributes of the network, performing simulation considering different scenarios, obtaining the results, taking comparison of the results for different cases e.t.c. Thus this is the process of development of the project.


               The software required for this project is OPNET.

               The hardware being a system connected to net connection and having this software to simulate the scenarios to obtain the results.


             A well planned project is a perfect executed project. Hence scheduling the tasks is important for the project to give the results in a desired way.

The schedule of this Final Year project involves planning, research, implementation, evaluation, review and documentation.


                  The schedule of a project can be well represented in the form of GANNT CHART.

Enhanced Greedy Routing with Anti-Void Traversal for Wireless Sensor Networks


 Once the destination file and the destination is selected now its time to select the file which is to be transmitted.

  1. Once the open button is clicked, a file dialog box is displayed to select the file which is to be transmitted.
  2. Now the selected file is displayed.
  3. Finally the “TRANSFER” button is clicked.
  4. We can view the path i.e., through which nodes the data is being transmitted.
  5. We can notice that there is no packet loss in the entire data transmission.


  1. Here we can view the simulation of how the nodes are routed in a network.
  2. The sender have to select the destination node in order to transfer the data.
  3. In this simulation the error node (the node where the void problem occurs) is also selected.

Here we can view the Packet Arrival Rate, Average delay and Path efficiency

Enhanced Greedy Routing with Anti-Void Traversal for Wireless Sensor Networks Software Requirements:

Operating System       : Windows XP/Vista.

Front End                    : Asp .Net 2.0.

Programming Language       : Visual C# .Net

Hardware Requirements:

System Architecture        : Pentium P IV

Hard Disk Size                    : 80 GB.

Ram Size                               : 512 MB.

Download Enhanced Greedy Routing with Anti-Void Traversal for Wireless Sensor Networks Project

Developing a tool / systematic way to look for vulnerabilities / risks in e-banking processes

The project will analyze the e- money fraud which is a serious problem in the e-banking. Accordingly, some examples of the e-money fraud will be modeled and are then used to develop a tool or a procedure in order to identify the vulnerabilities and risks in the e-banking process. This will not only help in fixing the exploits in the process but also help banks in preventing future exploits. In addition, this tool can be used for testing the e-banking process before they are deployed.

Introduction: Nowadays, there is a significant increase in the use of online banking and most of the purchases by customers are done via internet. There should be a secure way of performing the online transactions. Though some security measures are taken by the banks, we can still see many frauds taking place in the internet banking. This makes it essential to develop an efficient tool that can identify vulnerabilities in the process and prevent them.

Interested Stakeholders:

As this is related to e-banking, bank organizations will be interested in this tool. Other organizations like e-bay, Amazon can use this tool.

Problem Addressed

The project will focus on the issues of false transactions taking place on the internet.

 Why is the project important?

With the rise of e-money frauds, it is essential to have a tool/procedure to identify the vulnerabilities in the e-banking process. It will provide a good opportunity to apply the concepts learned in the course.

 Benefits to the stakeholders

Organizations can use the tool/procedure to identify the vulnerabilities and hence improving their business and  service to the customers.


The project will deliver a tool/systematic way to identify the vulnerabilities in the e-banking process. Models of e-money fraud, procedures to analyze them will be part of intermediate deliverable.

 Technologies and Resources

List of major resources

Websites, newspapers, case studies of e-money frauds, academic technical reports, university library and other sources like twitter.


BPNM ( business process modelling notation), C++, Internet Explorer, ORACLE will be used. Use of technologies may change depending on the requirements as the project is still in the planning stage.

 Method and Work Plan

BPNM will be used to develop models of fraud in e-banking process. The developed models are then analyzed in order to develop a tool/ systematic way to identify vulnerabilities. The tool will be developed using C++ and other technologies. Developed tool will be tested if it could identify the threats in the developed models. 

Online Analysis on Node Performance Java Project

Online Analysis on Node performance java project explains about implementing embedded gossip with two other monitoring techniques for checking online performance at each node and improves performance of routing. This paper covers introduction to embedded gossip, existing system details and proposed system features with hardware and software requirements.

In existing system it is tough to analyze performance for large scale and long running applications. This system uses standard trace based and statistical methods which are not efficient to trace online performance.

Embedded gossip is a light weight application which can analyze online performance and pinging back performance information through online and each process is analyzed accurately with weekly analysis on entire application. For improving system features EG-based global adaptation system is integrated in to this system.

download Online Analysis on Node Performance Java  project Report