Automatic Drunken Driven Avoiding System for Automobiles Project

Automatic Drunken Driven Avoiding System for Automobiles projects main idea is to implement a embedded based system for traffic police to easily find out the people who are drunk and driving. Away from application this system is also useful for find the temperature inside vehicle. In this project we use LM35 for sensing temperature, and ADC 0808 for analog to digital converter.

Sensors will collect information in the form of analog signals and send information to analog to digital converters and digital signals are sent to micro controller. If driven is drunken bulb will off and information is displayed on LCD screen.

download Automatic Drunken Driven Avoiding System for Automobiles project report.

Download EEE Final Year related project for this Topic.

Field I/O and Logic I/O Boards in Programmable Logic Controller

Project Description: The aim of Field I/O And Logic I/O Boards In Programmable Logic Controller project is to design and implement application logic for controlling certain parameters solenoid valves,fans,heaters,dampers etc.

. In existing system manual methods are used for controlling these systems. In present electrical systems relays are mostly used for controlling these systems. In order to switch on and off these systems relays are used where there is no need of mechanical work involved it works on programmable logic controller.

With the introduction of Programmable logic controllers it had became a important part of electrical control systems. Using PLC’s can reduce cost of complex systems and increase flexibility.

download Field I/O And Logic I/O Boards In Programmable Logic Controller project reference document.

Electronic Toll Systems Project

Electronic toll systems main objective is to implement a user friendly toll fee method which can save time and reduce traffic congestion at toll gates and provide solution for users to reach their destination without wastage of time.

In general toll gates are placed on high ways and collect money from travelers. In that process there are chances of frauds in money collection so using this method can reduce these problems and provide smooth travel across the country.

This system is presently implemented in countries like America, Canada, Australia …etc. This system works on RFID technology. Detailed explanation of project is explained in the attached document.

download Electronic toll system project report and paper presentation.

Micro Controller Based DC Motor Control Using PWM Technology

Project Name: Micro Controller Based DC Motor Control Using PWM Technology

Responsibility: Developer, Designer

Project Description: In this Micro Controller Based DC Motor Control Using PWM Technology project, by using a Micro controller, DC motor speed should be controlled. 

Depending on delay, motor runs slow, moderate and heavy speed.

This Electronics & Communication Engineering Final Year Project was well designed & developed by Embedded C Programming Language. 

Software / Tools Used: Embedded c Programming Language and a.v.r studio

Download Micro Controller Based DC Motor Control Using PWM Technology

Parking Guidance System Project

Project Name: Parking Guidance System Project

Responsibility: Developer, Designer

Project Description: Parking Guidance System Project was developed by using Embedded C programming language under A V R Studio tool. 

By using Ask-RF technology providing parking slots information through LCD to particular users while parking their vehicles.

Software’s / Tools Used: Embedded c Language and a.v.r studio

Download Parking Guidance System Project Paper Presentation.

Advanced Mobile Jammer with Prescheduled Timing Project Abstract

Advanced Mobile Jammer with Prescheduled Timing project allows organizations like military to restrict incoming or outgoing calls between mobiles and base stations. Using jammer device range and frequency is adjusted for disabling signal strength at that frequency without affecting any other communication means. Jammer equipment can be placed at any location but it is mainly used for security concerns. Mainly they are used in military areas, hospitals, educational institutions…etc.

This application is mainly a pre programmed jammer where we can adjust start time and end time of jamming which is programmed inside micro controller. Basically jammers will send radio signals at a frequency of mobile signaling and create interference between mobile phones and base stations. When jammer is set to on users under that area are under No Network area and mobiles show same information.

download Advanced Mobile Jammer Project abstract.

Traffic Clearance for VIP Vehicle with DTMF

AIM: Traffic Clearance for VIP Vehicle with DTMF project main objective is to implement a embedded system application for traffic systems which will help traffic police to control traffic under tight situations.

Purpose: This project will concentrate on implementing a advanced system for traffic signals to overcome existing traffic problem and design a traffic controlling system by providing password entering method to overcome heavy traffic problem in cities.


   This project works on password system when ever VIP is willing to travel in certain root he need to enter password using his mobile application while traveling then all the green lights will be set to on that way based on the expected time of his reach to that point.

In this project we use step down transformer, bridge rectifier, Filter circuit, Regulator section, DTMF decoder, micro controller.

download Traffic Clearance for VIP Vehicle with DTMF project abstract



Development of Wireless Based Student Strength Counter for Colleges

Project Name:  Development of Wireless Based Student Strength Counter for Colleges.                                 

Project Description:   Wireless based student strength counter is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of counting Number of students in the school/college/university very accurately. When student enters into the college then the Counter is Incremented by one and when any one leaves the room then the Counter is Decremented by One. The total number of students inside the college is displayed on the LCD displays through the wireless communication. The software used is embedded ‘c’. Application is to monitor strength using wireless technology. This Development of wireless based student strength counter for Colleges Electronics & communication Engineering Final Year Project was done at Silicon Circuit Research Labs Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad.

Protocol Implementation between Two Micro Controllers

Protocol Implementation between two Micro controllers that allows the user to send data through serial programming. This can be utilized with IR as sensors and in real time applications (Mobile phones, ID callers and computers). 

For many applications communication between two micro controllers is compulsory but there is no integrated environment between the microcontrollers.  In this project we will work on implementing Protocol for communication between two micro controllers. Serial port communication is used for implementing this protocol, these two micro controllers are called as UMC and TMC. UMC will transfer information to TMC using a 18 bit packet. TMC will respond to UMC using 33 bit packet.

download Protocol Implementation between two micro controllers Reference documents.

Season Based Street Light Switching Based On Sensors Embedded System Project

 Season Based Street Light Switching Based On sensors projects main idea is to implement a embedded based electronic system which will control switching mechanism automatically based on variations of light intensity. This system is a automated system which works without any manual work involved. 

In present field of electronics automation, power consumption and cost effectiveness are three factors which will reduce man power by implementing new intelligent embedded system applications. Power saving is the main factor for all these electronics applications. 

For this project micro controller is the heart of the project which will involve in decision making. LDR sensors are used to sense information of light and send information to ADC. Based on LDR input micro controller will take decision to ON or OFF lights.

download Season Based Street Light Switching Based On sensors project report.