Face Descry System

Project Title: Face Descry System

Project Description: The objective of the Face Descry System project is to use our face as a password instead of using any word in ATM’s and in many other fields.

This final year computer science project is used in places where more security is needed than the existing.

For example in ATM’s at present the security system using is password based which can be used by any person who knows the password, but using this Face Descry System out face will be the password and no other person can use our ATM.

Some of the banks are taking this project to the future generation to solve the security related problems.

Power Management System using Fuzzy Logic

Project Title: Power Management System using Fuzzy Logic

Project Description: This Power Management System using Fuzzy Logic project is designed to control the wastage of power, initially we can design the circuit for maximum limit of power, if the total power exceeds that maximum power, then the power utilization of the least priority place will be OFF. This is the simple project for all Electronics final year students.

Wireless Switch Mini Project

Project Title: Wireless Switch Mini Project

Project Description: Simple control of one of the home appliance can be done by interrupting the infrared race following on the photo transistor throughout hand or by any other object in between led and photo transistor in the circle. This Wireless Switch Mini Project can be used as final year mini project. During the interruption, the relay will be active and connected to 5v supply then lamp will be glow. If you remove the interruption the lamp will be off.

Data cum Encoding System for Army Application Project

Data cum Encoding system for army application projects main idea is to implement a RF based data security system which will encode data while transmission and decode data at the receiving end when user enters password in between if data is hacked data is shown in encoded format.

In this project we use voltage level converter MAX232 for encoding data before transmitting. micro controller which is connected to MAX232 will send encoded message through RF transmitters. At the receiving side RF receiver will receive message and reverse process will continue.

In this project we develop c code and integrate to micro controller. Micro controller will be the center part of the system which will take decisions. Keil and Express PCB are the tools used in this project.

Embedded Web Server Development through TCP/IP Protocol Project Abstract

Embedded Web server development through Tcp/IP protocol projects main idea is to provide solution for embedded systems interconnecting with internet using a TCP/IP protocol. Micro controllers are mostly used in controlling home appliances like television, washing machines remotely. In order to improve flexibility for using micro controller applications there is need to integrate web server to other intelligent devices which can be controlled from internet and provide solution for easy usage by using web pages. 

Main advantages of implementing this application is it is light weight and cost efficient and users can use features through web pages. It is easy to modify and upgrade web pages with new features.

download Embedded web server development through TCP/IP protocol project reference documents.

Visitor Counter Using Pic Micro Controller Mini Project

Visitor counter using pic micro controller mini projects main idea is to implement a simple electronic application using sensors, micro controller and sensors to count total number of visitors inside room. This calculation is done by counting every person who is entering in to room and minus total number of persons leaving the room. Sensors are placed at entrance to count incoming and outgoing persons. Sensors will communicate with micro controller and program written in to microcontroller will calculate the total result based on these inputs and send to seven segment LCD display.

Code is written in c language and result is displayed on LCD screen. In this application we use PIC 18f452 micro processor.

download Visitor counter using pic micro controller mini project circuit diagram.

Control System of Transmitting Using Conventional Logic Gates

Project Title: Control System of Transmitting Using Conventional Logic Gates
Project Domain: Communication

Project Description:-

                        In this Control System of Transmitting Using Conventional Logic Gates project the aim is to study the process of transmitting signals by an antenna. And the transmitter characteristics. In this project we mainly study the different types of antennas and their operation.

          Control system’s basic function is to ensure proper switching on and switching off of the transmitter. It has to ensure safety of both the equipment and personnel. Safety of the operating personal and then safety of the costly and critical equipments are very important. So it is necessary to monitor both and take precautions in a fool proof way. For example, it is dangerous to run the transmitter with the cubical doors kept open, because dangerous voltages are present in them. So it becomes necessary to monitor the status of the door micro switch and this interlock id called door interlock (DK). The control circuit monitors the status of this micro switch and switches OFF the transmitter immediately as soon as any door is opened. This ensures safety. It has to take care of the malfunction, over loads and any other faults that occur during the running of the transmitter.

Autonomous Vehicle with Obstacle Detection

Project Title: Autonomous Vehicle with Obstacle Detection

Developer Responsibilities:

  • Prepared work-in-progress presentations and final presentation to report project status to HOD.
  • Complete evaluation/documentation/feedback forms at the end of the project.

 Software’s used:  Keils

Project Description:

       Autonomous vehicle with obstacle detection is a robotic based embedded project. A vehicle is moving on the road, whenever obstacle is came in front of the vehicle then the vehicle will stop and it goes back after  rotate it another direction and move forward direction. . The obstacle is detects the IR sensor, and give the sensor output to the input of microcontroller. It controls the vehicle directions based on the embedded C program which dumped in ROM. The microcontroller is handling the vehicle motor by using H-Bridge technique.

Application of Autonomous vehicle with obstacle detection:

  • In Mines for detecting obstacles in the way and helpful to find a path.
  • These robots are also used in space applications.
  • This project is helpful for finding obstacles for the vehicle in other planets .so that they can move freely and capture the surroundings. Eg: like in mars.
  •  In Autonomous Vehicle with Obstacle Detection project The developer has done program and designing of hardware.

Industrial Automation and Monitoring System

Project Title: Industrial Automation and Monitoring System.

Organization: MY Labs.

Project Description: This Industrial automation and monitoring system project is used to provide security to the machines by setting passwords. This project was developed with embedded c programming language, Micro controller-AT89S52 and RS 232 CONVERTER (MAX 232N) used to develop this project.

Download Industrial Automation and Monitoring System

PC to PC & Machine And Machine To Machine Communication Using Zigbee Project Abstract

The purpose of PC to PC & Machine and Machine to Machine Communication Using Zigbee ECE Final Year project is to establish perfect wireless communication channel between computers and micro controllers using ZigBee protocol.

Zigbee is useful for cost efficient communication protocol which is available for free of cost. 

This protocol is a open source application which can be downloaded and use it in simple applications. Usage of this protocol had increased in electronics and communication field. Light controls, medical fields, automatic building systems, smart energy systems and HVAC controls.

This application is designed by using AT89s52 micro controller. And code is written in c language.

download PC to PC & Machine and Machine to Machine Communication Using Zigbee Project Reference document.