Design & Fabrication of Suspension Systems Mech Project Report & Documentation

The car suspension maximizes the friction between the road surface and the tires to give steering stability with good handling which ensure soothe of the passengers. This article explores about the working of car suspensions and design of suspensions in the future.

 If a road is flat then suspensions are not necessary. As per Newton’s laws of motion, force has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude depends on striking of wheel to a giant bump or a tiny speck and the car wheels experience vertical acceleration when it passes over a bump.

 The study of the forces on a moving car is known as vehicle dynamics and many automobile engineers determine the dynamics of a moving car from two concepts such as Ride, the car’s ability to comfort a bumpy road and Handling, the car’s ability to safely brake, accelerate, and corner.

 The suspension of a car is the part of the chassis that comprises important systems. This system includes The frame is a structural load-carrying component to support the car’s engine and body, The suspension system is a setup to support weight, absorbs and dampens shock and also helps maintain tire contact, The steering system is a mechanism which guides and directs the vehicle, The tires and wheels are components to have grip and/or friction with the road.

There are suspensions used in the vehicles which are Dependent Front Suspensions, Independent Front Suspensions, Dependent Rear Suspensions, and Independent Rear Suspensions.


This DESIGN & FABRICATION OF SUSPENSION SYSTEMS Mech Project Report article concludes on the working of car suspensions and design of suspensions which maximize the friction between the road surface and the tires for the comfort of passengers.


Emissions Reduction Using Hydrogen from Plasmatron Fuel Converters

Today, pollution is a major danger to the Environment. Vehicular exhaust is responsible for the pollution. PLASMATRON fuel converter technology is the new technique that reduces the concentration levels of emissions.

Engineers have added hydrogen to gasoline to make an engine run cleaner and efficiently. It is suitable for fuel pretreatment and for exhaust after-treatment applications. The Emission control methods are Fuel pre-treatment and Exhaust after-treatment. The Plasmatron fuel converters are Thermal type and Low current type.

This EMISSIONS REDUCTION USING HYDROGEN FROM PLASMATRON FUEL CONVERTERS project describes a block diagram of Diesel Engine Emissions Aftertreatment Concept which is explained in two ways, normal operation and regeneration. In normal operation, the oxygen rich is exhausted from engine which is absorbed by the catalyst and that cleans the exhaust. But in regeneration, there is a plasmatron reformer which is a diesel fuel. It is rich with hydrogen gas to have clean exhaust.

The energy given by the plasma facilitates partial oxidation reactions with negligible soot production. Under ideal stoichiometric conditions, the partial oxidation reaction is given by CnHm + n/2 O2 nCO +m/2 H2. It gives continuous ignition at the entrance of the fuel in the gasification of fuel.

 It increases gasoline engine efficiency by 20 to 25%. It potentially reduces U.S. oil imports by 1.5 million barrels per day. It also reduces diesel engine which exhaust emissions by 90%. It needs modest engine modifications with no major redesign of the vehicle.


This project concludes about the pollution which is a major threat to the Environment today. So PLASMATRON fuel technology decreases the concentration levels of the emissions.


Mech Project & Ppt on Design and Analysis of a Two Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig

The two stroke engine completes its cycle of operation in one revolution of the crankshaft or two strokes of the piston. The intake and exhaust processes of four stroke engine are look after by the incoming fresh charge. It is compressed in the crank case or by means of a separate blower whereas the engine piston is present near the bottom dead centre. The engine piston compresses the fresh charge and expands the product of combustion.

The mechanical construction is simplified with the help of the piston in two stroke engines as a slide valve in conjunction. It is along with intake and exhaust ports to cuts of the cylinder side.

 The petrol engine works on two strokes. The first one is Stroke 1A, Piston BDC (Bottom Dead Centre is at the lowest point within the cylinder. The air, petrol, and oil mixture is forced into the cylinder and exhaust gases are made to drive out. The second one is Stroke 1B where the piston moves upwards to cover the air intake and exhaust ports closing them.

The engine ignites fuel in the upward stroke and hence there are two strokes for ignition of fuel and they are known as upward and downward stroke. If the piston moves in upward direction from down to top in the first stroke then the air and fuel mixture compressed and ignited with a spark plug where as upward stroke comes to end.

Thermocouples device is mounted on different fields of the engine that measures stroke temperatures. Engine speed indicator measures the number of revolution per minute of the engine shaft. It is done with the help of a speed sensor displayed in the digital indicator.


This Mech Project & PPT on DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF A TWO STROKE PETROL ENGINE TEST RIG Mechanical project is built up for laboratory purpose to check the performance of two stroke petrol engines at environmental conditions. 

Download Mech Project & Ppt on Design and Analysis of a Two Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig

Cryogenic Engine in Rocket Propulsion Mechanical Seminar Topic

The CRYOGENIC ENGINE IN ROCKET PROPULSION Mechanical Seminar Topic has analyzed about many aspects and features of an automobile engine. It acts like a better reference to associated workers and practiced engineers. The exhaust brake is to aid in slowing down vehicles with diesel engines without the use of the wheel brakes.

Exhaust brakes include a character of doorway that gets closed when the vehicle moves and accelerator is not utilized then the doorway gets closed.

The major advantage is that the power gets added slowly into the regular brakes that avoid glazing and heating and reducing the productivity. The exhaust brake is not a braking system but maximizing duties of slowing and stopping.

The main method of I.C. Engines includes automobile systems to make the system to have the abilities of Exhaust Braking that are used for industrial purpose.


The aim of this Cryogenic Engine in Rocket Propulsion Mechanical Seminar Topic is to develop Automobile Engineering field. It maximizes practical knowledge which is required for the purpose of industrial engineering.

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Mechanical Paper on Constraint Analysis of Pressure Angle of Involute Elliptical Gears

The Mechanical Paper on Constraint Analysis of Pressure Angle of Involute Elliptical Gears is about the mathematical concept and geometric relationship of pressure angle are prospered depending on the concept of gearing and pressure angle to stop gear teeth to come out of the mesh. This concludes that the pressure angle is a work of position and increment with eccentricity of the pitch.

 The pressure angle must not increase the admissible value for greater meshing effectiveness. The work must aid to manufacture, build, and to measure the elliptical gears.

 The elliptical gear is utilized for non circular gear in flying shears, automatic machinery, flow meters, pumps, and other instruments.

 The elliptical gears concentrate on computer-aided model and kinematical analysis and various important advances have obtained in the last few years. The enveloping concept depends on the concept of utilizing tools like circular gear generation. Based on this concept, the conjugate tooth profiles are created by rolling the cutter centrode and pitch curve. The important relations among gear and cutter motion was determined for shaper cutter and rack generation to satisfy the rolling without sliding.

 The mathematical concept of elliptical gears and circular-arc teeth was improved based on gear theory. The circular-arc radius effected undercutting of teeth and circular-arc elliptical gear. Chang applied the geometry and gear theory of a straight-sided rack cutter for mathematical concept.


 The elliptical gear is famous for its favorable features like compact size, variable gear ratio, accurate transmission and easy dynamic balance. Based on this, the elliptical gears are applied in mechanisms to impact an outcome element based on particular law of motion.

Download Mechanical Paper on Constraint Analysis of Pressure Angle of Involute Elliptical Gears

Coal Handling Plant of Thermal Power Station Btech Mechanical Paper Presentation

In phase of the onsite operation, there are many failures which are causes of worsened    performance and degraded reliability so an effective maintenance is the important approach to reduction of failure. The theory of Based Preventive Maintenance is to have routine inspection for the identification of degradation in the integrity of the systems during their service life which provide warning for remedial action to be taken before failure occurs.

 Assessing the deteriorating condition is needed to maximize inspection and maintenance schedules of Coal Handling Plant for decisions and avoiding unplanned outages. The important objectives of this project are to establish an alarm level based on variation of a physical parameter and prediction of impending failures of critical plant components in real time.

 The steps of implementation of CBM are Divide Plant for Ease of Maintenance, Unloading Unit, Feeding Unit, Crushing & Screening Unit, Stacking & Reclaiming Unit, Bunkers, Detection Of Physical Parameters, In Service Examination By Using NDT, Analysis or Fault Diagnosis, and Correction.

 The limitations of this project are it is hard to compare the readings and the data scatter, maintenance is not achieved because of culture, management, or regulatory resistance, good balance between training of CBM technicians, good equipment for monitoring, data must be accessible from the programme, requires less time to get instituted, team work is needed for the successful programme, and CBM programme is not inclusive programme and balanced with maintenance processes.

 The parameters for condition measurement technique are vibrations, temperature, lubricants, speed and current relations, and current and the equipments are Crushers & Pulley Bearings, Gearbox, and Crusher Rotors.


This Coal Handling Plant of Thermal Power Station Btech Mechanical Paper Presentation concludes that the Based Preventive Maintenance theory has routine inspection to identify degradation in the integrity of the systems during service life that gives warning for remedial action to implement before failure occurs.

Download Coal Handling Plant of Thermal Power Station Btech Mechanical Paper Presentation

Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch using RBF Neural Network Mech Final Project Report

With RBF network, we are formulating combined economic and emission dispatch and comparing results with the help of BPA network and conventional lambda technique. The multi-objective CEED problem is being converted into single optimization problem by introducing price penalty factor, given by Minimize Φ = F + hpd* E. The modified price penalty factor hpd combines the emission with the normal fuel costs.

The general process is described in the following ways: running CEED with conventional lambda technique, generating patterns for training network from above method, initializing RBF network, training of RBF network with proper selection of constants and weight initialization, and comparing results.

The procedure in CEED using RBF includes: Read reqd. data and training patterns, Find centers using Clustering technique, Find corresponding widths for each centre, Intialise weight matrix b/w hidden layer and o/p layer, start weight training and repeat process  until itermax is reached or reqd convergence is attained, and test network and compare results.

Memorizing for training Weight training: First run the process with weights randomised with restrictions on itermax and epsilon, Repeat above step for a few trials say 6 – 9 trials and memorize all the finalised weights and Errorrate after complete training, Choose the best trial that is most successful among all trials, then run process using finalised weights after best run trial as initial set of weights instead of taking randomised weights, Repeation of  above step 4 for itself for a few times improves convergence time.


Combined economic and emission dispatch is formulated by RBF network and centres were different from Memorizing weights and centers that results in faster convergence. Network is tested for 3gen, 6gen, 15gen systems and combined with Unit Commitment Problem for complete study. Hence with the help of RBF network there is a formulation that combines economic and emission dispatch to compare the results.

Download Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch using RBF Neural Network Mech Final Project Report

CNC Machine Mechanical Seminar Report

The CNC Machine Mechanical Seminar Report describes about the CNC machine which produce hundreds and thousands of one items per day. The designed is made with the design software and it is executed on a computer and made with the help of CNC machine. It is a small CNC machine which is utilized for machine plastics, woods, and aluminum. The CNC machines can be very great in industry.

 The design of the machine is stored into the computer that is connected to the CNC machine. The computer transforms the design in the form of special code that is numerical which controls the method of the CNC for cutting and shaping the material.

 The parts of the CNC machine are vice, guard, chuck, motor, lathe bed, and cutting tool. The CNC machine includes three steps. They are input, process, and output. The production requires three parts of equipment. They are computer, an interface, and Computer Numerical Control.

 Normally, the software and the computer functions the machine. As a result, the machines include range of controls to utilize manually. The machine is utilized manually like simple functions are performed on cheap or manual machines. If the machine is handled manually then it is utilized with its specification and ability.

These machines are free from danger to utilize with the design which is very safe. The important benefit of the machines is they are very safe than operated machines of the man.


CNC is abbreviated as Computer Numerical Control. It is referred to computer that changes the design in the form of numbers and the computer functions to shape and cut the material.

Download CNC Machine Mechanical Seminar Report

Dept of Mechanical Engineering Biomechatronic Seminar Project Report

The Dept of Mechanical Engineering Biomechatronic Seminar Project Report defines the work objective to proper an artificial hand to copy the functions and appearance of the natural hand. The final aim of this report is to achieve entire actions of the natural hand.

The prosthetic devices and multitasking hand designs possess dependability and robustness and touching abilities are improved. It is showed that approaches and knowledge prospered are used to augment final accomplishment. Belgrade/USC Hand is an instance of artificial hand based on robotic approach.

Many articulated hands and robotic grippers are prospered like Utah/MIT hand and Stanford/JPL hand are obtained with wonderful results. These hands obtained better performance in copying human abilities and they are complex tools which need higher controllers.

The artificial hands act dispute problems for prosthetics applications utilized for working substitute in clinical practice. The Otto Bock hand includes one degree of freedom (DOF) and creates grip force to 100 N. Based on state of art analysis, the problems solved are deficiency of sensory information, lack of natural command interface, limited grasping capabilities, and unnatural motions of fingers while grasping.

The biomechatronic hand includes three fingers to offer atripod grasp, two identical fingers, and the thumb. The three fingers are required to entirely hold back the object. The hand includes two grasping functions. They are cylindrical grasp and tripod grasp.


This Dept of Mechanical Engineering Biomechatronic Seminar Project Report concludes that the artificial hand must sense like own hand of the user like the part of the body and extended physiological proprioception (EPP). It must offer the actions of natural hand such as grasping, touchable exploration, and manipulation.

Download Dept of Mechanical Engineering Biomechatronic Seminar Project Report

Biodiesel production from waste chicken fat based sources and evaluation with Mg based additive in a diesel engine

 The methanol ratio, reaction temperature, type and amount of catalyst were different like parameters to conclude their effects on flash point and viscosity of the biodiesel. The synthetic magnesium was dissolved into the biodiesel blend of about 12 mmol Mg.

The analysis on renewable energy resources are going on because of maximum dependent petroleum products, global climate change, the energy crisis, and environmental pollution. Biodiesel is the renewable sources of energy used in diesel engines. Its blends are utilized in diesel engines without any changes.

The animal fats and vegetable oils are not appropriate substitute for fuel in engines, and boilers systems because of unsuitable physical properties like lower pour points, longer molecule chains, lower vapor pressures, higher flash points, and higher viscosities.

These characteristics lead vapor–air mixing, poor atomization, and low pressure, combustion, and engine deposits. As a result, it decreases the viscosity of vegetable oil and enhances the physical characters of animal fat and vegetable oil. Esterification is a catalytic reaction where oil reacts with alcohol to produce esters. There are two kinds of raw materials namely vegetable oils and animal fatty acids.


The project signifies environmental danger, economics, and energy requirement will enhance the importance of methyl ester fuels production determined from fats or oils. As a result, biodiesel blends results food deficiency. 

Download Biodiesel production from waste chicken fat based sources and evaluation with Mg based additive in a diesel engine