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In present day scenario, a student goes to a counseling center to get admission in an institution. This is time consuming. Moreover the colleges are not able to select the students of their choice. The main aim of this project is to convert the existing paper filling admission process into electronic filling for all new under graduate student admissions.
We create a web application for prospective students to apply for admission into the list of available colleges and courses of desired university and track the status of their application. We create an administrative web interface for the college admissions officers to review, track, and process new student applications.
The visitors to the E-ADMISSIONS can be both students and colleges. The student can search and fill the admission forms of selected colleges. College administration selects the students based on their academic performance and confirms their admissions. Student can also pay the fees through online after receiving the confirmation.
The fees payment can be done in two ways using credit card or DD number through online. There is also an access control system, which prevents unauthorized public to access all the information, whereas subscribed users can have full access to all available information.
The colleges for which this application has been developed were facing huge problems in the management of the admission process. Every year, students in thousands queue up for collecting admission forms and then again for submitting them. This leads to problems in managing the applications, resulting in annoyed parents and students (alike). Also, the admission process is not transparent, leading to scope for widespread malpractices.
In order to rectify these shortcomings, the online admissions system is developed. Here students need not collect physical forms, they are required to fill the admission form and submit it online. This saves a lot of time and effort on the part of the college as well as for the students. Since students interact with colleges, only the deserving candidates can get admission into the college.
Generally in order to get admission into an institution, the student should definitely go to the Counseling Center. In this process, colleges will not be able to pick the students of their choice. There is no proper scope of interaction between Colleges and Students. This process is quiet time consuming and hectic mainly for the students who come from long distances.
Present system involves more human power. As the students who apply for the colleges are not small in number, much coordination is required in order to organize the counseling process.
The students coming from long distances cannot afford to stay for long time near the counseling centers.
String sname=(String)session.getAttribute("uname");
PreparedStatement pstmt=con.prepareStatement("select cname,status,sdate,code,branch,appid from sinbox where sname=?");
PreparedStatement pstmt1=con.prepareStatement("select appid from sinbox where sname=?");
Though, all the user requirement have been meet , the road does not end here. Future development can be undertaken to enhance the functionality and to increase the efficiency of the “Traction Loco Control ”
The fact that this system is going to evolve everyday in the upcoming month. The team can’t just sit back new technologies package has to be incorporated in the system to make it fully secure and full proof. Also additional care has to be take to maintain the database which is going to increase and migrate it to other platform which can handle excessive load.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.sql.*;
class help implements ActionListener
private JDialog dialog = new JDialog((Frame)null, "Help", true);
This Project can be easily updated according to the needs of Mechanical Department of any railway zone. This is made in such a way that it can be easily modified in a more advanced form if there will be such need. The database of this software maintains the records of the details of Coaches who have been attached to the rake and the details of maintenance schedule of the coach. These records will have a lot of use in future related to any enquiry.
This database can seamlessly be used by other candidate systems to be developed in future. It can be further developed as a net-centric database. The transactions are also revealed in this project. Any financial enquiry can be satisfied easily through this software. Hence, this project covers all-important details regarding the “Number Allocation System for Coach” of the Railway Zone. Therefore in future it will help to provide some important information’s, which may help in development of the company.
The main scopes and future enhancements are as follows–
Proposed system can be delivered on a 3-tier architecture so as to improve scalability and performance
Browser Enabled User Interface for distributed Application
Arrangement for automatic back up and replication of database.
Enhanced security features like e-signature and public key encryption technology features for secure transfer of confidential data
On-Line help feature for “Expert Advice and Error Shooting”.
Indian Railway is lifeline of India.. Ever Since the evolution of human being on this earth it has been a matter of immense curiosity for them to invent new things in life to make life easier and hassle free. Owing to its nature humans have always kept inventing and discovering for better livelihood. Going back to our past we see some Great inventions of mankind and one such is that of Railway.
The noval plan for the introduction of Indian rail system, Transformed whole history of INDIAN RAILWAY. The innoavative plan was first propsed in 1832, however auxiliary actions were taken for over a decade. In the year 1844, private enterpreneurs were allowed to launch a rail system by lord Hardinge, who was the Governer-Genral of India. By the year 1845, two companies were formed and east India Company was requested to support them in the matter.
INDIAN RAILWAY have been divide into nine (9) zones- Western, Central, Northan, North Eastern, Northeast, Frontier, Southern, South Central, South-central & South-eastern covering the largest route length of cover 63000 kms of total Indian boundary. The last stations of the four directional boundaries are West-Mumbai South-Kanyakumari, East-Guwahati, and North-Jammu.
There are five types of trains which are running in the Indian Railways that are given below:
1. Passenger train
2. Mail/Express
3. Shatabadi train
4. Jan-Shatabdi
5. Rajdhani
The Shatabdi train is the fastest among all these trains and covering only some of the destination. In the Indian Railway Coach Maintenance Department is the most important. There are many work handles in POH SHOP, these are given below:
Carraige Poh Shop
Wagon Poh Shop
Diesel Poh Shop
Production Poh Shop
Electric Rolling Poh Shop
Electric Shop
There are many production-units from where the coaches are newly manufactured that are:
Chittaranjan Locomotive Works
Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi
Integral Coach Factory, Perambur
Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala
Wheel & Axle Plant, Bangalore
Diesel Component Works, Patiala
The research Design and Standard Organization, Lucknow, provides vital inputs in R&D towards modernization.
6 prestigious public sector undertaking : IRCON, RITES, CRIS, CONCOR, IRFC and Konkan Railway corporation.
When, the coach is prepared in the POH SHOP. The train go to the yard. A Railway yard is an area having a network of railway tracks and siding for Storage and maintenance of cars and engineers. In the marshalling yard of Indian railway in which trains are assembled and good are loaded. In the marshalling yard railway wagons are Shunted and made up into trains.
In the yard, the coaches are maintained in 3-schedules namely:-
2.B-Schedule and
A-Schedule:- A Schedule is primary schedule. This schedule is done every month for any coach.
B-Schedule:- This schedule is done in any coach after 3-month in the yard.
C-Schedule:- This schedule is done in any coach after 6-month in the yard.
IOH means intermediate over holding. In this shop the coaches are maintained any time when necessary.
Apart from these register the organization has to publish reports about the coaches to supervisior.
Seceondary Detachment
Some times during running of the train some faults occur in a coach or number of coaches or entire rake. Then coaches are detached from that rake and sent for maintenance. This is called secondary detachment of coach.
My Job is to convert these entire manual jobs to a computerized system. My project work is the outcome as solution to the aforementioned manual jobs. This project is being done under DRM Office, Danapur (ECR).
To develop the proposed Enterprise Collaboration Tool system, We have created a java based web application and used Oracle as my database to the application. All the required front end pages are created using jsp files, where the user interface is created. Following are few important jsp files used in this application and the detailed description and coding procedure followed is as discussed below
Login screen shot of the application is as shown below:
Login id and Password fields
Login id and Password fields are created on the html file and the tags like td and tr used to align the text fields in a table. Role based login is provided to the end user, where a user and administrator can login to the system. Different set of activities are designated to the user and admin and they are activated based on the login mode selected by the end user. When the user login to the system, they are provided with some links like Meeting, Scheduling and Calendar. These links are the basic activities that any user can perform related to their enterprise collaboration. If Admin is the user and after the successful login to the system, a welcome page is shown to the user as shown in the below screen.
Administrator is provided with the options like Create user, Update user and deletes an existing user. Admin user can create a new user by clicking on the link Create User and the basic coding logic used is as explained below
A jsp file adduser is created to add a particular user to the database. This jsp holds the logic to enter the required field attributes related to the user details and below code is used to add the user
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
Once the field values are entered to the jsp file, these values are finally added to the database. A database object is created to the Oracle database using Class.forName object and Driver manager is used to establish the connection to the database using thin driver. Below code is used to establish the connection to the database
ResultSet rset=null;
DBConnection dbcon=new dbgeneralimpl();
Similar type of coding is implemented to update and delete users. Below screen shot shows the procedure to add a new user.
Once the users are registered with the database, now the user can login to the system and perform the activities like Sending a message, view the messages and request for a new key as shown in the below screen shot
Once the user login is successful, they are navigated to the user home page with a welcome message and then the user can perform the activities mentioned above and the corresponding screen shot is as below
At the first login of the user, they should raise a request for new private key by clicking on the link at the left frame “Generate a New Private Key”. Once the action is performed, navigation is shifted to new key generation request page and the corresponding code is as discussed below
Connection c=null;
Statement st=null;
ResultSet rs=null;
DBConnection dbcon=new dbgeneralimpl();
String query="select userid from keygenerate_twm";
System.out.println("userid is : " +uuser1);
<tr><td> U R Already Have a Private Key </td></tr>
<% }
Random generator = new Random();
int ra = generator.nextInt(50000);
System.out.println("Random Value is : " +ra);
String query1="insert into keygenerate_twm(userid,keyvale,status) values(‘"+uuser+"’,’"+ra+"’,’pending’)";
System.out.println("Query 1 is : " +query1);
int in=st.executeUpdate(query1);
{ %>
<tr><td> Your Request is Send to Admin </td></tr>
<tr><td> process is Pending </td></tr>
User session is tracked by the session variable and the corresponding user id is fetched from the user login and based on the id, a query is build to the database table from keygenerate_twm. The coding logic first checks if the user has already a private key and if this is the case, an error message is displayed to the user and if this is the first time a user is requesting the private key, the logic is shifted toward new key generation. Random class is used to generate a random number and the same is updated to the table as the private key of the user and the corresponding status of the key request is updated by the administrator. Below screen shot shows the procedure discussed
Once a request is placed for a new Private key, now the users can track the status of the request by clicking on the link Private Key Status and the corresponding code used is explained as below
String query="select userid,keyvale,status from keygenerate_twm where userid=’"+uuser+"’";
System.out.println("Query is : " +query);
System.out.println("userid is : " +uuser1);
System.out.println("Key is : " +key);
System.out.println("Status is : " +sta);
<tr><td> Your Request is Pending </td></tr>
<% }
else if(sta.equals(‘Accept’))
<tr><td> Your Request is Accepted </td></tr>
Based on the user id that was fetched from the session attributes, a query is built to the database to know the current status of the private key request. A result set is built from the query statement created and based on the result set; the status is compared with pending and accepts. If and else loops are used to compare the status and the corresponding status is updated to the user as shown in the below screen capture
Now the administrators can login to the their respective role and can approve the request from the users regarding the private key and coding followed is as explained below
ResultSet rs=null;
DBConnection dbcon=new dbgeneralimpl();
String user=(String)session.getAttribute("user");
rs=st.executeQuery("select * from keygenerate_twm");
Below screen shot explains the procedure followed by the administrator
Once the requested for private key is accepted by the user, now the users can login back and check the status as shown in the below screen
Now the users can do rest of the activities like sending or receiving the data from different users and below screen shot shows the procedure to be followed
Once the user click on the Send message, they can select the desire users to whom they want to send the message and the corresponding screen and related code is as explained below
A list with the entire existing user is populated at the user interface and this is derived by constructing a query to the database table login_twm and the list values are populated using the option tag. Result set is used to fetch all the results from the users table and the particular user name is fetched using the statement rs.getString(1), where the first column of the row fetched is listed at the user interface and the corresponding screen shot is as shown below
Now the user can view the messages in their inbox by clicking on the link view message at the user interface and the corresponding code and screen shot are as shown below
onnection c=null;
Statement st=null;
ResultSet rs=null;
DBConnection dbcon=new dbgeneralimpl();
String sendid=null;
String user=(String)session.getAttribute("user");
rs=st.executeQuery("select * from messages_twm where receiverid=’"+user+"’");
System.out.println("SenderId is : " +sendid);
A session attribute is used to know the sender details and the corresponding receiver id is fetched from this session attribute. A query statement is built on the messages_twm, using the where condition and all the messages related to the current user are fetched from the database and displayed as shown in the below screen
Now the user can either view or delete the message and if the user clicks on the Open link, they can view the message after entering the valid private key of the user and the related code used to develop this logic is as explained below
String query="select keyvale from keygenerate_twm where userid=’"+senderid+"’";
System.out.println("Query Value is : " +query);
System.out.println("Key Value is : " +key);
<tr><td> Your Key is Validated Plz <a href=./OpenContent?receiver=<%=session.getAttribute("user") %>>Open Message
{%><tr><td> Your Key is Not Validated Plz <a href=./Authenticate.jsp>Re Login</a></td></tr>
Database connection is established and the corresponding key entered by the current user is validated across the database using the statement by fetching the original key of the sender. If both the keys match, now the user can open the message and Open content attribute is used to achieve this and if the key does not match an error message is displayed as shown in the below screens.
With the increase in internet and intranet usage across the world, there are many sophisticated security system in existing and each of them have their own pros and corns. Since decades the common approach followed to send the data across any secure network is to encrypt the data and there are many encryption and decryption techniques across the literature. In general encryption process involves the keys, which are always are required to encrypt or decrypt the original message and usually Public Key and Private Key pair is used proceed with the encryption.
Login id and Password fields
There are many public key encryption techniques and Identity based encryption is one among them. Identity based encryption involves public key encryption, where the required public key is generated using some arbitrary strings or random numbers like users email id, their social security number or their contact number and the job to generated to Private Keys is designated to a trusted third party and they are commonly called Private Key Generators (PKG’s).
These PKG is responsible for the Private Key Management and should hold the private keys of any user using a particular security system. In most of the cases due to lack of intelligence or security breaches, there is a lot of scope to loose the private key of the users and to recover the lost private key, there are some predefined sequence of steps to be followed.
There are many existing techniques to recover the lost private key and most of them are complex in nature and requires lot of computation overhead and to overcome these limitation, I would like to develop a simple and less complex private key generator and private loss recovery system that can be used across Identity based encryption (IBE). My application can prove that its simple in nature and the key recovery can be done using is a simple Cache database implementation.
Project background
Security has become the primary requirement across any organization to protect the data across their internal business relations. There are many security implementations in place to secure the content and messages being transmitted across the network. In general the communication parties relay on many encryption and decryption techniques available to secure the data and each of them have their own pros and corns.
Cryptography is the common technique used across the encryption process, where the entire message is broken to number of chippers. Each and every chipper has a key to encrypt or decrypt. In general all the traditional cryptographic techniques have a single to key to encrypt or decrypt the message. Later in the literature, the concept of two keys has emerged, one is known as public key and former is known as private key.
Public key is commonly public in nature, where it can be shared to any one across the network, where the private key is set as confidential information that can’t be shared publicly and this procedure is known as public key cryptography and is provided across most of the web applications using SSL. In a typical SSL methodology, a server can make its own public and private key.
The server’s public key is advertised across the internet. Senders who wish to send any data to server should know the public key of server and server converts the encrypted chipper text to plain text using the private key. Later digital certificates are introduced to eliminate the hackers to replace the public key of server and this process is known as Signing, where the certificates of the server are verified by a trusted center before sending or receiving any data.
Even there are few flaws across this implementation, where the identity of the user is not revealed and any third party can pretend as the trusted center and replace the confidential information. To avoid these situations, Identity based encryption will be used, where the generation of keys is purely depending on the information related to identity of the sender and receiver.
Identity based encryption is proved to be a successful implementation across many communication systems, where the required public or private keys are generated based on the personal identification attributes of the end user like their email id, Social Security Number or contact number.
In general a random number is assigned to their personal identification information. A separate Private Key Generator is used across the Identity based encryption, to issue the confidential private keys. Everything would work fine in the case of positive hypothesis and if in case the private keys issued by the PKG are lost, there are few techniques as well to recover the private key of a particular user.
I had found that all the existing techniques to recover the lost private key are complex in nature and really tedious to implement across small applications like Email or Content management systems. So I would like to extend the research to develop a simple and logical implementation to recover the private key lost by any user using a Cache database concept.
Problem Definition
Identity based encryption is implemented widely across many organizations and Government departments to secure the data and content. In general the public key is generated based on identification information of the end user such as telephone number or email id and the corresponding Private key is generated by a third party know as Private Key Generators (PKG’s). If the Private Key generated by the third party is lost by the user due to any reason, there are many existing techniques to recover them are discussed in Literature and Research analysis.
Most of the existing techniques depend on the User information and Organization information and the users need to answer some questions related to their personal information like Mothers maiden name etc, which are really difficult to remember in some cases. If the questions posed by the existing recovery system are not answerable, then the existing private key is lost permanently and the user should raise a new request to generate the private key again.
If this is the case, there could be chance of complex computation at the PKG side to generate a new private key always. To solve these problems, I would like to develop a Simple Private Key recovery system that uses the Cache database concept as discussed in the Proposed System description.
Proposed System
Based on the problems identified across the project background and problem definition, I would like to develop a less complex Private Key Recovery System. In this application I will provide two different logins, one is for User and one for Administrator. Users to the application are created by the Admin and a separate user id and password is assigned to each and every user.
Users can send message to other users based on the list provided at the user interface and also can raise a request for Private Key. This request is forwarded to Admin, where the admin will approve or reject the request and the status of the request can be tracked at the user side.
If the user forget or lost the private key, they can just click on the link provided to them, where the admin checks the request and sends the existing private key that was saved at the Cache database. Users can send any sort of data to the desired receiver and receiver should know the private key of the sender to view the data. Detailed description of the application is provided at the design chapter of this document.
Project Abstract: This Online Crime Investigation System software presents the part of an organization’s work as per the requirements, specifications, and conditions mentioned in the user manual. This application s/w has been developed and completed successfully and also tests successfully by taking “Test Cases” It is user-friendly and has all the needed menu options, which can be utilized by the user to perform the desired operations. Moreover, help messages are provided which will help any authorized user from using the system without trouble.
The proposed system is not limited presently. Presently we have to login to the system online and post the complaints. We can further develop the system by using the “Voice Recognition System”. So this project has got scope to get developed in the near future. The scope of the project exists throughout the life of the product development, testing and implementation.
Deployment of Application:
1) Copy the Online Crime Investigation System application folder to
2) Click on start.bat in the bin folder of tomcat
3) Create a User in Oracle as follows:
Now place the all tables in the table.txt file at the SQL Command Line
And type the following command
4) Create user DataSourceName(DSN) as
click –> Start—> Control Panel—> Administrative Tools
Software Requirements:
Operating System: Windows 98 or above
Front end : HTML & JAVA SCRIPT, J2EE(JSP,servlets,Ajax),
Back end : Oracle 8i
Web Server: Tomcat 5.5.9
Front end : HTML & XML
Middleware : J2EE(JSP)
Application server : Web logic 7.0
Crime Investigation System Screen Shots:
1. Crime Investigation System
Functional Overview
This module/screen is the Homepage for the Crime Investigation System Application.
Technical Overview
This module Admin or Police Department or Customer can login through screen and customer can register.
Customer Login ->Customer LoginScreen
AdminLogin ->Admin Login Screen
Home ->Application Homepage
Department Login ->Department Login Screen
Registration ->Customer Registration Form
2. Admin Login Screen
2.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to Admin Login Process.
Technical Overview
This module takes the valid Admin Username and password.
The particulars are valid you will get Admin Homepage otherwise it will displays the message “Invalid Login Information”.
Action Controls
Gets the particulars of the Admin Login Details.
Admin Homepage
Clear the fields on the form
Login Screen
3. Admin Home Screen
3.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to operate Administration Module.
Technical Overview
This module is used to create new Police Departments and updating the existed department details.
This module is used to create new thief Information and updating the existed thief information
Creating New Caution Information.
AdminLoginProcess->AdminHomePage Screen
Action Controls
New Department
Displays the New Department registration Form
Department Registration Form
All Departments
Displays the existed department details screen
List of departments
New Thief Information
Displays the New thief registration Form
Thief Registration Form
Thief Information
Displays the existed thief details screen
List of Thief Information
Displays Caution registration Screen
Caution Registration Form
4. Department Registration Screen
4.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to register New Department Information.
Technical Overview
This module takes the valid new Department Information and Login details.
These New Department particulars will be stored into “POLICE_DEPARTMENT” database table and login details into “LOGIN_MASTER” table.
New Department->Department Registration Screen
Action Controls
Gets The new Department information and login details from the form.
Stores the department data into table POLICE_DEPARTMENTlogin details into table LOGIN_MASTER
Clears the field in the form
New Department Registration form will be displayed
5. Updating Department Details Screen
5.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to Display the list of Department and Updating the department Information according to the Department Id.
Technical Overview
Click on Update then it will takes the Department Id and displays Screen2 (Popup Window).
All Departments->Department Details
Action Controls
Displays the Department information of selected Department Id.
Displays the Department Information Screen(Screen2)
Closes the Department Modification form
Displays All Department Screen (Screen1)
6. Thief Registration Screen
6.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to register New Thief Information.
Technical Overview
This module takes the valid new Thief Information.
These New Thief particulars will be stored into “THIEVES” database table .
New Thieves Information->Thief Registration Screen
Action Controls
Gets The new Department information and login details from the form.
Stores the thieves data into table THIEVES
Clears the field in the form
New Thieve Registration form will be displayed
7. Updating Thief Details Screen
7.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to Display the list of Thieves and Updating the thief Information according to thief Id.
Technical Overview
Click on Update then it will takes the thief Id and displays Screen2 (Popup Window).
If you select thief category then according to the selected Category it will Displays Screen3
Thieves Information->Thieved Information
Action Controls
Displays the Thief information of selected Thief Id.
Displays the Thief Information Screen(Screen2)
Closes the Thief Modification form
Displays All Department Screen (Screen1)
8. Caution Registration Form
7.1.2 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to Create New Cautions.
Technical Overview
This module takes the valid caution Information and will be stored into CAUTIONS Data Base Table.
Caution->Caution Registration Form
Action Controls
Gets the required input details.
caution Information and will be stored into CAUTIONSData Base
Clears the fields data
New Caution Form will be displayed
8. Department Login Screen
8.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used Department Login Process.
Technical Overview
This module takes the valid Username and password.
The particulars are valid you will get Department Homepage otherwise it will displays the message “Invalid Login Information”.
Department Login->Department Login Screen
Action Controls
Gets the particulars of the Department Login Details.
Department Homepage
Clears the Form Details
New Login Screen Will be displayed
9. Department HomePage
9.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to process the Department operations.
Technical Overview
In This module department can see his complaint details and thief information.
Updating complaint status and modifying the selected thief informtaion.
Department Login Process -> Department Homepage.
10. Requested Complaints
10.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used Display the complaints Information.
Technical Overview
Updating the complaint status by changing the options in the Modify column.
In options when the complaint status is ‘Closed’ then only you will get new option ‘ReOpen’ in the options
Requested Complaints->Complaints Status
Action Controls
Gets the modified details.
Changes the status of the complaint in COMPLAINT_REG Table
11. Thief Details Screen
11.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to Display the list of Thieves and Updating the thief Information according to thief Id.
Technical Overview
Click on Update then it will takes the thief Id and displays Screen2 (Popup Window).
If you select thief category then according to the selected Category it will Displays Screen3
Thieves Information->Thieve Information
Action Controls
Displays the Thief information of selected Thief Id.
Displays the Thief Information Screen(Screen2)
Closes the Thief Modification form
Displays All Department Screen (Screen1)
12. Customer Information
11.1.2 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to Display all registered Customer Details
Customer Information->Customers Information Screen
12. Customer Registration Screen
12.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to Customer Registration.
Technical Overview
This module takes the valid new Customer Information and Login details.
These New Customer particulars will be stored into “CUSTOMER_MASTER” database table and login details in “LOGIN_MASTER”.
Registration->Customer Registration Screen
Action Controls
Gets The new Customer information and login details from the form.
Stores the employee data into table “CUSTOMER_MASTER”
Clears the field in the form
New Registration form will be displayed
13. Customer Login Screen
13.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used Customer Login Process.
Technical Overview
This module takes the valid Username and password.
If The particulars are valid you will get Department Homepage otherwise it will displays the message “Invalid Login Information”.
If you forgot your password then click on Forget Password option.
Customer Login->Customer Login Screen
Action Controls
Gets the particulars of the Customer Login Details.
Customer Homepage
Clears the Form Details
New Login Screen Will be displayed
14. Customer HomePage
14.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to process the Customer operations.
Technical Overview
In this module customer can register his complaints and update the complaints.
Customer can modify the complaint information, if the status is “Pending”.
Checking the status of the complaints.
Displaying all department details.
Displaying all thief information.
Changing the personal details.
changing the password.
Customer Login Process -> Customer Homepage
15. Complaint Registration Screen
15.1.1 Overview
Functional Overview
This module/screen is used to register the new Complaint
Technical Overview
This module takes the valid new Complaint Information.
These New Complaint particulars will be stored into “COMPLAINT_REG” database table.
Wireless sensor networks have become popular these days due to their in terms of electronics, information processing and networking advancements. There are many applications across the Wireless Sensor networks and few of them are Health monitoring, forecasting and information processing.
There is lot of research done on the Wireless Sensor networks and there are few areas to be concentrated more the mainly the Traffic analysis, energy consumption and anomaly detection. This project helps in modeling the traffic analysis in various aspects like sequence relations among the packets that are being arrived, defining and modeling the traffic arrival rates across the WSN and load distribution of traffic across WSN.
This project proposes a technique to handle the network performance issues across the energy resource allocation process. An optimized energy allocation scheme is proposed in this project. Anomaly detection is done as per the traffic analysis across WSN. Main aim of this project is to consider three important problems in Wireless sensor networks and propose a solution to them.
One among these problems is to analyze the traffic caused by the incoming packets and model the traffic and also to model the sequence relationship among the arriving packets. Network optimization is also proposed based on the energy efficient resource allocation across the wireless sensor networks and finally to detect the anomalies based on the analyzed traffic.
Nodes Distance from the sink
Conclusion and future work:
Wireless Sensor networks are widely used across many real time applications and due to their demand they are widely accepted and integrated across every organization these days. In most of the applications all the deployed sensor nodes are inexpensive and all combined to act as a corporate network. Even though WSN is a good technology, there are some technical loop holes in the technology and there is lot of research done to overcome these limitations.
Most of the traffic dynamics in WSN technology are application dependent and there is no perfect traffic analysis model across WSN. In this project, It have done all the basic research on traffic analysis and modeling across WSN and proposed few optimization solutions for a perfect analysis and modeling sequence of traffic.
A window based scanning process is completely evaluated in this project to measure sequence relations among the arriving packets at individual sensors and all the sequence of packet arriving rates are mapped a character string to identify the exact sequence of packets and this character string can be used in perfect analysis and modeling of packets.
A typical ON/OFF model is used to measure the bursty traffic sequences. For better understanding the traffic dynamics, network optimization techniques are always required.
By traffic dynamics understanding WSN optimization research is activated. By designing WSN performance and energy consumption, communication traffic interrelation ship, information about energy consumption in network will be gathered and by energy resources availability performance investigation is preceded.
For correct deployment and future routing investigation results are useful. To minimize energy waste and maximized network life time optimized energy scheme is proposed by utilizing knowledge of symmetric dense WSN traffic load distribution.
When compared to internet which is traditional network, WSN traffic patterns are less dynamic and simple and this statement is derived by using research knowledge of traffic modeling and analysis.
By this information for whole network and individual nodes precise traffic profile is built because WSN normal traffic operations generate traffic which follow profiles of normal traffic and signals of normal traffic profile violated by irregularity.
In network optimization future work, limited resource inherent nature has high importance. In network processing node mobility bounds of fundamental performance are not clear. To verify WSN fundamental performance bounds, optimization model for network is designed and pre conditions of traffic model are option.
By centralized coordination algorithms optimal performance is achieved without network processing and mobility. So, for real implementation search is focused on distribution coordination algorithms development. For optimal energy for WSNs optimal resources are allocated. So, resources allocation development will be useful in WSN scenarios.
WSN anomaly detection will be very important in WSN by that for real deployment is available in WSN. In WSN anomaly detection packet traffic is necessary but it requires some support. In WSN alarm rates of high false are not acceptable and low probability events are malicious attacks. With alarm rates low false, anomaly detection system designing is hard.
When any problem is detected in network, detecting and recovering from that problem is necessary and some measures should be performed to recover from damage. In WSN future anomaly detection, emergency response strategies development will be need.
In this Simulation of Handoff Techniques in Mobile Cellular Networks project, the simulation procedure of hand-off techniques in mobile cellular networks has been presented. Several studies have been conducted to determine the cell hand-offs mean number and expected average strength of signal.
In literature part, the performance measures of MM1 queue and its waiting time distributions are estimated. To simulate both MMC and MM1 Queues, we made use of java coding. Also, we created a Queue class in java, where the clients of de-queue and en-queue are encoded.
We have also created histogram class to display results of simulation. At the end, the actual time as well as waiting time of both the queues is estimated and shown in the form of graphs.
Code and Results Explanation:
I have used to java coding to simulate the MM1 and MMC Queues. Below is the sample code of MM1 queue
double lambda = 0.6; // arrival rate
double mu = 0.8; // service rate
I have taken an initial service and arrival rates of the clients and in this case a single server and infinite clients are used with a queue length of infinity. I have created a Queue Class in java where the en-queue and de-queue of clients are coded. A histogram class is created to display the simulation results and the actual service time and waiting time are shown in graph form as shown in the below code
A random class is used to derive the service rate of the clients and the actual waiting time of the clients across the queue is also calculated using the below code
double nextArrival = StdRandom.exp(lambda); // time of next arrival
double nextDeparture = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
By default the next departure of the client is considered as infinity and this variable is updated during the execution of the project. Initially the condition if next arrival rate of the client is less than next departure of the next client is checked and if the condition is satisfied another condition like whether the queue is empty or not is checked. Once all the conditions are satisfied, next arrival rate of the client is assigned with a random number as shown in the below code
if (nextArrival <= nextDeparture) {
if (q.isEmpty()) nextDeparture = nextArrival + StdRandom.exp(mu);
nextArrival += StdRandom.exp(lambda);
If the above mentioned conditions fail, the actual waiting time of the client in the queue is calculated using the below code
double wait = nextDeparture - q.dequeue();
The actual queue size used in this process is also calculated along with the mean queue length as shown in the below code
After running this code the actual simulation results are as shown below
actual simulation results outputactual simulation results
MMC Queue simulation:
Similar procedure is used to develop the MMC Queue simulation but the number of servers considered in this process is 4 and the only code change is as shown below
double wait = (nextDeparture - q.dequeue())/4;
Now the actual wait time and mean queue length are decreased by 4 times using this MMC Queue implementation as shown in the below the screens
Peer to peer network has a wide role to play across the networking application and securing these peer groups has become really tough job.
Dynamic peer groups involve many nodes connected across the network architecture and to ensure the security across these peer groups there are many cryptographic techniques in implementation to share the secure information. To proceed with the encryption techniques, the public and private keys need to distributed across the peer to peer systems and proper authentication is required to share these keys.
There are many existing systems to distribute the keys, where a centralized key server is used to generate the keys and in this process, all the information related to the keys is available only with the centralized server and when ever the peers try to access this information, high computation cost is incurred on the server and thus the system performance is affected a lot.
Each and every node across the peer to peer network should individually re-key the generated keys when ever they join or leave the peer to peer system and this increase the computation speed.
I would like to develop a Queue batch algorithm, where the re-keying is done at a dynamic peer group, where this group is responsible for re-keying operation and thus the computation overhead is decreased a lot and the requirement of a dedicated centralized server is completely eliminated.
Performance of the proposed protocol will be efficient even in the case of frequent joins and leaves of the peer nodes across the system and thus it reduces the computation and communication cost a lot.
Aim: To develop a Queue batch algorithm that can implement the group level re-keying across dynamic peers and allows a less computation level collaborative key distribution.
Following are the objectives of this project
To understand the concept of Dynamic peer groups and the level of security requirements in collaborative key distribution process
To prepare literature review on existing key distribution algorithm for peer to peer systems and their limitations
To design Queue batch algorithm, where the keying and re-keying is done at each peer of the network and thus reducing the computation and communication overhead.
To develop a java based application that can demonstrate the proposed system practically
To test the application and document the results and observations
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The Intranet mail server Project in Java is communication software that helps the users of an Intranet to communicate with electronic mails. The mail service in the Internet is the most useful facility that enables the users of the Internet to send mails to any one who can be anywhere in the world. There is some free mail service providers such as HOTMAIL, YAHOO etc in the Internet. An user can have his account in any server.
Now it is necessary to an organization to establish a communication path over its Intranet to facilitate electronic mail service. Also, the Intranet Mail Server (IMS) system provides the facility of mail service locally.
Since the system is a mail service. The system has to follow the Internet standards. In technical point of view, there are two modules that are the Client module and the Server module. There are two protocols that have to be implemented for developing an mail software that are
These protocols are nothing but set of commands. In IMS, both the server and the client used these protocols i.e. the commands that are defined in these protocols to make communication between themselves. The two protocols have to be implemented both in the server module and the client module.
The following figure shows the place where POP 3 and SMTP fit into the TCP/IP protocol suite.
Mail Server Project Sub Systems:
The system is designed as Internet based application. The whole system is divided into following sub – system: