Data Acquisition Using Line Following Robot Project

Worked on a project entitled “Data Acquisition Using Line Following Robot”.

The main aim of this Data Acquisition Using Line Following Robot ECE B Tech student’s project is to design a robot which can acquire the information using sensors by following a line.

This entire major project was done for duration of 60 days and implemented successfully.

Refer to:

Project Report on Line Follower robot

Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) ECE Project

Undertaken a final year electronics engineering main project on UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply), UPS has been designed to provide emergency power supply to the load when input power supply fails. It consists of a battery, a transformer, an inverter and a rectifier circuit. The complexity of using separate inverter and rectifier circuits is reduced by using HEXFET which is a combination of both MOSFET and zener diode which will work as both inverter and rectifier. Apart from using HEXFET many other components like poly propylene capacitors and electromagnetic relays which are used for battery charging and protection of circuit. This project mainly deals to design a UPS which is better in terms of working efficiency.

Programmable temperature monitor & controller project

  • Project Title: Programmable temperature monitor & controller project
  • Technology used: Embedded system, Micro controller based, Embedded C Programming, Keil software tool.

Project Description: This Programmable temperature monitor & controller project is a digital temperature meter for final year electrical and electronics students which monitors and controls the heating element of the system according to user’s requirement. This project is used in “Industries to control and monitor the temperature of Boilers”. This project was developed under embedded c using Keil tool, micro controllers, sensors, other electronics instruments.

A wireless data acquisition & transmission system design Project

  • Project Title: A wireless data acquisition & transmission system design
  • Technology used: Embedded system and wireless communication.
  • Operating System: Windows XP professional

Project Description: The A wireless data acquisition & transmission system design final year embedded system technology project mainly consists of two modules:

Transmitter module and receiver module, transmitter module consists of sensors, these sensors acquire the data and receiver module having a server which receives the data from transmitter module using RF modules(Transmitter, Receiver ).

This engineering ECE project can be used in “vehicle tracking system to track the vehicle”.

This project was developed with microcontrollers, embedded c programming language, Keil IDE tools, temperature sensors, etc.

A wireless data acquisition & transmission system design abstract.

Projects Based On CAN Protocol

 List of projects based on CAN Protocol:

This category consists of projects based on CAN Protocol and CAN protocol based embedded projects. Here you can download can protocol final year project list and download project reports and abstracts for free of cost.

Users who are interested in getting this project can contact to the specified mail address and get project with  less cost.

Here are list of few Projects based on CAN protocol:

Network Security Protocol with Cryptography and RFID System ECE Project 




IR Remote Switch

The main aim and objective of the IR Remote Switch final year ECE project is to  switch on/off the Home Appliances like Lights, fans, TV, Computer AC, Refrigerator, Door Lock, Secret Cameras, etc by using a standard Remote control, It mainly consists of 6 major devices to control the Switches like on and Off. In Homes this electronics & communication Engineering technique can be used with 10 meters area. IR Remote Switch doesn’t work well when Home Appliances exceed 10 meters distance. To develop this project we used Infra-Red Sensor & Microcontroller.

Download IR Remote Switch final year ECE project

SMS Based Home Automation

Project on SMS Based Home Automation”.

Project Description:  The main aim of the SMS Based Home Automation Electronics & communication Engineering project is to develop an electronic application which uses GSM Mobile technology that keeps control of different electronics devices, this system executes clear output according to the message sent by the mobile phone. Just by sending message to GSM Modem interfaced to the microcontroller, here we are able to perform ON/OFF operation. The ranges of appliances that can be controlled through tele-remote systems many in numbers. By this SMS Based Home Automation project we will not only remotely control various electronic appliances but also ensure firm security of these devices. This Project was done at Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology for their final year project submission. The developer was worked on designing of circuits.

Face Recognition Project Abstract

Face recognition project we propose a new locality preserving projections based approach called as LPP is implemented for mapping images in to subspace for analysis. This approach is different from other approaches like principle component analysis and linear discriminant analysis approaches. Which works on limited analysis on image analysis? In this new method it considers local information and obtains facial subspace which will detect most of the facial manifolds. This system works on Laplacian faces technology which will eliminate basic unwanted variations like light, facial expressions.

For detailed information on this topic you can download entire project abstract.

download Face recognition project abstract.

PC Based SCADA Implementation Using Micro Controller AT89S52 Project

PC based SCADA Implementation Using Micro controller AT89S52 project explains about developing a atmospheric parameters using MAX232 micro controller and take required actions to control these parameters using a external systems like cooling systems ..etc. Sensors are used to sense information from surroundings and send information to personal computer.

Relays are used to control external devices for cooling temperature. Fan is connected to relays which will take input from micro controller to switch on or off the system. Micro controller is central part for taking decisions, code is written in c language and update them to micro controller with some instructions. Based on this instructions system is controlled.

download PC based SCADA implementation using micro controller project full documentation and circuit diagrams.

Traffic Controlling System For Ambulance

Project Title: Traffic Controlling System For Ambulance

Software’s Used:  Assembly language.

Project Description: The main aim & objective of this Traffic Controlling System For Ambulance project is to use to change Traffic signals in the way of Emergency vehicles like Ambulance, stopping conflicting traffic and allowing the Emergency vehicle right-of-way first.

The main feature of this application is to save people who mean accidents or who are a serious health problem. 

This Final year Electronics & communication Engineering final year project task is based on IR sensors. An external feature of this ECE system is sending SMS. This project was well coded with Assembly language.

Traffic Controlling System For Ambulance reference documents