Mobile Portability Java Project

Academic Main Project Title: Mobile Portability Java Project.

Technologies: Java, SERVLETS, JDBC, ORACLE 10G. HTML, DHTML, Java Script.

Web Server: APACHE TOMCAT Server.

Project Description: The main objective of developing this Mobile Portability Java based project is to allow the customers and clients to change their mobile network. This project was developed with Servlets, advanced java programming, oracle database server and JDBC connectivity. The main advantage is any user can change their mobile provide network whenever they want without any problem. Now a day’s Indian mobile networks like vodaphone, airtel, uninor, tata indicom, bsnl, and other networks providing the same mobile portability system for all mobile users.

Customer Service Desk .Net Project

Project Title: Customer Service Desk .Net Project

Software Technology:  C#.Net & ASP.Net, SQL Server 2008.

Abstract:  The main aim of developing this Customer Service Desk project is to provide effective client service in a company. This final year web project was developed with .Net.

The main advantage of this customer service .Net & SQL project is to give good feedback and service to all customers all over the world. This project comes under business sector domain. This is the mini project for third-year cse students.

Online collaboration system .Net Project

Project Title: Online collaboration system .Net Project

Software Requirements: Net Technologies.

Project Description: The main objective of developing this Online Collaboration system is to provide effective web tool for the team work management system. 

This project features include online communication system, online file sharing system, provide effective web boards, project tracking system, team management system.

User or employee after login into the project can view all messages, view their profiles, and know team information. This project was developed with .Net technologies for students.

Online collaboration system, Project Documentation, Paper Presentation, Abstract, database file.

Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the down Policy Project Work with code

Project Title: Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the down Policy Project Work with code

Software Requirements:  .Net Technologies.

Project Description: Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the Down Policy project works with source and receiver where source system IP address can be monitored and where we can send files from source to destination station with encryption and decryption methods. In this project trusted and non trusted systems played major role.

Download Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the down Policy Project with code, Project Documentation, Paper Presentation, Abstract, database file.

Orthogonal Data Embedding for Binary Images in Morphological Transform Domain-A High-Capacity App Project Work with code

Project Title: Orthogonal Data Embedding for Binary Images in Morphological Transform Domain-A High-Capacity App Project Work with code

Software Requirements:  .Net Technologies.

Project Description: This is final year project developed and well implemented on windows platform, this web application starts with image capturing where image got from local system disk and embedded the watermark data into that and we can encrypt and decrypt this image using embedded image and finally at end we can swap this image and will get the original image. The main advantage of this project is to provide data hiding in image processing.

Download Orthogonal Data Embedding for Binary Images in Morphological Transform Domain-A High-Capacity App Project with code, Project Documentation, Paper Presentation, Abstract, database file.

Dual-Link Failure Resiliency through Backup Link Mutual Exclusion Java Project Work with code

Project Title: Dual-Link Failure Resiliency through Backup Link Mutual Exclusion Java Project Work with code

Software Requirements:  Java Swings, Java, TCP/IP.

Project Description: The main idea of developing this Dual-Link Failure Resiliency through Backup Link Mutual Exclusion project is to provide best solution to the BLME problems. This based Java project was developed with Java Swings over the local area network. The protocol used in this application is TCP/IP. This project provides efficient methodology for dual-link failure resiliency. All engineering java lovers can download it and enjoy executing.

Download Dual-Link Failure Resiliency through Backup Link Mutual Exclusion Java Project with code, Project Documentation, Paper Presentation, Abstract, database file.

Remote Approach For Effective Task Executing And Data Accessing Tool Project Source Code

Remote approach for effective task executing and data accessing tool project Abstract:

Remote approach for effective task executing and data accessing tool project is a cse 2010 project which is implemented in java platform. This project is useful for performing remote operations on different active nodes connected in a network.

Initially new nodes are to be added to the network once it is completed we can perform remote operation in network. Add Nodule module helps users to add new node to the existing network. Using remote task manager users can shut down, open notepad, work on calculator and win word.

Detailed explanation about this project is provided in project report.

download Remote approach for effective task executing and data accessing tool project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Domain Name Service System With Secured Manner Project Source Code

Domain name service system with secured manner project Abstract:

Domain name service system with secured manner project is a 2010 cse project implemented in java platform. This project is used in mapping of ip address to host names and provide secure data transfer between sender and receiver. Existing system works on RSA algorithm which is a manually generated security key.

This method uses two prime numbers for creating new key pair which is not a effective method. In this method there are chances of mathematical and brute force attacks. Here private key is available on network.

Considering these issues we implement a secured cryptography method where both private key and public key are used for encryption and decryption. While sending data messages are encrypted with public key and on receiving site private key is used for decryption.

Detailed explanation about project is provided in project report and paper presentation.

 download Domain name service system with secured manner project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Car Sales Website Html Project Work with code

Project Title: Car Sales Website Html Project Work with code

Software Requirements:  HTML, Java Script, MS Access, CSS.

Project Description: The main idea of developing this Car Sales Website Html Project is to provide simple website for car sales system. 

This cars project was developed with HTML and MS access. Users of this project can login with their user name and password can search different car models, price, manufacture date, engine mileage, petrol or diesel car, etc.

Car Sales Website Html Project with code, Project Documentation, Paper Presentation, Abstract, MS Access database file.

Spread Node Relocation By Effective Tolerant Process Project Source Code And Project Report

Spread Node Relocation by effective tolerant Process project Abstract:

Spread Node Relocation by effective tolerant Process project is a 2010 cse project which is implemented in java platform. This application is used in networking systems for finding out broken links and recovers broken links by using backup nodes. Information of each route in maintained in cache table and information is updated in tables when updates are available. Whenever broken link is found  new link information will be notified which are cached in distributed manner.

This method is effective compare to fault identification in distributed system, Two reasons for better performance is path catches and link maxlife method which are time out method for finding out broken links. Models which are implemented in this application  are Topology generation, Node Migration, Message Transfer Node Status Updating

 Detailed explanation about this project is provide in project report and project base paper.

download Spread Node Relocation by effective tolerant Process project base paper pdf, source code in java  and project report with ppt