Resorts Management System Full Stack Website which is based on the user interface that is front end project which can be used by the customers to access the different types of rooms according to their needs and other facilities of the resort which include a banquet hall, restaurant service, rooftop pool service, etc. On our Resorts Management System website, we have included all the relevant details that user wants to access while searching for a resort, it has all valuable data or information.
Also if the user has any query regarding any service they can send us the message for the website. In our project, the Resort website that we have made is fully responsive which helps users to access it on any device or at anytime, anywhere. This application will help to improve services for tourists and also improve the revenue source for our resort.
In the present time, there is a great rush in Resorts, as these have become a necessity for everyone in the society. People travel a lot, stay in hotels and resorts, goes to the hotels for functions, meetings, and refreshments. Our Resorts Management System project is developed keeping in mind the general needs of the customers when he goes to the resort. We cannot deny that we are now in much more technological improvement and especially for business, shifting from a manual process to online.
It focuses on giving the customer all the information about the park and its activities. If a customer wants to come to the park, he can see the facilities available and know the park rates’ impact online. This will also save time for our customers as well as the administration with online booking instead of on-site booking. This Resorts Management System is very secure due to the availability of login and password options. Creating profits and achieving customer satisfaction is the main goal of our system.
Providing customer satisfaction is the main objective of our project. And we have also been taking care of the expectations of the users when they search for some resort for their holiday or any other event. It focuses on giving the customer all the information about the resort, and photos of the resort, and also help them to see the various room in the resort and book them in advance, various other pages are the About Us page, Facilities Page, Faqs page and Contact Us page, Blog Page. If any customer is willing to come to the resort, he/she can see the facilities available and can know the cost-effectiveness of the resort online.
This will also save time for our customers as well as management by booking online instead of booking on the spot. The resort system Full Stack & Bootstrap project’s main idea is to develop an online web-based application that is accessible to all and to create a scope for visiting tourists from different geographic locations.
Technology Used:
- HTML: The page layout will be designed in HTML
- CSS: It is used for designing
- JAVASCRIPT: To Program the behavior of web pages
- Bootstrap: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for creating responsive, mobile-friendly websites.

- Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 or Linux
- Vs Code or any other text editor
- Chrome or any other browser
Teamwork plays a vital role to make any project successful. It needs the participation of every single member. Our team comprises four members and work will be equally divided among each member so that every member of the group can contribute and can give their best efforts on the Resorts Management System project.
Besides the above achievements, we still feel the project has some limitations, listed below:
- Limited information provided by this system
- Since it is an online Resort project, customers need an internet connection
- People who are not familiar with computers or using online websites can’t use this software
- Heavy traffic leads to failure or long wait issues
Online has got a clear advantage over the manual system. The Online Resort system is more reliable, efficient, and fast at the end of the project. I can say that online websites play a very crucial role in the development of the firm.
- Thus we have proposed a Resort Fullstack Website.
- It eliminates the 3rd party website completely ( MakeMyTrip, Goibibo, Trivago )
- This software aims at reducing paperwork & provide multiple facilities to users with fewer efforts and Access to the Portal according to choice & availability.
We have prepared a full-fledged working website on named Resorts Management System. It is a website based on the Resort Management system and displays various facilities and services offered by the resort. We have displayed various features of our resort-like hotels, rooftop, spa, swimming pools, banquet halls, etc. The central objective of our Full Stack & Bootstrap Project website is to provide an online facility for accessing all the services of our resort.
We have created a platform where customers can directly communicate with us and can overcome the problems of manual system and third-party platform issues. This Full Stack & Bootstrap Project aims at reducing paperwork and provides multiple facilities to users with less effort. Users can access the portal according to choice and availability.