CSE Minor Project on Data Analysis of IT Sector in India using Big Data

Statement about the Problem:-

The IT industry is continuously growing in India, but there hasn’t been any tool yet that can analyze this sector’s growth with such a large dataset with immediate results. Such a problem can be addressed using a tool that can fetch any analysis-related query on huge datasets and can give immediate results.

Why is the particular topic chosen?

This topic finds its relevance in the analysis of growth of the IT industry of India to judge the increase in the number of IT companies in various states and at the central level too.

This tool would be able to handle huge sized datasets of companies which normally are found to be difficult to access in a fast manner to fetch relevant results

Objective and scope of the project

Using a dataset of companies to:

  • Observe IT growth in India for the past few decades in terms of various factors such as Sate wise growth to understand the development needed in the same.
  • Understand private and public sector growth of industries in India.
  • Understand the capital investment involved in various sectors of industry and many more.

Methodology/Process description:-

Dataset of companies which is huge in size will be first accessed through Cloudera software using Hadoop technology.

Using this technology, various queries would be coded down to use the dataset to give back all the results needed in minimal time.

Those results would then be converted into graphical representation to study the growth.

Required Resources :


  1. Cloudera
  2. Eclipse

What contribution would the project make?

  • This will help in studying the IT structure of India.
  • Various parameters needed to decide future steps to be taken for improvement in various states can be figured out using this analysis.
  • Analyzing growth patterns of various industries in India.
  • It is ultimately creating a tool that would be able to handle any big size of industry data and would give much faster statistical results than normal processors.

The Schedule of the project

  • Identify Statistics needed: (2 days)
  • Data Acquisition: (5 days)
  • Process/Clean Data: (1 week)
  • Exploratory Analysis: (1 week)
  • Designing Queries: (5 days)
  • Creating code: (5 days)
  • Implementing Code & Validation: (1 week)
  • Debugging code: (5 days)
  • Running code and fetching results: (1 week)
  • Graphical Conversion of results: (5 days)
  • Visualize Results: (5 days)