Women Security Band – Smart and Handy Security Device for Women Project

Objective :

  • To design and develop a smart and handy security device for Women.
  • To alert people in its vicinity and relatives of the victim about the attack and also get help from emergency services.
  • To track the user using google maps under crucial situations.
  • The module developed should be capable to work automatically under crucial situations.

Introduction :

Women Security device is a device that will help women to walk freely in the streets anywhere and at any time. The goal of the women’s security device is to protect women from getting molested in different ways like rape, sexual harassment, abuse, etc. There are existing apps or devices to provide security to women but there are drawbacks to these existing apps or devices. So to overcome such drawbacks and provide security in an enhanced way we are going to propose the women’s security device.

Technical Details :

Following modules/sensors to detect the crucial situation:

1. Pulse rate sensor:

Pulse rate will be the major parameter for the security device because
whenever the person is in danger person’s heartbeat gets increased. So using this parameter we can consider that person can be in danger.

2. Temperature sensor:

This is the second parameter that can be considered when the person is in
danger its temperature starts decreasing so this can be considered as one of the parameters to detect that the person is in danger.

3. Motion sensor:

This is the third parameter we can consider as when the person is in danger due to
fear or anxiety person’s body starts shaking or shivering. So this can be considered as another parameter to send alarm message or call to relatives.

4. Voice Recognition.

We will be using this parameter as well to detect dangerous situations. We will be recording the “HELP” word and when the person shouts when is in danger then by detecting and comparing it with the already recorded word and if it crosses a certain limit of intensity range then we can consider it as a dangerous situation to send alarm message or call to the relatives of the person.

Using the above sensors will provide input to our device
Also to track the user and send emergency messages to listed
contacts and to the nearest police station two modules are used

Problem Statement

To develop an easy-to-carry system that will work automatically without any manual inputs to provide security for women.
Importance of the project.

The expected outcome of the project

A wearable security device that will be user-friendly and feature train the device according to different users. Module to add and remove authorized people for sending alerts to them. Location will be considered while sending alerts.

Functional Requirements:

The user of the Bracelet:-

1. System would Identify the critical situation and normal situation automatically.
2. System would get emergency help automatically when the victim is under attack.
3. System would Blink the LED for 10 secs when a critical situation is detected.
4. Track the nearby victim/friend/relative in an emergency using Google Maps.
5. System would alert the vicinity people.
6. System would get emergency help when the SOS button is pressed manually.
7. Add the contact numbers of friends/relatives on the application to ask help for in an emergency.
8. Login with the already provided unique number using the mobile application.
9. Save the button on the System to write those numbers into GSM.
10. Reset button on the System to reset all previously saved numbers into GSM.

Other than the victim/ User of the Bracelet:-

1.Log in with a verified mobile number.

2. Track the nearby victim/friend/relative in an emergency using Google Maps.

External Interface Specifications:

1. User Interface:-

The user of the Band:-

1. Login.
2. Add the contact numbers of friends/relatives.
3. Tracking the victim using Google Maps.

Other than victim/ User of the Band:-

1. Login.
2. Tracking the victim using Google Maps.

2. Database:-

Firebase Cloud will be used for real-time database storage.

3. Google Maps API will be used for tracking the user.

Technical Specification: There will be one android app and a smart band.

Languages & Technologies:

Languages: C, C++, JAVA, Firebase database
IDE: Arduino, Android Studio

Online Judge – Online Assessment of Programming Assignments Project

Online Judge Objective :

To create an automatic testing system that checks programming assignments/problems wherein teachers add problems and students submit programs.

Abstract :

The online judge will be a system that can be used for the online assessment of programming assignments. The system will have a resemblance with websites such as hackerrank, code forces, etc which provide a platform for competitive programming. A similar system can be deployed in colleges for the submission of practical assignments online. It will be a system where college faculty will have to design the problem statements and prepare test cases that need to be tested on the code submitted by the students and the expected output for each test case. The system will execute the code on all test cases and compare the output generated by the code with the expected output.

Briefs about Contents:

1. Introduction:

Online Judge will be a system that checks for the correct output of a program. As the name suggests the Online Judge will judge the correctness of the programs submitted to it on various parameters like accuracy, time complexity, space complexity, etc.

The purpose of the system is to create a platform where aspiring programmers can improve their coding skills and compete with others and make themselves well-acquainted with the sport of competitive programming. The system also aims at creating the interest of computer science students in competitive programming.

2. Technical Details :

The system will be a web-based interface that will provide a problem setting to faculty and problem description for students and an editor to type his code and submit it. Three languages will be provided. C++, Java, and Python.

3. Working:

The product will check the output of the program submitted by the end-user by comparing it with the sample output already fed to the system by the person who has designed the problem. The sample test cases will be given by the problem designer and the code submitted by the student will be checked on all the test cases.

The time complexity and Space complexity of the program will also be checked by adding a time limit and memory limit. Role of the students: To think of the algorithm for the problem statements. Implement the algorithm using an appropriate programming language. Make a timely submission. Role of the faculties: Faculty will have to give a precise description of the problem statement. They will have to create test cases considering all the scenarios of the problem. Faculty will have to give the format of the input and the output.

4. Applications:

This system can serve as an assignment submission interface as well as a practice site for programming problems thereby improving the programming skills of the students.

Simple 2D Graph Plotting C++ Mini Project Source Code & Report

Simple 2D Graph Plotting Abstract

Simple 2D graph plotting is a mini-project implemented on C++ platform to plot two dimensional graphs. The main module used in the program is ‘graphics.h’ which includes various predefined functions to achieve drawing lines, circles, and mouse applications.

We can include two separate graph plot data in a single plot data object. We can also initialize the plot data objects with the range of the graph to be viewed. While calling the plot() function we also have an option to give different colors to different graphs. The axes are automatically constrained to the range of the graph. But some functions will also be provided to extend the axes span.


Mathematics is a common subject that we keep learning right from our kindergarten till higher studies which includes many equations which can be represented graphically. The graphs of the equations are used to analyze and solve the equations. The main idea behind the Simple 2D graph plotting application had taken birth when we ourselves had faced the problem to draw the graphs of any given mathematical equations to solve them. So we have designed an application that takes the mathematical equation as input and displays the graph in Cartesian plane.

Objective of the Project

The main Objective while implementing this Simple 2D graph plotting application was to simplify drawing graphs of any mathematical equations and thereby the analysis of those mathematical equations is made easy by judging their respective graphs.


This Simple 2D graph plotting application has been totally developed on the C++ platform by using ‘graphics.h’ exclusively for the implementation of Graphical User Interface. The IDE we used was      Dev C++. The application can be run on any computer with basic specifications.


Using this Simple 2D graph plotting application will make life very simple for students who study Mathematics mainly for higher studies of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Various concepts and phenomena in Physics and Chemistry are explained mathematically and represented graphically. In each and every such concept or phenomenon this application is useful which displays the graph by taking the mathematical equation as input.

The main Objective while implementing this Simple 2D graph plotting application was to simplify drawing graphs of any mathematical equations and there by the analysis of those mathematical equations is made easy by judging their respective graphs. We designed the program in such a way that it perfectly matched our objectives.

The below figuare shows Graph of a Quadratic Equation

Future Scope

The next version of this Simple 2D graph plotting application will have many more features like :

  • Two different graphs can be drawn and compared at a time.
  • The front end of the application can be designed in a web page.
  • The application can be made usable online.
  • The application can be released in Android version.

Download the Simple 2D Graph Plotting C++ Mini Project Source Code & Report, PPT.

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