Distributed Management System Project Source Code In Java And Report

Distributed management system project Description:

Distributed management system project is useful for companies to analyze products sales by manger of company by collecting data from distributers, sales managers, representatives..etc. This application is a web based application which will help to upload sales data from different sources. Distributed management system consists of five modules where each module has separate functionalities. Manager and admin has access to all modules.

This application helps in analyzing product sales in different areas and provides clear information on where advertising is required to grow business.

Here we provide distributed management system project abstract, documentation, database and full project documentation for free.

download distributed management system project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Cyber Credit Card System Project Source Code In Java And Report

Cyber credit card system project Description:

Cyber credit card system project is developed to provide more secured payment method for shopping using credit card. In present system usage of credit card had increased for paying amount through online or in shopping malls at the same time frauds on credit card also increased. In order to solve this problem we use this system in which for every credit card payment validation is done based on security number expiry date and discount products and if all these information is correct then balance is deducted from bank account.

Here we provide cyber credit card system project abstract, screen shots, work flow diagrams, and paper presentation.

download cyber credit card system project source code in java and project report with ppt.

Advanced Secured System Project Source Code In Java

Advanced secured system project Description:

Advanced secured system project is implemented in java platform. This application deals with maintain server based information. Secured system works as a middle man between client and server for handling client requests and responding to client for file transferring mail and chatting..etc. This system acts as firewall between client and server. Though there are many related software applications in market but this one is cost efficient and platform independent.

Main functionalities of this project are Provide mail and chat services and project server form virus, fast transferring of data, strong authentication and resource sharing.

Here we provide advanced secured system project abstract, screen shots, final documentation and code.

download advanced system project abstract source code in java and project report with ppt.

Secure Multi signature generation for group communication project source code

Secure Multi signature generation for group communication project Description:

Secure Multi signature generation for group communication project explains about providing solution of secure data transmission compare to existing individual signature method. In this project we explain about group signature schemes where more than one member needs to collectively sign an arbitrary message. This method will reduce attacks on network compare to other similar schemes available. Multi signature scheme is based on distributed key management infrastructure which works on DKG and DKRU protocol.

Download secure multi signature generation for group communication project source code in java and project report with ppt and reference documents.

Mobile Payment Service System Project Source Code In Asp.Net And Report

Mobile payment service system project Description:

Mobile payment service system project is web based mobile payment application which is implemented in java platform specially designed for PDA or mobile phones. In present trend mobile technology usage had increased with 3g and 4g services included in mobile devices had created scope for developing mobile apps and online web portals for mobiles. In this project we implemented mobile payment methods for shopping applications, which works efficiently with small file size with low memory capacity using low bandwidth of wireless hand held devices.

In order to develop mobile applications java is best software which will provide Graphical user interface with enhanced features.

Detailed explanation about Mobile payment service project is provided in reference documents.

download Mobile payment service project source code in java and project report for free download.

Encryption Algorithm Project Source Code In Java And Project Report

Encryption algorithm project Description:

Encryption algorithm project is implemented in java platform. This application is used for providing security for data by converting normal data in to different format and transfer to end user where decryption algorithm are used to re convert to correct format. Encryption algorithms are used in wireless communication networks, military, mailing, voice data…etc. Now a day’s every application use different encryption methods. Gmail, yahoo mail use different encryption algorithms for providing security or mails.

In this paper we study basic concepts of AES Algorithm, RC4 algorithm and Triple DES algorithm  and their implementation methods.

Here we provide Encryption algorithm source code files and final document for free download.

download Encryption algorithm project source code in asp.net and project report.


Keyword Rank Checker Project Source Code In Java

Keyword rank checker project Description:

Keyword rank checker project is one of the important tool used in seo marketing for knowing rank of website and take required steps to improve rank of website. In present trend website business is one of the fast growing business which is used to improve search ranking of website and allow websites to get better rank in search engine. There are many software applications available on online which helps in finding keywords. This application is also related to seo marketing, by implementing this we can understand basics on google search engine ranking and keywords basics.

Here you can download project files, test files, build, src ..etc.

download keyword rank checker project source code in java for free.

Project Management System Project Source Code In Java

Project management system project Description:

Project management system project is used in software companies for efficiently organizing project form starting stage to ending stage and allocating works to different departments form designing, coding, testing and management. Using this application company can handle many projects at a time which will save time and human resource. Project management system application maintains budget of the project and resources required for implementing this project and provide time for project to complete and also manages information of clients documents and requirements.

Here we provide project management system project database, source code is provide in .war format, and sql file.

download project management system project source code in java.