Constructing Inter Domain Packet Filters To Control Ip Spoofing Based On BGP Updates Project Source Code

Constructing inter domain packet filters to control ip spoofing based on BGP updates project Description:

Constructing inter domain packet filters to control ip spoofing based on BGP updates project is a 2008 cse project which is implemented in java language as front end and MS-Access for back end. This project explains about analyzing problems that are caused form distributed denial of service attacks and its effect on internet in order to research on this topic we implement a simple and efficient inter domain packet filter model architecture which can reduce level of IP spoofing problem on internet.

One of the best features of this scheme is it works without global routing information. IDPF works on border gate way protocol which will help to get routing information by deploying it on border routers in network architecture.

Here we provide entire project source code in java and project documentation and data base.

download Constructing inter domain packet filters to control ip spoofing based on BGP updates project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with PPT.


Securing User Controlled Routing Infrastructures Project Source Code

Securing user controlled routing  infrastructures project Description:

Securing user controlled routing  infrastructures project is a cse 2008 project which is implemented in java platform for front end and MS-Access for back end.

This project explains about analyzing issues that are occurred in routing system when data is transmitted with un trusted third parties in order to solve this problem we propose simple light weight cryptographic  model for forward infrastructure which can handle security vulnerabilities. Using this method can solve large scale attacks which can be applied at different levels as Data router and Network pointers.

Here we provide entire project source code in java and project documentation.

download Securing user controlled routing infrastructures project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Temporal Partitioning Of Communication Resources In An Integrated Architecture Project Source Code

Temporal partitioning of communication resources in an integrated architecture project Description:

Temporal partitioning of communication resources in an integrated architecture project is 2008 project which is implemented in visual C# .Net platform. This project explains about using DECOS integrated architecture for reducing side effects of interfering software components in shared resource.

Sharing information on a single link on integrated architecture uses shared resources for multiple application subsystems. At the same time CPU usage and memory of each sub system are used along with multiple software components of each node. Using these software components will reduce performance of the system and waste of memory so in order to solve this problem we use DECOS integrated architecture.

Here you can download entire project source code and documentation of the project with reference documents.

download Temporal partitioning of communication resources in an integrated architecture project base paper pdf, source code in Asp.Net and project report with PPT.


Statistical Techniques For Detecting Traffic Anomalies Through Packet Header Data Project Source Code

Statistical techniques for detecting traffic anomalies through packet header data project description:

Statistical techniques for detecting traffic anomalies through packet header data project is 2008 cse project which is implemented in visual studio .net platform. In this project we propose three techniques, Traffic analysis at the source, general mechanism for detection and tracing packet. We use these techniques for detecting anomalies using the data shown in header.

In present scenario denial of service leads to implementing new methods for identifying the network traffic. In this paper we propose a effective traffic analysis tool which can detect traffic and take precautions before any packet gets attacked. Network traffic can be analyzed by using information of destination ip address in egress router.

Here you can download entire project report , source in java with traffic client and traffic server and database with reference documents.

download Statistical techniques for detecting traffic anomalies through packet header data project base paper pdf, source code in java and project report with ppt.

Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Hidden Markov Model Project Source Code

Credit card fraud detection using hidden markov model project description:

Credit card fraud detection using hidden markov model project is 2008 project which is implemented in visual studio platform.  This project is useful for researches for solving problems that are caused from credit card frauds. In this paper we propose a method which is taken from sequences of hidden markov model and proposes a system which can handle credit card fraud detection.

As the usage of internet is growing and new payment methods are increasing in offline and online. Away from web there are many places where usage of credit card had increased at the same time survey shows frauds in this field are also increasing at same rate. Many researches are working on new models for solving this problem. This project is part of that research which will take part in solving this problem.

download credit card fraud detection using hidden markov model project base paper pdf, source code in and project report with ppt.

BRA A Bidirectional Routing Abstraction For Asymmetric Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Project Source Code

BRA A Bidirectional Routing Abstraction for Asymmetric Mobile Ad Hoc Networks project is a 2008 CSE project which is implemented in java project. This project describes features of BRA for unidirectional links in networks for improving connectivity and add extra features like reverse routing forwarding packets to enable off the shelf routing protocols and also finding packet loss in a unidirectional network.

Mostly mobile networks work on  bidirectional networks. In this paper we cover different issues that arise in asymmetric links and provide solution using BRA. Simulators are used for testing performance of the system.

Here we provide entire project report and source code which can be downloaded for free of cost.

download BRA A Bidirectional Routing Abstraction for Asymmetric Mobile Ad Hoc Networks project cse base paper pdf, project source code in java and project report with ppt

An Efficient Association Rule Mining Algorithm In Distributed Databases Project Source Code

An Efficient Association Rule Mining Algorithm In Distributed Databases project Description:

An Efficient Association Rule Mining Algorithm In Distributed Databases project is a 2008 project which is implemented in java platform. This project describes about relation between alarm correlation in networking system which works on data mining. Existing system works on sequential algorithms to distributed database which is not accurate because the amount of over head it need to handle is in large amount. In this paper we propose a effective model called EDMA which works on pruning, in this method it will reduce total number of candidate sets and exchange messages. Detailed explanation of this project is provided in base paper and you can test this application by downloading entire project source code in java.

download An Efficient Association Rule Mining Algorithm In Distributed Databases project base paper pdf, source code and project report with ppt.

A Precise Termination Condition Of The Probabilistic Packet Marking Algorithm Project Source Code

A precise termination condition of the probabilistic packet marking algorithm project Description:

A precise termination condition of the probabilistic packet marking algorithm project is a 2008 project which is implemented in java platform. Main aim of this project is provide solution for denial of service problem form improving network security by implementing PPM algorithm which was introduced by Savage et al. 

As there were many researched carried out to solve DOS attacks problems there are many new methods proposed like push back message, ICMP trace back and packet filtering techniques. But PPM algorithm is most efficient method which had contributed for research. This base paper covers in detail about PPM functionality and its implementation. 

Here you can download project source code, database and full documentation and how to run file will help you to run the project. 

download A precise termination condition of the probabilistic packet marking algorithm project base paper pdf, project source code in java and project report with ppt. 

An Innovative Approach For Computation Of Data In Shortest Paths Project Source Code

An innovative approach for computation of data in shortest paths project Description:

An innovative approach for computation of data in shortest paths project is a 2008 project which is implemented in java platform. This project proposes a new method for finding shortest path between source and destination based on time which works on two methods called random discretization and path delay discretization. This method is alternate method for presently used Dijkstra’s algorithm which works on predefined weight.

In this process source node sends data to neighbor node which will check whether it is destination node else it will append its details and send it to its neighbor node and this process continues until it is reached to exact node. In this process we will calculate entire path and time delay between nodes and time taken by source to reach destination.

Here we provide entire project source code, database, and full documentation and procedure for executing this project.

download An innovative approach for computation of data in shortest paths project base paper pdf, source code in java, project report and ppt.

Source Code For Fuzzy Control Model Optimization For Behavior-Constant Traffic Routing Under Information Provision Project

Fuzzy Control Model Optimization for Behavior-Constant Traffic Routing Under Information Provision project Description:

Fuzzy Control Model Optimization for Behavior-Constant Traffic Routing Under Information Provision project is a 2008 project which is implemented in visual studio .net platform. This project describes about analyzing performance of congested dynamic traffic networks and developing H-infinity filtering approach for a fuzzy model which is used to determine consistent and effective performance of network. In this paper we propose a method by adjusting member ship function parameters which will deal with nonlinearities and modeling errors, this approach will help fuzzy model to improve its performance model.

Here we provide entire project code in .net with entire database.

download Fuzzy Control Model Optimization for Behavior-Constant Traffic Routing Under Information Provision project base paper pdf, source code in .net and project report with ppt.